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Everything posted by shipgeeks

  1. Have you also considered RC out of Baltimore? That would most likely be on Vision of the Seas, probably 9 nights. That would be our personal preference. We prefer OV over balcony, especially for a cool-weather cruise. Are you looking at a fall sailing?
  2. The posts on the Cunard board made for some interesting reading.
  3. IMO, no preference. You can't see land most of the time while in transit.
  4. No, just burgers, veg burgers, sides, brownies, etc. We haven't eaten at either, but I understand the buffet, with shorter hours than the trucks, has a greater variety of options.
  5. I have to chuckle at the delight people take in gifts. Those of us who are Diamond and above have surely received a lot of tote bags, hats, strawberries, wine, etc., many of which get sent back to the cabin steward or end up in a closet at home with all the others. Are we the only ones who are at a stage in our lives where we want to get rid of things, not acquire more?
  6. And lemonade, iced tea, other juices, milks, breakfast smoothies.......
  7. I had risotto as a main, not appetizer. It was usually the vegetarian selection, as I recall.
  8. We just made our specialty restaurant reservation once we were onboard, by going to the restaurant and speaking to the host there. It was easy.
  9. There is the OJ from the dispensers (free) and there is fresh-squeezed which costs (or in my case, one of my D+ vouchers). A world of difference!
  10. KKB, as noted above, it's hard for anyone to say what would be "best" for you. Some things you might want to consider: Is flying to one place or another, to begin the cruise, better for you? Baltimore, Boston, New York, New Jersey, Brooklyn? Smaller ship, larger ship? Would you like to sail all the way to Montreal or Quebec, or a shorter loop that takes in Boston, Halifax, Saint John, etc.? Are there any ports that you would especially like to visit? More formal (Cunard) or casual (NCL)? Length of cruise?
  11. Nice port, and lots to do and see within walking distance of the ship.
  12. I just learned that RKACruiser passed away recently. I came across a post in Floataway Lounge, noticing that he had not posted for a while, and then was led to the HAL board, where it was confirmed within Navigate the World with Bill & Mary Ann, December 30. His wisdom, and his wide-ranging interests and knowledge, will be missed. I always considered him a true gentleman.
  13. My husband's insistence on taking his tuxedo on every cruise is what keeps me upping my game! No chance I could get away with any kind of casual on those nights. And I do enjoy it.
  14. It has been called Formal on all four RC cruises we've done this year, except one time when a third one was added during the cruise, and called Dress Your Best.
  15. Some cabins will have the bed facing "sideways" as well: my head is towards the window, my feet are towards the entrance door. Would that be a problem?
  16. From time to time I see a post about taking a juicer, or coffee maker, or other cooking device on a cruise. More interestingly, when departing the terminal at the end, I always see rice cookers, blenders, and other things on the Reclaim Table, along with lots of irons. Is there a device you can't cruise without? How do you use it? Was it ever confiscated? And what items have you seen that others took but didn't get to use?
  17. shipgeeks


    After years of making do with the OJ and other juices available, I recently started treating myself to fresh-squeezed OJ. Yum! A recent post asks about taking a juicer onboard to make one's own, followed by lots of back-and-forth pros and cons and suggestions. How do you like your morning juice? And what, besides orange, do you like?
  18. I'm curious what is meant by "sport shoes". Sneakers? Anything with a tread that could hold dirt? Flip flops? Sandals? Shoes with cleats?
  19. We love TAs.....except for the flights toi/from. IMO, one of the best aspects of the many sea days is the fact that no one goes ashore (duh), so meals and activities are well-attended, for those who want to participate, and most importantly, evenings are quite festive, with everyone having the time and energy to dress, dance, enjoy a leisurely dinner and conversation with tablemates.
  20. No, I am not a swimsuit person, nor did I need any tennis shorts and such. I used to go to Dick's when I was an aerobics instructor, but I no longer need any of that. It was interesting seeing the store, though.
  21. We thought it was quite easy. We just went to the restaurant we wanted, during the day, and made a reservation. We were not YC. We thought the tasting menu was fine; we had no need to ask for any substitutes.
  22. I thought the fresh-squeezed OJ was delicious. Well worth one of my D+ vouchers. On another note, Yes, let's start a post about things seen on the naughty table at the end of a cruise.
  23. We just went by a Dick's clearance store, and decided to go in. They had hundreds of $3 items, plus many racks of $5, $7, etc.
  24. If you are ever at the spot, and the silver door opens, stick around. You will be treated to the lovely aroma of just-baked bread just inside that door. I'm enjoying your posts.
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