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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. Make up your mind. If you're only concerned about feet, then shorts are allowed. Why the emphasis on feet? Aren't they "covered" by the table cloths? If you're concerned about seeing feet walking to the table, aren't you concerned about seeing feet while walking to the MDR from your room? Just a strange focus point IMO. FWIW, I wear slacks, polish, and sneakers to dinner. I don't care what anyone else wears. I'm focused on my traveling companions.
  2. Well in @BirdTravelsdefense, that picture does represent 0.01% of the guests. 😅
  3. Ignore the % off or BOGO language. Look at the total price. 25% ( or BOGO1/2 off) off a $90 package is better than 30% off a $100 package.
  4. The issue is that Royal Carribean's policy says under 21 is considered a minor Where does it say that? Just because you have to be 21 to book a room doesn't mean 18, 19, and 20 year olds are "minors". They are adults, but not allowed to book a room (unless they're married I believe).
  5. Food is EXTREMELY subjective. A steak can be great for one person and terrible for another. It can be great one day and terrible the next for the same person.
  6. Of course. 😛 But, someone could have bug but not have symptoms until the evening or even the next day, so while they boarded with it, they didn't KNOW.
  7. How do you know someone got on KNOWING they had a bug?
  8. How do you KNOW it's a communicable illness though? Is it possible it's food poisoning? I agree with getting to a doctor and finding out what's wrong. My "optimistic" side agrees with those who say skip the family visit and go to the port on Friday. You can always hit an urgent treatment there. My "pessimistic" side says even if it's not Covid, if it is something that lasts longer than 24 hours, and/or is transmissible, then you could BOTH be a long a way from home and sick.
  9. Don't think so. Not every state does raised seals. It needs to be an "official" document.
  10. Wait, you're getting 14-21 outfits into a carry on bag? Plus four pair of shoes, and toiletries bag? You need to do a video to show how you do all of that. Thats 2-3 times what I fit into a carry on.
  11. Heck, kids don't "know" phone numbers any more. They're pre-programmed. In which case, an office number can be preprogrammed. Or, set up autoforwarding on your phone. Having a cell phone available 24/7 is NOT a "necessity", even today. There are still places with poor (or no) cell coverage... and before you say "rural areas", the hotel I stayed at in St. Louis last week had poor coverage, as did my work site. I was only able to use my phone because of wifi. There are also jobs where there should be limited, if not no, outside distractions.
  12. Not disagreeing on any of that. It will take time (years if not decades) to see if their decisions have a negative, neutral, or positive impact on the company.
  13. As you mention in your last sentence, it's not part of the experience any longer. Period. End of story. Just like chocolates on the pillows, midnight buffets, unlimited lobster, etc. Yes, a handful of folks are happy with once a day housekeeping. Others are "it is what it is" (that's where I fall). Still others are gnashing their teeth and getting their pitchforks out. Will enough people "jump ship" because of the "thousand cuts"? So far, the answer is "no". If enough people stop sailing, either prices will drop or services will improve. If they continue sailing full, what motivation is there to lower prices or improve services?
  14. I don't see how the age of the person "packing" make a difference. How about this scenario... Wife: "Honey, would you get my stuff out of the safe?" Husband: "Sure" <cleans out safe, grabs EVERYTHING in the safe> Couple gets home Wife: "Honey, where'd this ring come from?" Husband: "It was in the safe, I thought it was yours." Now, my wife only wears her wedding ring and engagement ring. But I know other women who wear a lot more than that. I don't think this is an unrealistic scenario. Yes, the proper thing to do IF the ring was noticed before they left port would be to leave the ring with Royal. But that didn't happen. I think OP is doing the right thing, and can hopefully contact Royal today.
  15. Until someone finds out about the contract for Cats, asking for a replacement will be like hitting your head against a wall. I know it's been on the ship for less than 10 years since DW and I saw Hairspray on Oasis in 2013. It can't be easy/cheap to replace a Broadway style show. When we were on Mariner last year, I went to all of the shows in the theater. I don't think any of them had a plot line. It was a bunch of singing, dancing, and changing of sets. As far as Cats, I went to see it in Chicago in HS as part of a field trip. I remember liking the majority of the songs and thought the staging and costumes were done well.
  16. That's what I figured, but if they're cancelling so many cruises, they can't look over the details of the "boilerplate" before issuing it, that's not a good thing IMO.
  17. I don't know what's true or not, but what did you expect them to do with the cash? Keep it in their hands until they put it in the pool? What a strange "fact" to base a theory on.
  18. I don't have a dog in this fight, and this itinerary change would really suck, but something else that jumped at me... They will put you in a "like for like" cabin if you stay with the new itinerary. But the original booking was on Rhapsody and the new itinerary is on Rhapsody. So why wouldn't they just keep folks in the cabins already assigned?
  19. Don't they only hold six? Does cost matter? I think the OTW cabanas are the best, but they're WAY out of our price range now. Do stairs matter (some require going up/down stairs to the water)?
  20. No, you post links to FAQs. 😉 - see, helps to see the intended humor.
  21. Emoji's help get the point across that you're trying to make a joke. The way it was written made it sound like you actually believed it.
  22. #2 is incorrect. I think the bracelets are for 12 and under and are for muster stations.
  23. Yes, I intentionally used the words I did. How else would you have phrased the question? The OP is not confusing, IF IT WAS ACTUALLY READ. I honestly had no idea how many people would read their own FACTS into the question. If I didn't mention a package, people still would have assumed I was talking about deluxe or asked. Since you're so good at knowing my thoughts, what color am I thinking of?
  24. So why did you mention "sharing packages", the poster you quoted didn't mention it? And, the poster you quoted made no mention of "underage drinking".
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