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Everything posted by RFerrington

  1. @Eremita85 thank you so much for these photos of the loft suites. I’ve been trying to find some and these are great. I was having a hard time envisioning them. This helps a lot.
  2. We just made Pinn on our current cruise (Mariner). Some of our Pinn friends told us to expect a complimentary specialty dining meal certificate but when we asked about it, the LA said that comes when you reach 1400 points. So I guess we will be looking forward to a comp Chops meal some time in the next 16 years ! 🤣
  3. Some time ago, JD mentioned that the “full” WC folks were able to [temporarily, just for the WC]“trade” their C&A status for some amount (can’t recall how much) of OBC. I wonder….for those who chose the OBC, will they lose their Lounge status/ability to go to the lounges ? What exactly do they lose if they trade their status for the OBC ?
  4. It depends. Sometimes the Crown Loft Suites are slightly less expensive than the Owners Suite. The next step up from GS would probably be the CLS.
  5. We are on Mariner this week, too...and will be on again next week.
  6. We boarded Mariner on 10-13-21. Our welcome letter did not mention any restrictions for Diamond members. Due to the number of Pinns onboard, Pinns are not allowed in the Suites Lounge this week but apparently there are fewer on board next week so we will be allowed in. Yippee !
  7. The 5 night packages are extremely rare anymore. They are usually only available on very long itineraries. I haven’t seen one in quite a while. If there is one on your voyage it will show up in the Cruise Planner along with all the other specialty dining/packages.
  8. $88 is pretty pricey....but since you have never done a CT before, I'd say it's worth giving it a try. Oftentimes the enjoyment of the CT is due more to your table mates than the food itself, although the food is generally very good. We have had some really fun meals b/c of the other people dining with us. A couple of times we've gotten some duds, but usually it's a fun group - especially when the wine gets to flowing.
  9. @dani negreanu, just wondering if you and your family are ok. Just heard that things are getting very tense in your neighborhood. Praying for peace and safety for all.
  10. I think this is exactly what the OP is trying to do....but the wife will have a GenPop seapass card and one of the teens will have "her" suites seapas card. I guess if they switch cards and nobody tries to identify anyone by name then it should work....
  11. We were last on EX in January (I think....) and the internet was ok...not great but not horrible, like it was on Grandeur
  12. We were on Grandeur twice in Sept. Western and Eastern. The internet was utterly useless both times. The worst I’ve ever experienced on any ship. The VOOM manager said that the ship’s infrastructure is incompatible with Starlink, whatever that means.
  13. I had recent experience with this situation. I had checked in with my BC b/c my passport had not yet returned from renewal...but in the meantime, the passport arrived. I went back and changed the check-in (no negative effects) but when I got to the port, they still had my BC as a check-in doc. No worries.....they processed me with my passport with no issues. I don't think it matters whether you change it or leave it the way it is. Best of luck
  14. We loved EX and have another cruise booked next year. As long as you're not looking for Broadway shows and a lot of water slides you will be fine.
  15. Just had a similar experience on Grandeur. Required to pay on day 2 for a BOGO for night 4. Kind of a pain but it worked.
  16. This might be a job for @cublet. They seems to have an excellent recall on some of the C&A history. Don’t mean to put you on the spot, @cublet. Forgive me if I have.
  17. Can you imaging the GenPop “outrage” if a public venue was transformed for the entitled elite ?! Yikes ! 😵😵
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