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emmas gran

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Everything posted by emmas gran

  1. I'm in YC sailing Sept 9th and received email to upgrade to Duplex or Royal on Friday last week
  2. I will be onboard 9th to 23rd September, if it is anything different will post to let you know
  3. Friends in Sydney have just got "Wise" card for travelling overseas
  4. I doubt they will have time based on the number of butlers being cut from service to sky suites
  5. I have posted this before, we have 23 days on Silverseas Silver Nova next April Ft Lauderdale to Vancouver in a Deluxe balcony for £4829 per person compared to Edge this October booked October 2021 over £4000 p p for a sky suite 14 days
  6. The routine is get up and ready take your carry on with you and go to breakfast or come back for your carry on after breakfast. We have often left it packed and locked in the room so the cabin attendant can get on with his getting it ready for next occupants. Go to the meeting point for disembarkation. It will be easier to take carry on with you as elevators will be extremely busy.
  7. Suggest you look at dummy booking places that interest you for this year that will give you an idea of what will be open.
  8. I remember seeing this thread so found for you
  9. I would ring them on the Voyagers Club number on the registration page. I have friends from Manchester who now live in Portugal and they had trouble registering
  10. I guess someone will be!!!
  11. emmas gran

    New to MSC

    If you are sailing out of Miami / Florida ports the ship will have lots of Americans onboard
  12. Where abouts are you from?? I did a Norway cruise on this ship in May and the onboard currency was £££ . MSC customer service sometimes don't know exactly what happens on ships.. Norway currency is Krone so your card (Revolut) will be useful there for any purchases while on shore at the momewnt its about 12.5 to the £ on travel money exchange You can register a credit card at the start of the cruise and they will put a provisional debit on the card at the end of the cruise the amount spent will replace the debit. If you booked in UK tips are included in your fare so don't worry about that
  13. I posted this to be informative not to start the arguments the ensued!!
  14. The only luggage service I have seen is some airlines offer a free service from Central railway station to the airport. This like a lot of things it was pre Covid
  15. The people taking your room will want to board asap so you may not be able to stay beyond 9.00 to 9.30 am
  16. I have Canaries on Virtuosa on September 9th , will be YC but can try and investigate
  17. 38 pages on Equinox and Eclipse vaping
  18. On Celebrity UK website there is a heading Our Ships https://www.celebritycruises.com/gb All the ships are listed so you can compare them
  19. We did NYE dinner on Constellation 2016/2017 it was a waste of money, we went back to Luminae and joined friends . Be aware it did not include wine at that time for $99 per person.
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