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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. The Headline (actually not even worth a headline) would have read.... "Campbells and some other people miss ship because Bob's Bait, Tackle and Tour Guides can't get to the tenders on time". That's not nearly as compelling.
  2. All this drama and all these interviews and still not one mention of the cruise tour operator, who are they. We know they didn't do what they said they did (like contacting the Capt of the ship). Saw a brief mention that they took the LATE 8 shopping instead of returning to the tender on time. Nothing like getting a little kick back from a shopping spree. They just dropped them off at the tender site, with the last tender gone? Waived goodbye and said "see 'ya....wouldn't want to be 'ya"! Poof! Just like that, they've washed their hands of this drama filled fiasco and it was their fault to begin with. Seems they've skulked into the shadows so no one can find them.
  3. @Ashlynkat...thank you for giving us a first hand account. You're just trying to enjoy your cruise along with your other 2,000+ guests. And, then have to endure this drama with other passengers literally missing the ship. It sounds like the couple got their face plastered all over the news actually did rebound the ship. Given there were probably no lawyers jumping out of their chairs to litigate this made their threats to not reboard, and forfeit their entire cruise fare, less than attractive. One last thing.....I've had occasion to need the on board Medical Centers for minor issues.....dispensing meds for stomach ailments, x-rays to check for broken bones, etc. Limited experience, but I'd say I would not be one who would want them treating anything major like a stroke. That is better left to a land based hospital. Their medical personnel, while nice folks, didn't give me the impression they were either trained or experienced enough to treat anything serious.
  4. Of course they can. I was just thinking the same thing. Heck, cruise lines used to issue lifetime bans for people who contested their fares with the credit card companies. They perhaps still do that for all I know. The rules are put in place. We agree to them when we pay our fares. Some don't think they should have to comply with the rules (as in this case). It's kind of "I like the rules unless they pertain to me" mentality!
  5. Ohhhh....you're kind. No covered loungers aside from those in the Spa...at least none that I saw. We only had rain one day, and it was only for a few hours. Haven Sun Deck with Infinity Pool and bar is on Deck 16. Very nice area, but not covered. You can find seats/couches with umbrellas, though. There is no Observation Lounge. But, the Haven bar and restaurant area is quite large...comfy chairs, couches, lots of windows...plenty of places to sit and hang out if it's inclement weather (or, even if the weather is fine). It's a great ship. I'm sure you'll love it.
  6. Speaking of which....I'm shopping a cruise on the NCL Joy either to Bermuda this summer or Canada this Fall.
  7. Huh? Goodwill gesture! Pretty much run its course. This time next week this will be a "remember the time those people in Africa missed the ship?"
  8. I've done "non-sponsored" excursions unaffiliated with any cruise line. They were pretty risk free....mostly personal taxi guides. Always given strict instructions to have me (us) back to the ship at least an hour before all aboard time (preferably 2, just in case...). Non-sponsored tour? Taking a tender? No tour operator responsibility? Nope! Again, waiting to hear what the tour operator has to say. Why isn't anyone interviewing them? Or, are they incommunicado since this whole thing started?
  9. There's a reason those NCL excursions cost more. NCL gets their cut. But, they also get tour operators who LOVE to have a steady and reliable stream of business like partnering with a cruise ship. So, it behooves them to perform well for them (and ultimately, the guests). As an aside, I know if I add my Latitudes discount and the $50 excursion credit via FAS, the NCL excursions are not a bad deal at all.
  10. Glaringly omitted is anyone interviewing the tour operators to find out why they were late and to corroborate the little they've stated so far!
  11. That's a very good point. They are purposely shading some pertinent facts here and trying to play on the fact that these people were late to reboard. We know the last tender had already gone. So, it would have taken a good amount of time to get any tenders relaunched (if they could do it at all), go to the pick up point, travel back to the ship, raise the tender into position, and take off again. If I were on board and being delayed by someone who didn't make the last tender (after having access to several tenders coming back to the ship), I'd have no sympathy, either. Give it a little time. This will pass. NCL's in the right. So far we haven't seen any legal entity claim this frivolous lawsuit. Maybe none of them will tough it?
  12. Personally, I don't think NCL suffers any regarding this story. The people who fall for it are most likely arm chair judges and not likely cruisers to begin with. I also doubt very seriously that this impacts NCL bookings, at all. We know we can't hold up the ship if we're late for all aboard, regardless of the reason. The location doesn't matter (except for dramatic effect). This could happen in St Thomas, Atlantis, Canada. You miss all aboard while you're out exploring on your own (as in this case) all cruise lines make it very clear when all aboard time is. The tour operators know this. Guests are made aware of it multiple times. The fact that it happened in a region that has little, to no familiarity and is so far away is even more reason to take a sponsored NCL tour...one that NCL has vetted. Again, this is another failure on both the guests and the tour operator's part. I equate this to the Grandfather who accidentally dropped his granddaughter out of a window on a Royal ship. Tragic. Everyone tried their darnedest to claim it was Royal's fault. Royal stood their ground that while an absolute tragedy, they were not to blame. NCL will do the same here. They did the right thing. The facts are getting obfuscated over this mob mentality....get the big bad cruise line. Fact is, the tour operator, after promising to get the guests back to the ship (in this case the last tender) on time, utterly failed. Don't know the reason. Don't know why. I'm betting when the facts come out, it will not look good for the tour operator. Holding up 2,000 other guests for an unknown period of time because a tour operator screws up isn't something any cruise line should succumb to.
  13. Chief…like you, I’m past the zip lining, ski boats, scuba, hang gliding, pyramid climbing, etc excursions. Done all that and literally have the t-shirts. Africa? I’m sure it’s beautiful. I would love to see the islands in question. But, janky 3rd party tour operator? Not affiliated with NCL? Tender to get back to the ship? Let alone being a bit “more mature” than I used to be? No thanks!
  14. Makes me wonder if anyone would really try to file suit against NCL (where it would be filed I think would be a big issue)! Would NCL be able to counter sue for expenses related to time and effort in dealing with the local port authority, filing, etc?
  15. Legal suits filed where? São Tomé? Suing whom? The tour operator for promising to get the guests back on time, and failing? NCL? For what? What contract did they breach?
  16. Have been to Hiroshima. Everyone was quite cordial to me during my 2 week stay!
  17. Oh...this is funny! Not ONE of those headlines state the real reason...."Cruise Tour Operator was so late returning with their guests they missed their ship". Yeah....they're going after the deep pockets.
  18. I'm with you. They are making a pretty obvious and concerted effort to block the fact that the tour operator was so late in getting the tour participants back to the tender that the couple missed the absolute LAST tender that would have got them to the Dawn. The "fluff" about the tour operator being a high school football coach was (in my mind) a feeble attempt at lending an air of what a "responsible" person he was. The fallout from them being late, especially if they had assured the group they had nothing to worry about as they would be on time, is several thousand dollars just in flights, hotels, additional transport, etc. I don't recall, but does it mention if the tour operator had insurance? In either event, they're trying to swing the pendulum to the innocent party of the group...NCL...they have deep pockets. The only thing NCL did was safely dock on time, and safely leave on time. Not sure how they end up being the bad guy in all of this.
  19. -it does not matter what the laws are in your country, your state or your municipality regarding Cannabis. It doesn't matter if you have some sort or prescription for Cannabis. On cruise ships, it's for bidden. Bad things can happen if you're caught with it. You can be tossed off the ship. Even worse, they report you were tossed off the ship because of a Cannabis violation and you're then subject to the laws in a foreign country. That IS NOT a good position to be in. -the throbbing music and pretty drinks are attractive in some of the restaurants and clubs in foreign ports. Sure, have a good time. But, if you are planning on being the "party animal" in your group, make sure you have someone who can be responsible for a) keeping you from getting into a fight or arrested, and b) get you back on the ship without incident. -don't argue with ship security. They're a humorless bunch. And, bad things will happen if you decide to push them. I haven't experienced most of this, but I've certainly witnessed all of it.
  20. I think this is the difference between seasoned travelers/cruisers and those who are inexperienced. We see it here all the time, in all the time, regardless of cruise line. More likely if you're on an excursion, and the excursion is in a foreign (to you) country). The rules are different...right down to telephone exchanges. Just a few examples.... -have a passport and keep a picture copy of it on your person. I don't care if the "law" says you only need a birth certificate or an enhanced ID. Something happens, and you need to travel THROUGH a country who requires a passport, you'll appreciate having one. -People are afraid to carry money because they might get mugged. If you're going to get mugged, you'r going to get mugged regardless of whether you have money or not. Cash solves a lot of problems. -The ship's phone number.....carry it with you...just in case something goes sideways and you can communicate that with them. -bring a. credit card with plenty of room for large changes. Also, carry one that offers international assistance if things go sideways. -don't put yourself or your family in bad situations. The travel conveniences are not nearly as reliable in some of the Caribbean countries as they are here. If all aboard is 5:00 p.m. plan to be on board by 3:00 p.m. Not 4:45...not 4:30...not 4:00! (cont)
  21. Good news that the 80 year old is in the way back home. The rest are on the way to Gambia? Cautionary tale….if your cruise tour operator is cutting your all aboard time too close, insist on them leaving immediately for the tender or port. The tour operator missed the last tender. How can they justify that?
  22. And....just like that...poof....story came and went. No more about the tour company who didn't get the passengers back on time, not even a blurb about where the passengers are now.
  23. Had an aft Suite (non Haven) on the Gem. The crew, the concierge, the Butler, the Cabin Steward....all were outstanding. Loved sitting on my aft balcony early in the a.m. and late at night, just watching the wake and listening to the water rush by. We did a cabin crawl on that cruise. The final cabin was the Garden Villa where the hosts had butlers serving snacks. What a great cabin, overlooking the entire center of the ship. That was a memorable cruise.
  24. A few (hopefully brief) points.... -The Haven is the category that sells out first on NCL ships. So, it's a very popular way to sail on NCL. The fact the Haven also carries the highest fares on board I'm sure is a heck of a boon to NCL in general. As such, my guess has always been NCL will take care of that category of cruiser. Do they fall down on occasion? Sure. But, overall it's a premium product that they nurture. -I do believe, just like with the general crew on ANY cruise ship....there are some less than stellar ones. Haven is no different. But overall, Haven crew are the tops in their field (cruise ship crew). I've been lucky I suppose. I've had nothing but great Haven personnel take care of us. I engage with Haven crew early and often....not to necessarily give them demands or instructions (which I discourage until you establish rapport) but to ask about them, their homes, their kids, their career, NCL, etc. Crew are like anyone else. They have personal lives. They enjoy sharing it. Just be nice to them, not demanding. -Celebrity Retreat is probably the closest to the Haven as far as experience. MSC YC, while good in its own right, given the same fare, I'd still pick the Haven over YC. YC crew, Butlers, Concierges are accommodating. NCL is better at it (as is the Retreat). -Star on Royal is something I've never sailed, but is similar to Retreat, Haven, YC. It is CRAZY expensive. So, unless the Star fares drop dramatically, I doubt I'll sail them. I will say Royal's Coastal Kitchen, their upper level private restaurant is nowhere near as good as Yacht Club Restaurant, Haven Restaurant, or Celebrity's Iluminae.
  25. @Battlement…I am truly sorry to hear of your Haven experience. Just because it didn’t happen to me doesn’t mean I’m not empathetic! You spend a lot of money and expect a certain level of service. You didn’t get that. I’d like to believe it’s the exception rather than the rule!
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