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Everything posted by SteelCityCruiser10

  1. App still not working for me either. Won’t load. Just a white a screen. On a different note. The most recent acquisitions:
  2. I’m with you. I need to dig deeper into the casino world. Free cruises 🤩
  3. Just catching up. Looks like you are having a great time and getting acclimated. Score on the coffee situation!! Cheers 🍻
  4. Agree 2X … Sorry in advance to any Caps fans but as a lifelong Pens fan I love when the Caps lose. I’m sure the feeling is mutual 😂
  5. Sorry, off topic but…Was it you that talked about paint colors and a specific shade of gray that was color of the year or something to that effect? DW is talking about re painting some rooms & a gray is in the conversation. I cannot find that page in here for the life of me!
  6. 🤞🏻 Hope we can sneak in the playoffs. Playoff hockey is awesome. Those 3 wins won’t come easy though. Not too long ago I was thinking they had no shot so pleasantly surprised now.
  7. I was wishing we had a dome for our home opener. Snow squalls and baseball just don’t go together. We’re headed to the Pens game later. Bruins are always tough.
  8. They did release the new loyalty program recently. I haven’t looked at it that closely yet bc I also status matched in 2023 and have DBE through the end of 2024. There’s 3 levels now. Status match is now only to the new (middle) level - Blue instead of DBE. 😤 Here’s the link… https://www.virginvoyages.com/sailing-club
  9. thinking about going through that small crack, even the other one you posted that you went through, gives me anxiety 😬
  10. Unfortunately I think it will be very difficult to find a pet insurance policy that will cover pre-x and even more difficult to find at a decent rate.
  11. I can count on 1 hand my times. I’ve been known to sit on the side, drink in hand, with my feet in the water in the solarium. Hair has been wet once LOL It was on Mariner. I remember the day. Mostly limited to short periods NEAR the pool. My complexion doesn’t lend well to extended direct sun exposure. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was.
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