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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. So, given no reservations at Hudson's, how long did it take to get a table? Can't recall the CD's name, but he was the same one we had on the Prima Feb cruise. He's good. Not a Disco fan, but I really enjoyed "DONNA", too.
  2. So many questions….do people bring puffins into businesses? Is that such a large issue? Assuming puffins can’t read their “stay out” signs.
  3. My GF LOVED that movie. I personally was ambivalent about it and watched it with her....well....because she asked me to. She's asked me to do worse things. LOL!
  4. Sailing in June to Bermuda on the Joy. Been a while (10+ years) since I've been there. Never been on the Joy, so looking forward to your review. Just as an FYI, internet on Bermuda was good last time I was there. Hoping it's just as good (if not better) now. I have T-Mobile, which covers me in Bermuda. You'll be coked there for 3 days, so if the ship's internet isn't good, the Bermuda signal should help you along. Had used Starlink on the Epic. It was quite good, but that was a Mediterranean cruise.
  5. I used to quote Thoreau to my son when he was a teen and bent on whinging about how terrible his life was (it wasn't...actually, his life has always been quite good)... "The fault-finder will find fault even in paradise". It reminds me of this thread and many posts in ALL the cruise line threads. You're on a cruise, fer cryin' out loud!!!!!!!!
  6. I'm ICON OF THE SEA curious. Won't touch a booking because the fares right now are crazy. I can sail in the Haven for what I'm seeing to book a balcony cabin on Icon. UTOPIA is sailing this summer, right? Talk about number of passengers, ICON sails with 7,600 of them.
  7. I understand some people are relatively new cruisers and sometimes don't know what to expect. We see it all the time in these boards... -"I want to get to the pier as early as possible so I can board early." The expectation is, you get there early, check in, and walk right on board. Doesn't work like that. Regardless of what NCL (or any cruise line) says about arrival times, that has little bearing on when you're allowed to board. That's determined by your Latitude level, Haven, and if you're immobile (e.g. wheel chair bound). I always suggest getting to the pier after noon. That way, you more likely will be able to check in and just walk on board. -Water....unless it's changed, there are vending machines with water and sodas for purchase in the terminals. Moreover, I always suggest that embarking passengers fill a water "Yeti" type bottle to being with them in case there are unexpected delays. -CROWDS...on board most ships on most cruise lines (save for the high buck lines), there will be lines. Ships are big, but they also carry about 3K-6K passengers. Upon embarkation, they all want to eat. They all want to drink. You'd think it's simple, but maybe not for the novice cruiser. If you see a line for food and/or drink, there are other avenues you can go to without lines. Embarkation lunch for example....go to the MDR instead of the Buffet. No wait in all the cruises I've taken. Waves Pool bar may be jam packed, but 75 feet away is Spice H20, where there is another bar that might not be crowded. Mother example (on Epic, but true of other ships), O'Sheehans might be packed, but about 75 feet away is Cascades Bar. Point being, you aren't a tree. You can leave to find what you want, and you don't have to move that far to find it.
  8. Yeah...the whole..."I heard people muttering they would never sail (pick any cruise line) again" are particularly suspect. I personally said I'd never sail NCL, again. Happened right during the restart. Being an avid cruiser, I was packed and ready to go once NCL announced their plans and the prerequisites to cruise, again. Got all the shots. Got a stack of COVID tests to take with me. Got tested by my Doc....all clear. NCL was going to sail out of San Juan. I booked. Didn't happen. Alright......Restart was bumpy. I'm a forgiving guy. Happened again. Little miffed, but accepted it. Then, after they assured those of us who had booked (and I think the ship was going to be at 40% capacity) that we would guaranteed, absolutely, positively cruise the 3rd time. We didn't. Not sure why. But, I was PO'd. Took the opportunity to sail Celebrity instead, which I throughly enjoyed (today their fares have gone up so much I don't even look at them any more). NCL threw some pretty hefty discounts at me (in particular, a New England/Canada 7-nite Breakaway sailing in a Balcony Cabin for about $700....ALL IN WITH FAS. LOVED that cruise...one of my top 5. OK...nothing brings me back like a GOOD DEAL. As others have said, any vacation, land, sea, air....it is what you make of it. You want to be grumpy? You want to whine? Those are all your choices. YOU decide! Things you can't control....WEATHER! Particularly, in the Atlantic, or in the Caribbean during Hurricane season (which you'll find the best deals, usually), the beginning or end of Alaska sailing season....weather will most likely impact your cruise. Not something the cruise line can control.
  9. I'm conflicted.... On the one hand, I get the whole "Scooters are everywhere" scenario. No issue if they're stored in the cabins. Quite another when they're left abandoned in the aisles blocking the room stewards and everyone just trying to get by. The rest is just proof that some don't appreciate cruising the way others do. Resorts? You are not going to escape the speedos and bikini thongs there, either. If anything, they'll be more prevalent. The lines? There are bars in abundance on a cruise ship. It befuddles me when I hear "I waited 20 minutes for a drink". Who's to blame for that? Again, if you can't get a drink at one bar, there's another 75 feet away in either direction. Go to where there is no line. Same for the buffet. How long do you have to wait in line for something you want? 2 minutes, maybe 3 minutes? Tops. Pricing? I've made these comparisons, before. Go to any city, any resort...even a cabin in the Smokies....to get a decent place to stay, you're talking at LEAST $200/nite....most probably more. That doesn't include the resort fees, the parking fees (if any)...it does not include 3 meals/day. It does not include drinks (FAS). It does not include ANY entertainment. Plus, you're stuck in a single space. Even the "Sandal's" type of all inclusive keeps you as a captive audience on their grounds. I have done family vacations in the Smoky MOUNTAINS and rented a cabin. It was fine, for the first 2 nites. Past that, you can only play so much HillBilly Golf, eat so much taffy, and take a tour or "Ripley's Believe it or Not" (which by the way, are all extra cost). Dropping the OP's $2k on a cruise includes all of the entertainment, eats, drinks and usually docks in an exotic locale to explore...spending nothing or as much as your heart desires in doing so. Cruising isn't for everyone. No issue if it's not the OP's cup of tea. At least he tried it. Didn't like it. That's OK! Don't agree with the reasons, but we're all different. I know people who don't understand my fascination with cruising, either. Just an aside, I'm a Home Audio hobbyist. I set up my own multichannel Home Theater, I have a vintage stereo system that I totally refurbished on my own. There was an Audio Show in Schaumburg, IL last week that I attended. Just looked at what I spent. 3 nites @~$250/nite + $25/nite resort fee (not sure how they get Shaumburg as being a resort. =$825 Food (3 meals/day, not crazy expensive but not McDonalds) ~$125/day =$375 Parking was $25/day at the exposition center=$75 None of that includes the gas to get there and back (from Cincinnati), nor the meals on the way there and back, again. Total=~$1,275 just looked up a 5 nite cruise next month to the Caribbean on NCL...including FAS (drinks, Specialty dining, some internet and some excursion credits. OceanView cabin, for 2, all in with FAS included. =~$1,100. $1,275 to stain in Schaumburg or 3 nites or $1,100 for me and the GF to sail in the Caribbean, drinks, food, entertainment included. We'll choose the Caribbean every time.
  10. I think they source the burgers for ALL the ship's restaurants from the same source, at least I believe that to be the case given the behind the scenes tours I've taken including the galleys on the different ships. That said, I also think the differences in burger quality is mainly due to the differences between cook to order (as is the case for Haven Restaurants and American Diner) vs the burgers in the Buffet which are cooked and then stacked under a heat lamp.
  11. Personally, I'd bring the cash with you. Last NCL cruise I had, I needed to break a $100 bill at Customer Service. It was a hassle, not sure why. Then, I heard Customer Service would no longer be "changing" currency any more. Don't know if that means changing foreign currency, or just all currency in general. The times I went to the ATM it was out of service. Anyway, my next cruise I'm bringing all the cash I'll need along with all denominations (except for coins) I might use.
  12. I LIKE IT! Toothbrush/toothpaste...underwear....meds. That's it. Clothes on your back and buy more as needed.
  13. This is from 6 months ago and sailing in the Haven, but lots of pics of the ship and review of the cruise overall.....might help....
  14. Igotanidea.......don't pack anything except the clothes on your back. See if you can flesh out your wardrobe with ship store clothing and refresh it at your first port. I've been tempted to do that more than once. Just walk on to the ship with a back pack....nothing else.
  15. I read some of the posts like this and wonder what NCL is thinking? Whomever is doing their spreadsheets showing financials of skipping ports (regardless of the reasons they give for doing so), do not take into consideration the long term outlook this would negatively impact somewhere down the road. This will eventually hit their reputation with those of us who will now start to question the cruise we're looking at may not be the itinerary they're advertising. After final payment itinerary changes (always seem to happen after final payment) is a bad look for NCL. Their announcements are written as some sort of fiction. We can see through those press releases.
  16. I love it. If you don't mind, it would save me some time if you have the template. email is my Cruise Critic moniker at Yahoo.
  17. American Diner used to have pretty good nachos and burgers. But, only ate there twice. It seems that space is kind of a "dead zone". I know NCL has tried 3-4 different things there, and none of them really weren't anywhere near what I'd call "busy". I think at one point, you could get a hot breakfast at whatever restaurant it started as on the "Away" ships.
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You are definitely the teacher. I love it. Now, you're going to make me spend an inordinate amount of time making a calendar using some app that I'll probably never use again with different colors for activities and sub-divisions for different TYPES of activities.
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