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Everything posted by kalos

  1. I just sent five minutes looking on the t -pilot site and apart from the silly 5*reviews that any insurer gets with "they took my money with no fuss " as they would . Others read I was stuck and no one to talk to, no help ,everything online . As we are not allowed to advertise I will say this a few weeks ago when my Mrs took ill onboard a ship we were landed a 2K plus bill but no worries . As once home they contacted us with a human who sorted us out with what was required and could talk to them anytime . More important they paid out no stalling . My advice if they don't have a UK call centre and are mega cheap I would steer clear . When things go wrong and your heads all over the place , you will be glad of a reassuring voice and not texts and e-mail chats from your insurer .
  2. It's so easy to track Santa on Christmas Eve because he always accepts cookies.πŸ™ƒ (And mince pies ,carrots milk,wine )πŸ˜‰
  3. Funnily enough a few weeks ago on the Ventura ,once in the cabin the Mrs decided to make a brew and shouted me in off the balcony .. "Whats that sound ?" What we thought was a dull thud thud sound every 20-30 seconds coming from the roof behind the TV .. Could it be a water leak ? sounds like one ,hard to tell . Enter our cabin steward and we tell him about it . Next thing he folds up the luggage mat off the bed as we had done with it and then wedges it down the side of the TV and the outside wall . No more intermittent sounds . Moral of the story .. Go to the person who knows the cabin best much better than going to reception πŸ™‚
  4. When I used to do the working mens clubs I used to hear young adults and old ones say " Not coming in tomorrow as they have a disco on " Plenty of old folk would still be in there and after a few jars would be shaking their bones about the place along side the younger aged . Bingo night was met with the same but other way around with younger adults sat with the older ones all trying to win but all having fun . Some people would steer clear as it wasn't for them and go to the pub up the road . A bit like your cruise ships ,you choose the ones you like and steer clear of the ones you don't . Some ships are livelier than others and adults of all ages will chose what suits them and I would agree that some ships will draw a certain age group more than others .
  5. So you think those who will not control their kids does not spoil it for the rest of the people regardless of age ?πŸ€”
  6. Morning I like to spend time with an early morning cuppa ,so here we are πŸ˜€ I sit here wondering what some of you dog owners will be buying your pooches for Christmas ? This dog got a Sky Sport Golf subscription and loves it . He has learnt to keep his eye on the ball πŸ™ƒ .......
  7. We agree ,we stayed at the Next hotel and had a room overlooking the hill and lots of people looked worse for wear and had to have a breather by the time they passed us going up that hill. So if they don't want to turn up in their suitable attire ,looking possibly hot and sweaty and out of breath, It would be a good idea to heed your advice regarding a taxi up , that is unless they are akin to a mountain goat . https://www.google.com/maps/@32.6421207,-16.9179912,3a,75y,301.39h,84.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sstYRJOmhhbX4BzXeK-WH8w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
  8. Morning it's looking a bit bleak out there but we are going nowhere today . Looking at @Josy1953 "to do list" is a fine example of how busy and pulled out us retired folk can get ,how we used to fit a job in as well is a mystery . One week until the big day when we can relax , well when I say we, I mean us men as we turn into supervisors or nip off down to the pub .πŸ˜‰ Anyone thinking of baking this week .. in my supervisory advice please follow the instructions below carefully .πŸ™ƒ Have a good day πŸ™‚
  9. Wow good luck with that lot but I'm sure it will be worth it . I'll never forget one Christmas when my father went to jail. He was refusing to talk to anyone being downright rude and swearing enough to make a miner blush . I never played Monopoly with him ever again.πŸ™ƒ
  10. A nice bright sunny 9.c this morning here . Mrs K said she is going to do a Sunday dinner with a chicken from Morrisons . I wonder how many folk will still have a Sunday dinner next week with it falling on Christmas eve ?πŸ€” Not many at a guess . Have a good day everyone πŸ™‚
  11. Ours did them and other wonderous things like shepherds pie but I used to like my pot of tea and a warm sausage roll with flaky pastry that went everywhere as you bit into them .Nice though .
  12. We once had the misfortune to have a table of four very close to our table for two. They were two guys impressing two ladies with what high flyers they were and were very loud with it as well. Most morning (We will call him Bill ) would tell his mate how his companies were doing , raking it in ,may have to get others in to oversee his contracts ..Blah blah ,blah . This went on most mornings until the last day and they bid their goodbyes , Once the ladies had gone ,his mate said "Soon back to the real world once back home .What are you doing regards work once back home " To which Bill said " Dunno no job interviews for over a month now, I'll take anything ,need the coin ." Just wish people could learn how to talk and not yell at each other .
  13. Morning pleased to read Gill is on the mend and Michelle move has gone smoothly . We spent yesterday dropping a few gifts off at some of our family and will do the rest next week sometime. Mrs K had a lens drop out of her reading glasses ,so we also went into town to the opticians where she got them fixed . The town was so quiet ,as we looked up the high street we saw one person and as we made our way into the indoor market ,some stalls were closed . The outdoor market was closed for refurbishment and some stalls relocated to a nearby street but it was not the same,the buzz was not there. Had to drop into the town centre Tesco to get my HP low sugar salt sauce ,as they are the only ones that do it .We soon found out where everyone was as Tesco was packed with people . We were saying that we wish we could go back to when we had our stores like Woolies, C&A and good old British Home stores . Do you have any shops that you miss ? Have a good day πŸ™‚
  14. We have used a few cruise lines and have no gripes with any . Going on our recent cruise the Ventura our most used, we got to chat with lots of people of all ages. Some told us they had been on the newer ships and loved it , some disliked the newer ship as some the Ventura .We even had a couple who had done Iona followed by the Ventura and they had decided "cruising was not for them ." Folk are all different as are the ships but to try and "peg hole" folks by age to a ship is pure folly . As said It’s just different strokes for different folks.
  15. Morning all. Great news about the hip Phil,have a great holiday whatever you decide. That steak looks lovely that you had last night Graham. I like eating out ,I once ate at Mary Poppin's Restaurant Super cauliflower cheese biscuit but the lobster was atrocious πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰ Have a great day -take care πŸ™‚
  16. Hear ,hear I fully agree ,so this year after much soul searching I have decided not to send anyone a Christmas card this year . Spending about Β£30 on postage ,just for them to end up in a dustbin in less than two weeks . This is such a waste of resources really . To stop this waste ,I think the right thing to do is put that money to better use,therefore will buy a nice meal next time we board a cruise ship . I'm sure this will give me much comfort and joy .Will I regret it ? Not after a few drinks . I love it when a plan comes together πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ™‚
  17. He will look well in his hipster jeans doing that .πŸ™ƒ
  18. Hope all goes well Josy ,very sad time for your family of recent . Take care
  19. When ... Before leaving home for the airport How Bought some clear label tags for our cases ,easy to use and keeps rain off labels . Handy tip We have a sheet of A4 paper and written on it is .." IF LOST PLEASE CONTACT ..( our phone number ) THANK YOU " This is placed inside the case on top of our belongings , so if our case was lost without labels someone could contact us ,rather than the case ending up in a lost property auction . We never put our home address on the case just our mobile number .
  20. Have you thought of having your gums removed and just keeping the teeth ? πŸ˜‰ Joking apart I hope you get sorted soon . Did you know Dick Turpin was a dentist ? He used to rob people at gum point 🀣
  21. A 7.c dull day here ,nothing on my planner either apart from doing nothing . Doing nothing is ok but you never know when you will finish . So today will be filled with things like planning my next visit to our local chippy Important things like ..Will it be fish & chips or sausage and what day to go ? What time shall we light the Christmas tree today ? Thinking about it ,it's busy enough for me . Take it easy and have a good day everyone .πŸ™‚ Hope @Angel57 is feeling ok and @Peanut006 hozzie visit went ok πŸ™‚
  22. N432 5 DEC 24 Ventura 12 nts seems reasonable. Β£1009 balcony
  23. We had a baker in our village who thought he was famous but refused to tell us what for ? All he would tell us was " It was on a knead to dough basis " πŸ™ƒ
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