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Mr. Boston

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Everything posted by Mr. Boston

  1. I treat it the same way that I treat businesses that solicit good reviews, I ignore them. I’m happy to give good reviews when warranted but not when asked to do so. Sort of changes the concept of hospitality into begging.
  2. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. I’ve always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride. Hats off to froyo. We should be concerned about the world environment every day. I like the quote very much. The dish and drink suggestions sound tasty. I made the applesauce cake yesterday and it was delicious. I think that I’ve been to today’s port once. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today!
  3. Good morning everyone. Thank-you for the daily report. I love applesauce cake, sadly no cat to hug. Hooray for cheese, one of my favorite snacks. I like today’s quote although I have not read the book. The meal sounds delicious while the drink sounds serious. I haven’t been to today’s port but hope to someday. Prayers for everyone on the prayer list. Cheers to all of you celebrating ___________!!! 🎉
  4. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. Fun group of days today. The trails here are wet for sure after last evening’s rain, maybe a bike ride would be better. Funny quote although it wouldn’t work for me as I’m programmed to wake up at six. I’d have the meal suggestion as a side dish. The drink has potential from the name. I have not been to today’s port. Prayers for all on our list. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today!
  5. Good morning everyone and happy Friday! While I like rocky road I think I’d prefer @1ANGELCAT’s donut day. I really do love my dentist, probably the best one I’ve ever had. Today is also DH’s last day of work at Harvard and will be officially retired at the end of the day, congratulations David! The quote is often true unfortunately. The meal suggestion sounds tasty but it’s going to be pizza night here. I might try the drink though. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating something special today! 🍺
  6. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. Great collection of days, I’ve witnessed the Heimlich Maneuver used on someone who was choking, definitely works! I dare us all to say something nice today although this crowd won’t have a problem with that! I like the quote, new beginnings are an exciting time for sure. I’ll pass on the Talapia but a Tom Collins is always welcome. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today!
  7. Good morning everyone. Thank-you for the daily report. Nice collection of days, I like creativity day and I do plan to water the flowers at some point. Since it’s a workday I’ll have to pass on the mint julep. I like the quote, because of the statistics classes that I took in college I have never been a gambler. Probably some of the more profitable courses that I took! I’ll bet there are some good recipes for today’s meal suggestion. A garden delight sounds interesting. I haven’t been to Valdez. Prayers for those on our list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  8. Good morning everyone, happy Memorial Day. Thank you to everyone that given the supreme sacrifice for our freedom. I’d like to learn about composting. 529s and UN peacekeepers serve noble purposes. The quote is so Lily Tomlin. I’ll pass on the meal as we are going to a Mexican restaurant with DBIL for dinner so maybe the drink? I haven’t been to today’s port but am enjoying the photos very much. Prayers for everyone on our list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events, like barbecues. @dfish I vote for the burnt orange.
  9. Good afternoon everyone, just a quick check in today as the weekend seems to be filled with projects. Hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend!
  10. Geez Sandi what an ordeal that you went through. I’m glad that you are feeling better today and hope it continues today. Toast sounds just right.
  11. Good morning everyone, looks to be a beautiful start to Memorial Day weekend here. I think player pianos are fascinating, there’s one in a gift sgop in Rockport, MA that you can put a quarter in to hear a song. I’ll bet the shopkeeper isn’t that fond of it! I’ll try to remember the sunscreen today. I prefer scotch tape to cellophane, it’s not as shiny. Great quote today. I’ll wait to see what the dish is but I do like the drink very much. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on the prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today! 🍾
  12. Good morning everyone, happy Friday. It looks like we are going to be having very nice weather this Memorial Day weekend. Hats off to Sally Ride, a truly exceptional woman who left us too soon. I haven’t made a paper airplane in years so today’s the day. Redheads are awesome. Funny George Burns quote, I miss his humor. I think I’ll pass on both the drink and meal suggestions today. I haven’t been to today’s port but it’s on my bucket list. Prayers for those on our prayer list and for those recovering from recent surgeries, take it easy and heal. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!
  13. Good morning everyone. Thanks Rich for the Thursday report. It’s good to be aware of missing children, hopefully they can all be discovered. Won’t be brown bagging it today as was are having our monthly company lunch. I’ll have to wait to see what Graham tells us about towel day. I like Babe Ruth’s quote, very positive. The meal and drink suggestions sound interesting. I haven’t been to today’s port yet but will be nearby in September. Prayers for all on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events and getting ready to travel today!
  14. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. A nice collection of days we have today. I like the quote. It will be interesting to see what recipes are presented for the meal suggestion. I like today’s drink. I haven’t been to Agadir. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and one for my recently departed brother. Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today.
  15. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. I’ll keep my eye out for a lucky penny today. I think that turtles are really cool creatures. Just recently I admitted to myself that I really don’t like taffy all that much. The quote is a little deep for me at this hour. The meal and drink sound nice. I’ll bet that most of us have been to today’s port. Prayers for all on our list and for those who need them. Happy special event to those of you celebrating today!
  16. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. Hats off to Clara Barton, the founder og the Red Cross. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually gotten a memo. A nod to all waiters and waitresses who toil hard for us each day. The quote is pretty funny and true! I like the sound of today’s meal and drink suggestions. I haven’t been to today’s exotic sounding port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today! 🎉
  17. Thanks for doing this Jake. We must be on the same page about testing an OV as an option for retirement cruises. We both retire this summer and are considering the same thing. I look forward to your thoughts. I’m going in to my office in a little bit to start taking pictures down and removing personal items. I’ll be looking down on your ship when I’m there, hopefully there will be some visibility so that I can actually see you. Have a great time.
  18. Good morning everyone. I don’t have to work today so I won’t be biking there. It’s important to be aware of and protect endangered species. Interesting quote. The meal suggestion sounds very good. Not sure about the drink but I’d taste it to see if I liked it. Prayers for everyone on our list with condolences to @superoma on the loss of her father. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events like @Crazy For Cats boarding the Zaandam!
  19. Good morning. Thank-you for the daily report. While waiting for the bus this morning I saw that someone had purchased many flats of assorted vegetables to be planted. Maybe today? Funny quote today, I guess it's always worth a try. The meal suggestion sounds delicious but I'll pass on the drink. I haven't been to today's port. Prayers for everyone on our list and for those who need them. Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today.
  20. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. I really enjoy visiting museums in new places. Our dishwasher keeps dirty dishes at bay. No relatives to visit in the immediate vicinity. I like the funny quote. The meal and drink suggestions sound very good. We try to visit NYC at least once a year, fall being my favorite. Prayers for all on our list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today! 🍺
  21. Good morning. Thanks for the daily report. I try not to be a pack rat. It’s good to be aware of hypertension and to treat it. Forgiveness helps to remove the yoke and allows you to carry on, not always easy though. I’m not a gnocchi fan so I’ll pass on the meal, the drink sounds tasty though. I haven’t been to Jamaica. Praying for everyone on the list. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!
  22. Good morning everyone. Welcome back from the world cruise Rich, it’s nice to have you hosting the daily again. It’s hard to love a tree as I love all trees. I remember the sea monkeys that I ordered from the back of a comic book. They ended up being brine shrimp that multiplied like rabbits! I don’t own a stitch of purple to wear today. Today’s quote sounds like my mom’s advice to keep moving otherwise you’ll freeze up and stop being able to. The meal and drink suggestions sound nice. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on the prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
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