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Everything posted by Josy1953

  1. I didn't know that but for us and I am sure other people that would be a no go. DH has health problems which stop him from flying. We are going to have to decide whether we just take a risk and keep using the coach or start driving down to Southampton thevday before as we used to do until 2022.
  2. Why would they have waited longer for Intercruises ? I think that it is likely that they would wait as long as they could whichever coach company was held up by problems on the motorway because P&O would surely prefer that the passengers were on the ship regardless of which coach they were on. If it was ever found that the decision to sail without the passengers was influenced by the coach company it would be very bad publicity for them. I think that it is probably more likely that the decision was influenced by the port officials or by the tides.
  3. The M6 is a nightmare. I would be devastated too. I feel so sorry for those who missed the ship. We always used to drive down the day before to be sure of avoiding any holdups that would make us miss the ship. We started to take the coach a couple of years ago thinking that it would be easier and that the ship would probably wait for a coach load but I suppose that the ship has to leave because of the port schedule.
  4. The rain stopped about an hour ago and the sky is slowly turning blue. I just had a phone call from my sister, I rang her earlier and asked her to go round to her son in law's house and do a thorough search for her grand-daughter's school tie because she couldn't find it this morning and we had to leave without it or they would be late for school, she has found it behind the radiator in the bedroom, just about the only place I didn't think to look. The girl has had to borrow one from the school office so hopefully she has learned to put everything where it was supposed to be. I think that I will visit the school uniform shop this afternoon to see if I can purchase a spare to leave in my car.
  5. It maybe that like myself and many others she takes her rings off to do things where they may get caught on something and then forgets to put them back on for a quick photo. I think that speculation about their marriage is no-one's business but their's.
  6. Another wet day here. It is my craft group meeting this morning so I have to call at Tesco to get cakes because my birthday is on Easter Sunday and due to holiday plans and medical and optician appointments over the next 4 weeks I won't be going to craft group again before my birthday. Have a good day wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
  7. My beautiful god daughter and her husband and son have been round to bring me flowers and amother's day card
  8. We already have the rain. I have to go to take my sister's birthday card and present this morning to remind her that she is about to enter the last year of her 50s. When we had our dog he used to go sit in front of the tv whenever Crufts was on, obviously seeing if any of them were up to his standard 🐕
  9. I am so sorry to hear that Sarah's dad has passed away. Thinking of you all.
  10. +1 I don't understand why someone would laugh at photos of your meals. I always like to see them.
  11. We watched that one. I feel sorry for the men who donated their sperm never expecting that the children resulting from their donations would search them out. I can imagine that in some cases it could cause problems now that they have wives and families.
  12. The retinal photography is a wonderful experience, I always take my sunglasses because I find that my eyes are very sensitive to light afterwards. Take care and remember not everyone gets to have such a wonderful experience🙂
  13. That is exactly why the coach was pulled over, it was on the M6 and the overhead signs were showing 40mph.
  14. This a photo of my favourite dog who thinks that I visit every day to play with him while I wait for the dreaded teenagers to appear. He brings a toy for me to play with him, today's was a very tatty tennis ball covered in his saliva, delightful.
  15. There is banana bread currently in the oven because I had some bananas that were past their best and I wanted to use them up. I like to add walnuts usually but didn't have any in today. I first had banana bread in Nova Scotia in the 1990s and have been addicted ever since and DH is equally addicted.
  16. We also prefer Eavesway but have only once had a poor coach from Intercruises. We had a bad journey last year with Eavesway because the driver was pulled up by the police on the M6 for exceeding the speed limit, before we left the coach he asked everyone not to report him to Eavesway because he would lose his job. I did email Eavesway when we got home because I worried the whole time that we were on the ship that we might get the same driver on the way home so didn't enjoy the cruise as much as I normally would.
  17. I should have walked to the surgery. The car park was full as was the pharmacy car park next door, the public car park along the road and the small stretch of road that is yellow lines free was full of parked cars so I had to go to a small unpaved car park that I know nearby and then walk back to the surgery, at least I achieved 2978 steps towards my daily 10k.
  18. Lovely sunny morning here but only 2°c so a bit of frost on the gardens. I have to go for a blood test this morning, I was going to walk down to the surgery but I have changed my mind realising how cold it actually feels outside. Have a good day
  19. @Snow Hill I am sorry that your church is closing it is a problem that seems to be growing. We are fortunate in that our church is still well attended but when I look around it is mostly older people in the congregation so we are a reducing number. I feel particularly sad about it because it is the church that I have attended since my parents moved to this side of the city when I was 2 years old and I was confirmed and married at this church.
  20. I had to smile at that, we were at my nephew's house a few weeks ago and his wife was telling their son to eat his vegetables and their daughter to eat her meat and both were threatened with having all of their electronics removed from their rooms.
  21. There is a serious case of "man flu" in this house tonight. I think that we need to be a vaccination against it because it is very a very serious illness 🤣🤣🤣
  22. I have been out for my walk and on the way back down our road the 6 year old twins who live a few houses up stopped me to ask "Are you OK because we haven't seen you for nearly a week and mum said that we can't come to knock on your door and pester you because she has seen you when we were at school but we have been told be school that we have to look out for old people when it is cold". I wonder how old they think I am ?
  23. It was very misty earlier but now it is a cold but bright morning here, We are just trying to decide whether or not to go out for a walk. I was up at 5:30 peeling vegetables to go into the crockpot with lamb shanks for lunch so the kitchen smells lovely now. DH has only just managed to drag himself out of bed. The ads in threads is only happening on my phone, my Kindle and laptop are not affected. Have a good day.
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