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Everything posted by mrlevin

  1. I have always kept the old books to see the progression of prices; I guess now I can throw away the old one once anew one comes out (of course having historical books also lets you see changes in itineraries). Marc
  2. Must be a change; but still not too bad.
  3. Deposit is $500 per person per segment even for Grand Voyages; don't know about world cruises.
  4. Agree. Did a search by "ports of call" and didn't see any itineraries that were truly new. I would like to see LA - Hawaii round trip and three day Bermuda trips again (48 hours in royal Naval Dockyard doesn't cut it); haven't had those in years (it seems to me). I would also like to see more North Africa cruises with multiple days in Egypt (I know there is one this year) and Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya; 20 May 25 on Splendour does look interesting, though. edited to add: I can't seem to find any Black Sea cruises; even to Constanta or north coast of Turkey.
  5. Most of the 2023 Trieste departures have been changed to Fusina EXCEPT the Grandeur 18 November. There was a report on here a while back that the Grandeur would also be moving to Fusina but nothing has happened. If we are to leave from Trieste I would like to spend last night before cruise in Trieste instead of Venice. If Fusina, obviously I would stay in Venice. We are in Venice for almost a week before this cruise. Does anyone have definite information one way or the other? Or, is the decision still TBD? We are getting close. thanks, Marc
  6. I have 333 nights on Regent currently booked. Has anyone figured out the dry dock windows from the summary on pages 176-189?
  7. Did you even look at the brochure? There are NO prices. 🤑
  8. Mike, thanks. TA was finally able to get to me around 1430 CDT. I just checked now and the link worked on website. Now I need to go through the 207 pages by tomorrow at 2000 EDT. Again, thanks, Marc
  9. I chose another cruise and asked for pdf and it came with no issues.
  10. Link to excursions finally showed up this morning. Five times over a five hour period I clicked the link and put in my email address and nothing happened. I then called Regent and the helpful young lady confirmed my email address and she said she would send directly to me; still haven't received. My email is working fine so I truly believe the issue is on Regent's end. Has anyone else had the same problem? thanks, Marc
  11. Probably oversold. Fall much better for Canada/New England so if you can swing it I would jump. Ask for cabin with a shower only on Mariner (if available). You would be going from 12 night to 11 night cruise so make sure you are getting 1/12 of your fare back AND cash back refund.
  12. Excursion booking opens in three days and still no PDF. Called yesterday and was told they will be out yesterday afternoon or this morning. Called again today and was told that the pdf will be sent to me (and I assume everyone else booked on the cruise) automatically when available; in twenty years I have never had the pdf sent to me automatically. I wonder what story I will be told when I call the third time. Its a long cruise and wife and I would love to research the actual options prior to bookings opening. We no longer look at the "sample" excursions online prior to pdf as we have been burned multiple times by selecting a wonderful excursion that then is not offered. End rant, Marc
  13. That is not what you said. You said that Regent ENFORCES the dress code 99% of the time. I say that iF there is a violation Regent will not force the violator to leave/change more than 8 times in 10; and it might actually be lower. Really depends on who is the GM. Marc
  14. If you are still interested in this itinerary, March 2026 Voyager will be going from Dubai to Rome stopping in Taormina, Amalfi Coast (Salerno), and even Jeddah Saudi Arabia. Not listed as an individual itinerary at this time but part of a Grand Voyage from Port Louis to Rome. Dubai to Rome segment will be 28 days. Here is the link to Grand Voyage itinerary: https://www.rssc.com/cruises/VOY260212C/summary?source=CruiseSearch Marc
  15. Regent, and Radisson before them, have always chartered cruises. If, in fact, this cruise was canceled more than a year in advance there are no "deviation fees" paid and, in fact, no paid or frequent flyer airline tickets purchased. Only cost could be insurance which, as pcardad explained, can be transferred to a future trip. Now, those occasional "last minute" charters do get me angry; hopefully more than $250pp in that case. Marc
  16. mj, you go straight to Guest Services instead of through your TA? thanks, Maarc
  17. Thanks for the update. We have 128 nights booked on Mariner between this December and the start of the 2025 WC; hopefully we enjoy every one. We canceled the 2023 WC as we have found that we prefer the Grand Voyages 70-94 nights. I guess I should be glad that we had only ~115 full voyagers last year on Grand Arctic; the (few) events were nice. Again, thanks, Marc
  18. Alternative location in Hamilton is Naval Dockyards but that will be indicated on itinerary if there instead of downtown Hamilton.
  19. Definitely concur; just filled in Butler Request Form for our first cruise in PH; nothing that we haven't included in pre-cruise email request or first-day request. In fact, I feared requesting newspaper in advance thinking I might get charged for paper instead of it being free.
  20. BBWC, do you know if many of the World Cruisers have decided to cancel their 2024 WC bookings because of the issues and lack of dry dock before 2024 WC? Marc
  21. Our liquor bottles usually got replaced, too. I never asked and they replaced by the time I was empty.
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