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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Toby is 15 months younger than me and we are much,much older than the other two people who posted .My thinking is that Charlie and I are close in age.
  2. We get a lot of junk mail sent to my house addressed to my son in law Eric who never lived here.Perhaps it is something about the name πŸ˜€
  3. I never met anyone who grew up in my part of Brooklyn ,moved away and did not talk about living in Brooklyn.My friend Pamela moved to North Arlington Texas and there were enough people living in her area who grew up in Brooklyn to start a Brooklyn Club.They met once a week and discussed their childhoods.
  4. We always bring our own candy to movie theaters.When I was a kid popcorn was 10 cents and boxes of candy were 5 cents.It was between 10 and 25 cents for the movie admission,usually a double feature.
  5. I believe that there are plans for a movie.My children bought the book for me as a part of my Fathers Day gifts.I will be reading it soon.
  6. I was downsized at age 53.I was planning to work till at least 75.A friend who was a Postal Inspector and retired at age 49 started a business and had the business until he passed away.He recruited me and others who were out of work due to downsizing.I worked there 5 years and then retired .
  7. Many of my friends worked as NYC police officers or with the FDNY .All retired in their 50’s and found other jobs after a few years due to boredom..
  8. The wife of Toby’s sisters other brother in law is in a hospital with MRSA. She is 93 years old and is on antibiotics.She and her husband are two of the nicest people I have ever known.
  9. Yes,I know that.When she first entered one of her professors asked her if she knew what she would like to major in.She replied English.He asked why and she said she wanted to write the Great American Novel. However,somewhere she changed her mind and is a Medical Doctor .
  10. Thanks,Maryann.I talked to her last night.She said she felt better but she sounded congested to me.We spoke by phone a few minutes ago and she sounded much better. She is in bed with the family dog.He was under the cover.He found the TV remote and was playing with it.
  11. My niece by marriage,married to my nephew grew up in your part of PA and is a graduate of Penn.Her late father was an Orthopedic Surgeon in the area.
  12. Does your BIL C miss living in Brooklyn ? I miss living there but I mean the Brooklyn that I lived in many years ago.
  13. We live on Long Island and always take a Car Service because the drivers know the best way to avoid traffic.We have never gone on Marathon Day but have gone on Parade days with no problem.
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