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Crazy For Cats

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Everything posted by Crazy For Cats

  1. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. Today’s meal suggestion is one that I make on a regular basis. I look forward to seeing what twists @dfishwill share with us. I’m not sure what we are having today. It typically takes me until the weekend after the time change to recover. The only exception is when I’m on a BHB. No plans today. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  2. Thanks to Zander I am up to watch the NS come into port.
  3. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. This morning is going to be rainy and a bit windy. I may go to Walmart early this morning but may wait until tomorrow. Today’s meal suggestion would go over with DH if there was some meat added. I saw a FB post that the shareholder perk was extended for another year. I checked the website and it was updated yet. I hope everyone has a good day today. Since Zander got me up I’ll go watch the NS come into port.
  4. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. Today is a nice sunny day with a storm coming overnight. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion but agree with @dfish, number three looks best. I’m sure the cats will remind me of how awesome they are. Yesterday’s meeting was just a session on how great the company is, my time would have been better spent working customer issues. I’ve started planning my first work road trip since the shutdown, I have mixed feelings about getting on the road again. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  5. Good Morning, thank you for the daily fleet report. Today’s meal suggestion sounds interesting and I look forward to pictures and recipes from @dfish. A second in office day today for a company wide meeting. Yesterday I scheduled limo service for our May and July Zaandam cruises. I also got confirmation from the pet sitter that she can look after the kids during our September Zaandam cruise. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  6. The Rotterdam looks good coming into port today. Hopefully I can catch sail away.
  7. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. I’m curious about today’s meal suggestion and look forward to recipes and pictures from @dfish. Proofreading is important before posting, autocorrect can do some interesting word changes. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  8. I received an email about this today. It’s not something I can do now while I’m still working.
  9. When we throw out our backs we use Bio Freeze. Works well for us.
  10. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. I like today’s meal suggestion when I can find it without fish. Most places around here include shrimp. I have cereal most work days, my top choices are frosted shredded wheat and cocoa crispies. Today’s the first of two in office days this week, at least they are still providing lunch. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  11. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. Today’s meal suggestion is one I like and I’d take a plate of any of the recipes from @dfish. It’s already 40F here and should get closer to 50 by the afternoon. Yesterday I got a new usb and extra outlet device for our upcoming Zaandam cruise, we are in an OV. I got this from a recommendation on another cc thread. I do like the tips and tricks that are shared on this board. I’ll celebrate dentist day, I seriously don’t like going to visit them but appreciate what they do for me. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  12. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. Today's meal suggestion is on the menu today but made in the oven. After a 4am attempt to get me out of bed I was allowed to sleep in until 5:45. Today's agenda is to go to Aldi. I hope everyone has a good day today. This one may have multiple personalities. I could use a dose of this. 20220404_095829.mp4
  13. Happy to see the Zaandam come into port this morning. She’s our next cruise.
  14. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. Today is going to be a day with snow, sleet and rain. Today's meal suggestion sounds very good. DH was eligible for a new CPAP machine and he used it last night, much quieter. I hope everyone has a good day today. Today's port of the day is my favorite.
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