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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Same here I wish I had listened to my doctor rather than others and maybe who knows could have prevented some of my conditions. Mrs K was advised to go on statins and did not make my mistake and is ok with them .
  2. Excellent advice . Make sure you look after No 1 or you will be not much use to others . That does not mean you are not there for them in an emergency , just not at everyone's beck and call .. Be good to yourself guys πŸ™‚
  3. I got mine back under control but the travel insurance we use asks .. "Have you ever been told your cholesterol has been raised Ever in your life time" I would hate anyone to fill in their insurance declarations falsely and end up with a non payment should they put a claim in at a later date .
  4. Sorry to read this Josy I know you said the other day you had booked a cruise, may I just remind you to let your travel insurance know that you have had raised levels of cholesterol . Most insurance class this as "Ever in your life time " I got mine back down but still have to declare it .πŸ˜’
  5. Yep they can be frustrating my Mrs had a big op around beginning of Sept and was told that the dept would give her a telephone appointment to make sure all is well a few weeks after. This has been cancelled umpteen times and told to make a new telephone call appointment. The other day they decided all must be well and said for her not to renew any appointments they have cancelled. Luckily she's fine .
  6. Not sure if you mean this January or next year but can't see why not . A year or so back we moved a select fare forward to October that's just gone. I think I owed them Β£20-30 more in total but the re booked cruise was over Β£100 better in our favor regarding the OBC .
  7. Morning it's 2.c and dry here . Now the weekend is out the way @Adawn47 Avril and Frank hopefully will have the main doctors doing their rounds and giving them a few answers and plans. It must be nice for some to get back to a "proper " Monday now the festive season is over ,which throws your days out . Fridays feeling like Sundays etc. Anyways hope you all enjoy your day πŸ™‚
  8. I'm sure we have all flown in an Airbus ,one of the first ones crashed at an airshow. Lessons are learned from these mishap/disasters in the long term making them safer . Those Max -9s are grounded until they find what went wrong /
  9. Good morning a dull 2.c here ,so a day for doing very little apart from staying snug and warm. Whatever your doing have a great day .
  10. Nice to see folks booking holidaysπŸ™‚ My mate Barry was wary of booking a holiday this year . When he went to Spain 3 years ago his girlfriend fell pregnant . When he went to Italy 2 years ago his girlfriend fell pregnant . When he went to Greece 1 year ago his girlfriend fell pregnant again !!! I managed to convince him things will be fine this year ... If he takes her with him this time πŸ™ƒ Enjoy your cruises folks πŸ™‚
  11. Just asked in one of my local chemists and they said they did them but at a charge which was worth it to me . These are the packs below , maybe your chemist will do them if you use their delivery service ? Hope this helps .πŸ™‚
  12. Sounds like he may need his meds in a "sure med weekly pill pack" when he gets home. I went from taking zero meds per day to nine, I would have been lost without it ,sorting out morning-mid day-tea time and bed time for me . Our chemist pre packs them so we don't have to. Glad to read Franks getting sorted -Onwards and upwards Avril 😊.
  13. Just a heads up for some folk .... Kwells may also not be suitable for users with high blood pressure (hypertension) or heart disease.
  14. @bobstheboy Have a great time away .It's a nice feeling getting away this time of year and as the plane takes off and bursts through the dull cloudy sky in to the sunshine - Enjoy πŸ™‚ @Adawn47 Can you ask Frank what episode of Barnsley A&E we can expect to see him on telly? πŸ˜‰ Only joking give him my best wishes πŸ™‚ Had to nip into the doctors this morning to drop off a sample from yesterday . The waiting room was packed with folk coughing and spluttering an sneezing . I was soon out of there sharpish . Yesterday I drank loads of water as I knew they would be taking blood samples. The nurse ended up taking from the back of my hand, even then it was a struggle to get it out of me . Thinking back to when I was a kid I remember my Mam telling her friend that she thought I would grow up to be a little bleeder -Guess she was right πŸ™ƒ Have a good dayπŸ™‚
  15. Glad to hear Frank is in good spirit and you sound a little less worried. Here's the booklet that covers all scenarios of heart failure that I told you about Avril. https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/publications/large-print/living-with-heart-failure---large-print Hope it helps you and Frank understand living with heart failure Take care πŸ™‚
  16. Good morning 6.c here but with a bit of sun brightening up the day. Today off to the doctors for a medical review, two appointments so maybe they want to start jabbing me for blood,so best drink some water to get those veins pumped up. That' s my excitement for today .. @Adawn47 Sending my support to Frank and your good self πŸ™‚ Have a good day everyone πŸ™‚
  17. So sorry to read Franks news Avril and Mrs K was as stunned as you are when it happened to me as well , we thought the world had ended . Folk get it mixed up with a heart attack ,which funnily enough I have never had . The way I understood it was part of my heart simply does not work anymore . First things first Avril do not panic , looking back to 2019 my heart output was down to 27 % or something but with a careful diet and sticking to the 1500ml, my heart revived itself a bit . Now have a HF output of 49% . So it can be improved . For me No salty foods or alcohol ,you grow a lot of natural foods so your half way there . Ask one of the nurses for the booklet on heart failure ,some of the stories in it will help . A long way to go but hopefully you and Frank will get there . Hope what I have put is some help to you . Take care the both of you .
  18. They are all at it Josy ... P&O Sent me the same e- mails when we went away . Same as you we were "do not upgrade " Just ignore if your happy with your lot .
  19. You may get more results if you open a new thread as not all posters come into this one .
  20. Nothing new with crowded bars on Christmas and new year cruises . Over the years we have done New Year cruises ,even on ferries and the bars were packed. Even our local pubs and social clubs are the same at that time of year.
  21. Good Morning πŸ™‚ Were off to the to the options today,suppose they will try and get me to buy some new expensive frames ..That's one thing I wont see happening πŸ™ƒ Ghosts, spooks do think they exist ? I once dated a girl who was a ghost I knew from the very first time I saw her walk through the door . They say even objects can be spooky like my yoghurts .. Paranormal Activia ? πŸ€” Last night I was researching haunted cruise ships and was shocked to find out P&O's newest ship Vera was haunted 😲 Have a nice day , will leave you with the evidence ! πŸ™‚
  22. Hope you and the dog have a happy outcome with your results .
  23. Great news Avril very pleasing news for you and your family and us cyber friends 😊
  24. Great news Avril ,before you know it he will be back home with you againπŸ™‚ Morning everyone hope all is well. Yesterdays weather was all over the place and we had the highest and lowest temperatures ever recorded for this year. It's nice that we all think of those laid up in hospital. I remember going to visit my ex- boss. I took some chocolates and some fruit . Lucky for me he was fast asleep at the time πŸ˜‰πŸ™ƒ Hope you all have a great day Take care πŸ™‚
  25. I decided, for the first time, to try the January Sales - it's doing my head in. Went to Boots, they don't sell boots.. Went to Currys, they don't sell curry.. Went to Selfridges, they don't sell fridges.. And as for Virgin Megastore, don't even get me started on that one ! A drunk wakes up in jail on New Years day and asks the first police officer he sees, "Why am I here?" The cop replies, "For drinking too much ." "Great!" slurs the man. "When do we start?"🀣 My mate gave up smoking cold turkey for last New Year. He’s doing better now but… …he’s still coughing up feathers. As for me, I for once kept all my New Year resolutions .. I put them in a file box besides my PC . At just before midnight I raised my left leg and held the position until the clock struck 12 . It wasn't an exercise , I just wanted to start this year on the right foot .πŸ™ƒ Keep on smiling folks,it the way forward πŸ™‚
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