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Everything posted by amajaa

  1. We always seem to miss out on these offers.
  2. I know if you order the internet connection before you sail you get it at a cheaper rate minus the Elite discount but does anyone know if you can just book a few days before we sail and still get the cheaper rate plus the discount. We just need to use it towards the end of the cruise to check some business.
  3. I just tried looking to see if we had this offer in the UK and couldn't find anything. Has anyone else seen this for UK customers?
  4. Thanks, that's what I thought. I was surprised we had plastic bottles of water in the Elite Mini bar. Although the fizzy water was glass bottles. Likewise 6 of the spirit bottles were plastic and only 2 (the brandy) were glass. Perhaps they are finishing up old stock.
  5. We carry our own refillable water bottles on board with us that we have for the journey down. Are you saying that isn't really allowed. It has never been queried.
  6. After reading on here the problems people were having uploading documents we did what was advised and didn't bother. We just took paper copies of the vaccines and the observed lft. They asked for our passport and vaccine and test results at check in so I'm glad I never tried to upload. Note - that was at Southampton.
  7. You have to do an observed test before the cruise so if that is positive it will show that on your certificate.
  8. We were on her in June and no the aft portion wasn’t blocked off. However large portions of the promenade deck were blocked off at various times as they were working on them, or lowering a lifeboat for practice etc. in fact there was at least somewhere on the promenade deck blocked off most of the time. So we couldn’t do our usual of doing quite a few circuits.
  9. I was actually going to mention that , we have left from Ocean and I asked about an Elite Lounge and they said not here. The reason I asked was because I was following a blog on here where the lady said they were put in an Elite Lounge and I think she left from Mayflower.
  10. Are they doing a full kids club at the moment as other lines are restricting it to a set number of sessions a day? Staff shortages I guess.
  11. It’s the same with the Platinum and Elite priority boarding , it seems to have gone out the window now.
  12. We got straight off the shuttle bus and waited in the queue for the HOHO, it was a Sunday so they didn’t start until 10 o’clock. They told us our commentary would be in English but the bus waiting behind had the audio in different languages.
  13. We did the Hop On Hop Off bus last month. It was very good The only thing I would say is it all depends on which guide you get and which side of the political division they are from as to what you are told about the history ( well according to the lady doing the port talk on the ship) We were lucky we had a guide who appeared to be unbiased. When we went the Shanklll Road was still full of all the union Flags and bunting from the Jubilee. When you dock in Cobh ( pronounced Cove) you will also find a small museum dedicated to Titanic there as she called there on her voyage.
  14. When you get off the water shuttle at Edinburgh just on the left under the Forth Bridge will be the X99 bus a one minute walk away . It is the Cruiselink bus to Edinburgh and only runs when a ship is in. It goes straight to Edinburgh and you can see the castle from where the bus stops and as you go in. I have a leaflet I picked up recently . On the 17th July the buses start at 07.55 and the last one leaves the city centre at 17.20. It cost £10 return and you can use any Lothian bus for the whole day as well with the ticket while you are there. For example if you wanted to go over to see the Royal Yacht Britannia. The day we went there was a train strike so we got stuck in a bit of commuter traffic on way in ( people having to use their car instead of train) but still didn’t take long. I have a list of dates the bus runs if anyone wants times, although all the Princess ships seem to be the same time except the Island Princess on 8th August which is running 08.00 to 21.20 Some people bought Hop on Hop off tickets at the same time ( you get a £1 I think senior discount) . There were 3 different HOHO buses in St Andrews Square right near where the bus stops ranging in price from £10 to £15 so you can pick when you get to Edinburgh. There were guys selling HOHO tickets outside the station ( Edinburgh Waverley) just behind where the bus stops as well .
  15. Apart from those both P & O and Cunard give OBC to military and veterans so I assume all of the Carnival brands probably do as well. Similar amounts to Princess except P & O is in GBP One of the small things I was looking forward to when we got to Elite was the priority embarkation unfortunately that didn’t happen at all on our last cruise and there was no Elite area to wait which people had previously posted about.
  16. We have never buy had a bag with the upgraded amenities in. Last month we got a shower cap , emery board and a small loofah. Not sure if the lotion and conditioner were part of the upgraded amenities or we were going to get them anyway as we did before Covid.
  17. If the cruise is sailing out of Southampton there will be quite a few in dinner jackets (tux) and long or cocktail dresses.
  18. In the UK only over 75s or those clinically vulnerable have been given a second booster
  19. We have always had lovely Stewards. On our recent Emerald Cruise he always waved if he saw us up the corridor. He introduced himself and asked if we had received all our cases we told him we had 2 still to come and showed him what they looked like, he went down to look and brought them to us 5 minutes later We asked him for soap for the shower as my husband doesn’t like shower gel , which arrived straight away, The second day my husband did his usual and asked to swop the duvet for a blanket as even with the the air conditioning at its lowest it is still too warm. When we came back to the cabin it was all sorted. They were doing the evening turn down which we told him we didn’t need as long as we got the Patter for the next day. ( For new cruisers the Patter is the list of events for the next day) He still serviced the room for the first 2 days but after telling him each time we really didn’t need it he stopped doing it but if he saw us in the evening he asked if we needed anything. 👍👍👍 Always make sure if you are happy or even just thought they were okay with your cabin steward to give them an excellent report when you get the email straight after the cruise finishes asking for your thoughts. That is more important to them than the gratuities. Likewise for the waiters. It can make a difference as to whether they get re employed or not at the end of their contract.
  20. Thanks That is what I was thinking would happen which is why we have never ordered. Got to watch the sugar. Thanks, handy to know . We would have to do that I think.
  21. How long is it taking people to get their OBC at the moment? Princess are normally on the ball with allocating it and e-mailing back but I haven’t heard anything for over two weeks. Have they changed the e-mail address or anything?
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