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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. As I posted to someone else,my nephews wife is an MD .She believes that the best way for all of them to be cured is to isolate from each other.
  2. Garyโ€™s wife is an MD and she believes that it is best for the kids and her husband to be in other parts of the house. Thanks,Debbie
  3. If you are sick do you want to be near other people who are sick ? The idea is to get better .They are doing the best that they can to be apart within the house.
  4. We normally use a TA but I happened to call the cruise line to ask a question and the person who answered the phone had the same last name as me.We got into a conversation and decided to book with him.It turned out to be the best booking ever.
  5. My nephew Gary,his wife,teenage daughter and teenage son all tested for Covid this morning. I have no idea how they can isolate in the same house .
  6. Toby is 15 months younger than me and we are much,much older than the other two people who posted .My thinking is that Charlie and I are close in age.
  7. We get a lot of junk mail sent to my house addressed to my son in law Eric who never lived here.Perhaps it is something about the name ๐Ÿ˜€
  8. I never met anyone who grew up in my part of Brooklyn ,moved away and did not talk about living in Brooklyn.My friend Pamela moved to North Arlington Texas and there were enough people living in her area who grew up in Brooklyn to start a Brooklyn Club.They met once a week and discussed their childhoods.
  9. We always bring our own candy to movie theaters.When I was a kid popcorn was 10 cents and boxes of candy were 5 cents.It was between 10 and 25 cents for the movie admission,usually a double feature.
  10. I believe that there are plans for a movie.My children bought the book for me as a part of my Fathers Day gifts.I will be reading it soon.
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