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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. A drink that I last had in 1999.If was an after work dinner.I never got to the meal.My co workers said that I crawled out of the restaurant.
  2. Thanks very much ,MaryAnn .It was a wonderful party.I told my daughters to state no gifts please on the invitations.Well,I came home with 3 shopping bags filled with wonderful gifts. My daughter invited a neighbor of her who I have known nearly 20 years.She came with her family .He son is with our local Fire Department. The husband of one of my cousins who was a Fireman for many years and the young man had a great conversation.
  3. I know every word from the song Tequila by The Champs.
  4. We cruised for our 50th,55th and my wife’s 30th.birthday and my 70th.birthday. If I make it to 80 it might be a cruise. I hope you are enjoying your anniversary weekend.
  5. Actually 104 people were invited but 25 could not make it,several due to having Covid and the others for various other reasons.When the number was 79 I thought that had a special meaning.A few days ago 3 people who previous said they could not attend are now coming.However,I am not adding 3 years to my age. I got a Happy Birthday e-mail this morning from my Cardiologist and another one of my doctors. Thank you so very much for your birthday wishes,your good wishes about my health and most of all for being a very nice person.
  6. Thanks Debbie.Although the party begins in 2 hours one of my granddogs sent me a Happy Birthday text and my other grand dog is sitting next to me right now .He,my daughter and my son in law who have a home in upstate NY came here yesterday.They had pastries sent from a bakery in California and we had a nice evening. This morning I got a call from a good friend who I met in 1947.He lives in Oregon and never forgets my birthday .
  7. I have a cousin who wrote a play that appeared as close to Broadway as possible and I cannot remember a word of it.
  8. My memory is nearly gone.If somebody tells me something that is important I write it down in a book because otherwise I will forget it. Of course Memory is a wonderful song.
  9. Usually there is at least one song that everyone seems to know from a musical.I have been to two productions of CATS and cannot recall one.
  10. I played two seasons of Semi Pro Basketball and requested number 13 for my jersey.
  11. There are many office buildings without a 13th.floor.
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