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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. Said it before...no thanks needed or required. I appreciate the sentiment. But, it was a job...a means to an end (paid for my college)...a line item on my resume. Now, quitting the job wasn't an option, but you know that going in. And, much of the training was not transferrable to any job I had subsequently. Don't get me wrong, before I enlisted, I had few attractive career options (aside from factory work...in local factories that were shutting down left and right). So, getting an education and having it paid for was a BIG DEAL and my goal. My late Father was part of the initial wave of the invasion of Normandy. He always said he wouldn't wish that as a career move for anyone given what he experienced. He had no choice in the matter. My experiences were worlds away (both literally and figuratively) than what he experienced. His was the generation that should be thanked, and those who had combat experience (I did not)...those who were drafted and had no choice. He told me when I was discussing my future when I was still a teen..."if you're going to enlist, do it when there is no war, when you can choose the branch of the service you want to serve in, and with specific goals you want to achieve". Check, check and check. He was right on all counts. I keep saying I'll stop, and I keep going. Sorry. I promise....I'll stop. LOL!
  2. Something tells me the remaining members of Fleetwood Mac care. They've been so fractured for so long, they probably couldn't agree where, when or how their music is performed. LOL!
  3. There are some menus floating around here somewhere for FAS and FAS+. Haven Bar Menu is the same as anywhere else on the ship. Plus, the brands of liquors seem to be in flu depending on the ship and the itinerary. I don't anything definitive. The Haven Bar only differs that their mixologists are exactly that. And, they are excellent. You can get drinks from them you can't get anywhere else on the ship. Just request something from them and they'll make it, if they have the ingredients. I know of some who actually mix their own flavor additives. There's not a menu of what they can or can't make, though.
  4. Yeah....good idea! She was supposed to come up for the weekend but we got a snow storm. Looks like it's next weekend or wait until I get back. Thanks!
  5. OK.....I remember that song. Had no clue who performed it until right now. I thought it was the Smother's Brothers.
  6. That I understand. But, to be able to say only 50 people can hear the performance, I can't imagine that's something anyone can control. What about the people who are milling about outside the venue? Do you have to account for them? How about the people at the Syd Norman's Bar on the Waterfront? Do you have to account for them, too? How about the people casually walking by Syd Norman's? Are they considered part of those who are hearing the performance? Point being, I don't see how anyone can charge copyright fees based on the number of people who can hear the performance. It would be impossible to enforce.
  7. Same. Although, we had even fewer who took advantage of that Haven "perk". What I got a chuckle about were the folks that said they didn't want to sit in the venue waiting around for 30-45minutes before the show started (or 15 minutes before the doors opened). All the while, others don't want to stand in line that long. I guess take your pick. There were only 3 or 4 of us from the Haven who took advantage of the "get in early" opportunity!
  8. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the cruise!
  9. Great suggestion. I know I get an abbreviated "behind the scenes tour". But, this might be something I'd consider. Thanks!
  10. Two issues....line cutting. It will happen only if those in line allow it. Save a place for your spouse or SO? No issues. Save a place in line for spouse, SO, their friends, cousins, Aunties, etc? Not happening. If I get in trouble for speaking up, so be it. It's not right and I will be vocal about it. Venue....I have no idea if there are "copyright" issues. That doesn't seem like a "thing". Either you are allowed to perform the music or you're not. I don't know how anyone would track how many people it's performed for. Further, there are more than one performances for some of the shows. How you regulate that is a tough ask. I do believe putting it in a bigger venue would take away from the feel and ambiance of the show, given the amount of audience interaction the performers have. So, NCL has an entertainment bonafide hit on their hands. It's very popular. Get there early. Not sure there is any remedy for you if you can't stand in line. I know NCL crew try to be as accommodating as they can. But, I don't think they can stand in line for you. 😉
  11. Age old question about OBC.... Some of you NCL vets know this, but OBC is exactly that....ON BOARD Credit....only can be used on board. Just spoke to the pre-cruise concierge (all of them are always so nice) with my list of reservations she's taking care of for me. So, have quite a bit of OBC. While I'm mildly curious about the FAS+ package, unless I'd be knee deep in the "premium spirits". Don't know that I'd utilize it enough to warrant the cost. Internet? Yeah...sure! I'll be posting this review live. So, unlimited would be helpful. But, upgraded internet alone is about ⅓ the cost of FAS+. 2 more Specialty Dinners? I already have 5. The question becomes can I use the OBC for excursions? I know I can. But, I've been to these ports numerous times. I know where to go and what I want to do (if I want to do them). Will I drink the "premium" drinks and appreciate them? Given I only pay for the price difference over $15 (+ grats)? These are rhetorical questions I'm asking myself as we're about 2 weeks away from embarkation!
  12. Spent some time there for jump school and my wings! Not exactly a skill set that is/was in great demand. Geez..this is like reminiscing with a bunch of old frat brothers from college!!!! LOL! I promise….no more “I remember when”… Back to cruising!
  13. Uhhhhh…Haven makes up about 6%, not 30%. And, I’ve sailed in the solo cabins and Haven cabins (and everything in between) on Haven ships. You can sail on the Margarita ship (formerly Celebration). You can sail on old ships on any line. All will offer cheap fares. Those experiences are much different than the Haven, Celebrity’s Retreat, Royal’s Star class, etc. They cost more. Just like a Mercedes S Class is a different experience than driving a Chevy Cruze. Different price points. Bigger, more luxurious cabins have always been part of the cruise ships. They always cost more. The Four Seasons Hotel costs more than Motel 6. Different experiences. What you’re complaining about is the fact you either can’t or won’t pay for the Haven, and as such, no one else should be able to experience it, either! Or, that you want the Haven experience, but don’t want to pay for it!
  14. I stayed for the entire performance of SIX. But, only because I was in the back and could quickly get drinks. Jersey Boys, on the other hand, fantastic! As was Choir of Man…and Million Dollar Quartet. Just goes to show, what one person loves, another despises! Already have reservations for Donna. Not a disco person. But, she was one of the biggest stars of disco (along with the BeeGees) so I’m familiar with her work, even though I’m not a disco fan!
  15. You and Complawyer came a bit before I did. I missed all that dust up in Viet Nam, too! Y’all didn’t have a choice. I did have a choice (and still signed up). Go figure!!! Did do some contract work for WPAFB. Then, I went corporate. You and I spoke about that other big company in Huntsville that’s not NASA or IBM!
  16. Got an in-depth WELCOME at Ft Moore, GA. Then, all expenses paid trip to Ramstein. Made skid marks back home after my Uncle said he was pleased with the job I did. He wanted me to stick around. But, I had other things I wanted to do.
  17. Have done the Retreat (Apex and Edge) and Haven (Break/Get-Away and Epic). Lots of similarities. Celebrity combine the duties of Butler and Concierge into one person....who takes care of both in cabin requests and things like reservations. The Edge class ships are wonderful. I hope Capt Kate is still on the Beyond. She was on the Edge when I sailed her and she was the one, and only, Cruise ship Captain that made a positive impression on my enjoyment of the cruise. The Haven Bar is more "social" than the Retreat Lounge. The Haven tends to be more of a gathering place for Haven guests to meet and mingle on a daily/nightly basis. The Retreat Lounge is much more laid back. Haven Restaurant has a static menu, but with more choices per day than Luminae in the Retreat. Luminae, as mentioned, changes but with fewer choices overall. Both are upscale. The Retreat Pool area tends to be more lively than that of the Haven Pool area. But, that means there are more people in the Retreat pool area than there are in the Haven Pool area. The rest you'll find quite similar. They both try to go out of their way to make your cruise as easy and as pleasurable as possible. Both have cabins that are a step or two above the typical cruise balcony cabin. Both have amenities, although there are minor differences. You'll enjoy both, I'm sure.
  18. From your lips (fingers?) to God's ears! Before retiring, I can still clearly remember being in design meetings with EEs and accountants in the same room. It's a wonder we didn't produce a PCB made of Kleenex and no testing that cost more than 98¢. We had a symposium once of our top 6 customers. They all gave us their input. At the end, we considered maybe 1/10th of their suggestions viable. And only 1/10th of that number something we could actually do in reality. Same with us trying to give design "advice" for something as complex as a cruise ship.
  19. Thought about this entertainment shift on NCL for a while. I'm sure their analytics are detailed. And, their (very elaborate and costly) stages and stage set ups have to provide decent ROI. So, just saying it's a "cost cutting" move may not be the whole picture. I know people who have their TVs on 16 waking hours of their 24 hours/day...and turn the TV on in their bedroom when they try to go to sleep. They're ingrained with whatever news channel they watch and the typical daytime TV fare....which is a lot of game shows. Perhaps NCL is just tapping into that. It's a draw and a comfort to many!
  20. IIRC...pressing of garments were something like $5/ea for a top or bottom....shirt or pant....dresses may have been more. I have been lucky and got my clothes back the next day, but I think 48 hours turnaround is the norm.
  21. LOL! Now, we're debating semantics. Only on Cruise Critic!!!!!!
  22. American Diner is and always has been an outlier. They really are/were mediocre as a diner. And, even whey they were a free venue (I remember eating breakfast there for "no charge" at one point), it still wasn't anything I'd make a special trip to go to. Even the Margaritaville Restaurant was fair. But, even their land based restaurants were never all that good for what they charge. It just seems like a place in a poor location that no matter what they try, it just doesn't work. Make it a Fuddruckers. Maybe even try a SmashBurger or Jimmy Johns. See if those would work. At least they'd be way better than some anonymous "Diner" concept.
  23. Been around here long enough that if I get upset at something or someone who has posted something in here that I just let it go. Not successful all the time. But, I try. I think in the 13-14 years I've been posting here, I've only put one person on ignore. I feel good about that.
  24. Ummmm...I am calm. I don't know if I'm "contemporary". My birth certificate says maybe not. But, I have a good time on the Go-Carts. Yeah...I think the days of large pools have been and are a thing of the past. I do think there are cruise lines that will continue to embrace the "belly flop" contests and the "sexiest legs" comparisons. I don't see NCL moving more into that direction, though. That means, pools will continue to be secondary on NCL.
  25. Am I the only one in here that likes the Go Carts? I've raced them on the Bliss and looking forward to racing them again on the Prima. Anxious to see what all the hubbub is about regarding Indulge. Will be sailing Prima in a couple of weeks. Will report back. From what I've read, it's a good food venue/option. I've NEVER been a fan of the Buffet on ANY cruise ship or line. So, Indulge would be welcomed by me.
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