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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Same here using Holiday Inn or the Hilton cricket ground both with taxis and breakfast included. Now we are both retired and not tied down with work ,we like to expand our holiday by staying the night before, makes it more relaxing start. We too used to use Penguin Parking and found the very good . The only fault with them is should you need to cancel , they do not do refunds at all , apart from £20 in the first 14 days of booking but having more time on our hands and wanting a pre hotel stay the first two above suits us fine .
  2. The chemist we used was very close by and handy for you folk who may need more headache/ sea sickness tablets . Will put a google link for anyone's need of a chemist . https://www.google.com/maps/@28.4705675,-16.2473615,3a,75y,200.88h,94.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sprkDd6Qe82VTWabzOhqlKg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
  3. Not sure if always but on our two weeks we were smack bang outside the Terminal de Cruceros de Tenerife . The new buildings were still fitted out with office and shops but was very handy for the shops /bars over the road .
  4. Yes they were fitting some of the shops out a few weeks ago and putting to let signs up .
  5. I would check in first rather than lug my hand luggage around with me . Once you are checked in go outside on one of the upper decks looking over to the residential apartments and shops. Looking to your left you will see a pedestrian flyover from the port road and see a green flashing cross that belongs to a chemist . Once off board head for the chemist and you will see signs for a Spar shop , I think its the 3rd right turn after the chemist . Very easy to get to from the cruise port 5-10 mins .
  6. Red sky at night yer chip shops alight 😉 Morning 6.c with 3.c feel and raining , looks like it's here for the day so another day chilled out. Have a good day everyone🙂
  7. I forgot how this site works , my brother in law was in the same trade as you and called it a blank ,. Funny how you can call it a stopcock but .. Oh forget it 🤣🤣
  8. A few months ago our next door neighbour had a leak and went for the main stop ***** like a bull in a china shop approach. He came round asking if I had any idea of what he could do ? Turns out he had snapped the pipe below the stop ***** main inlet to their house . He had set off with a small leak in the loft from a pipe above his bedroom . They had no exterior stop tap apart from the one in the street which would switch off 6 houses supply and he could not get any plumbers to come until tomorrow. His Mrs was going mad due to the fine spray under the kitchen sink . I told him as it was the cold supply to fully open his cold tap in his bath and leave it running he said this stopped the upstairs leak and slowed the under sink issue to a little dribble , not ideal but better than a damaged kitchen and bedroom as this had took the pressure away from the leaks. Now he has it repaired have advised him to do what we do and that is to open and shut your stop ***** valve at least once a year rather than leaving it to seize up over the years . I wonder how many of you think to do the same and check it's in working order ?🤔
  9. Morning ,it's raining here and 8.c . Mrs K expecting Morrisons van in a while and apart from that ,not a lot . You all take care and have a good day .🙂
  10. Those folk would then be paying a ships medical bill, that does not come cheap .
  11. About 4 week ago we flew out from T2 MCR airport our flight was 6am . We had stayed overnight at a nearby hotel and was at the airport about 3.20am. Upon arrival we found the Jet2 well marked out and checked our cases in for our P&O-Jet 2 flight on the manned desks ,very easy and soon through. Next was a right turn following the signs to security which was very fast , I would say less than ten minutes .We then walked through the shops where all the booze and smelly's were. We made our way upstairs and got a early morning cuppa and a sarnie sandwich . Think the venue was called Apiary? They brought the food/drinks to your table . After this we just had a wander about until the gate number came up on the departures board. We had been warned that the flight would be a good ten minute walk down into the new departure gates , our gate was a back track past the back of security and in this area all there is was a set of WC's and a vending machine , other than that just departure gates . Overall we found it easy but we were on one of the first flights .so no massive crowds .. Hope this helps .
  12. Took my Mrs on the ones in Gib and Madeira and she was not amused 🤣
  13. Morning 7.c and very dull looking morning but later off to see our great granddaughter so she should brighten our day up🙂 @Peanut006 Hope you get things sorted today with your mum's ability getting around . At least she's eating even if it's only porridge and ice cream at the moment . Good luck .I think the hozzie will sort her for you.🙂 Take care everyone😃
  14. Morning 9.c and sunny here 🙂 I think we have found out the reason these boards are quiet in the day time . Most of you are on the night shift contemplating things like.. Should I start baking or make a sausage sandwich or better still book an holiday ?🤔 You think of the strangest things in the we small hours like ... "If you could sleep with anyone living or anyone dead, who would it be?" ...... I decided "Definitely somebody living" 🙃 Our daughter asked me if I could rock our baby grand daughter to sleep but I failed ,maybe she isn't keen on Status Quo 😉 To all of you who are awake ,have a nice day and hope others do once they wake up. Take care .🙂
  15. What did the Roman say when his wife was eaten by a tiger?...... Gladiator 🙃
  16. Just a thought ... Anyone giving up booking cruisers for lent ? 🤔😉
  17. Morning 11.c and a bit showery on this Sunday morning . Maybe that's why it's so peaceful on here the day of rest . Very quiet not like a few years ago when all the church bells used to ring out for the Sunday services . Talking to our local vicar about a handyman guy who used to go up into the bell tower to clean them .He was accident prone and was forever headbutting the bells ,which then made a weird sound . The vicar said "can you remember this and his name as he showed me a photo of him ? I told him " sorry no but his face rang a bell "🙃😉 Have a nice day whatever your doing .🙂
  18. Morning ,hope everyone's well 🙂 We have just come back from our local cemetery ,been to remove old wreaths/flowers whilst the weather is reasonable . It's 9.c and the sun came out for half hour ,which was nice . Where the cemetery is ,it has open fields and a grassy embankment that we noted had lots of snowdrops and various daffy's poking through the rough grass . That can only mean one thing (apart from some one dumped them years ago ) ... Have a good day and take care 😃🙂
  19. Hope your Mums back home soon feeling better .The grand kids will be all the more fun when you get sorted (house mum etc). Try and make a little time for yourself . Take care 🙂
  20. They have an offer on where kids eat for £1 ,so could be a nice experience on your purse 😉.
  21. Morning all,just a dull damp 9.c day here but at least the weekends here, not that it makes much difference when your retired as you can do as little or as much as you want really . My dentist asked me how I was finding retirement compared to when I was In work ? I told him "I now find myself in charge of our TV a lot more and now class myself as a remote worker "🙃 Have a good day 🙂
  22. Quite right too ! Don't put the lady off her shopping 🙃 Happy Birthday Mrs Zapp 🙂 Here's hoping you all enjoy your cruises/green beans 😃
  23. Maybe todays "Hide and Seek" day as they seem to have a day for everything else .🤔 12.C dull and showery here .Today off out for a dental check up as I still have a dentist to call my own 🙂 Have a good day everyone .
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