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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Not bunion surgery but I was in an OR and part of the ceiling fell and hit me on the head .Never again will I have surgery in that hospital.
  2. When in Minnesota one must eat a blueberry muffin.
  3. We have been on 10 cruises with friends. 5 cruises with each of three couples that are CC regulars All were great .
  4. I spent the day today going through my sports collectibles and found that in 1982 I was in Toronto and attended a Blue Jays game.I bought a poster of the team signed by every player.I totally forgot that I was at two Blue Jays games.Enjoy the games.
  5. In 1968 I was treated by a Holistic Practitioner who helped me greatly for an orthopedic problem.I have an appointment in June for a Holistic Neurologist who closed her practice in Manhattan and is now in LI.She was highly recommended to me.
  6. It was very sunny here earlier this morning but now it is getting cloudy. Next week there are temperatures close to 80 expected.
  7. I actually have 2 other binoculars.One is a Kona’s Action 10x25 that was given to me by a TA who gave gifts for those who booked with her. Another one that I have is a very simple one made by Arrow.
  8. I cannot take it either due to my ulcerative colitis .I take 2000 mg.of Extra Strength Tylenol every day and have Liver Function tests every 3 months.
  9. A few years ago the winner of Survivor was Tommy Sheehan ,a school teacher.He lived in my part of NY.I never met him but I know people who did and they said he was too nice of a person to be on the show.
  10. I agree with you .On another note did you ever watch the on line show that I suggested to you:Doctors on Walks Getting Food ? My niece appeared in Episode 5.She and the host of the show edited a book about women in Medicine.They are both medical doctors.
  11. Dr.Sun Yat-Sen and Bloedel Conservatory My family and I have vacationed in Canada 17 times .We have friends living in Toronto and have been all over our second favorite country. Your National Anthem is spiritually beautiful.
  12. I use Prestige Stellar Prism Binoculars.
  13. I have been to the gardens twice .They are absolutely beautiful.
  14. I was hoping that the person who left would have played their idol. You cannot trust anyone on reality shows for cash prizes.
  15. Today I contacted two cousins who I last saw close to 30 years ago. I have no recollection of why we stopped communicating . One lives in upstate NY and the other in MA.We had wonderfu conversations .They both thanked me for reaching out to them.
  16. One of my doctors asked me recently if I watch Below Deck .I replied that I watched one episode several years ago .She said that a cousin of hers was on the show in Season 3.
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