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A Tucson Guy

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Everything posted by A Tucson Guy

  1. I did not get charged a deviation fee either. Also, I really like the flights that the SS Air Desk got me out of Tucson AZ. So far, post Covid, we are 3 for 3 on SS Bus Air on getting great flights and connections.
  2. Two nights for $1340 for two. I know that is expensive but I wanted the transfers etc. That does include breakfast each day .
  3. We are doing two days prior through SS this August in Venice. They have us at Hilton Molino Stucky and it looks lovely.
  4. I thought that I remembered that this forum had a list of hotels that SS uses in various cities, but I can't seem to find it. We are spending 2 days pre the Nova cruise in Nov. and wondering which hotel SS may use. Thanks.
  5. Another good reason for us not taking the elevator- we like/need the exercise!!
  6. I assume the reason there are no prices is because they are fluid and change a lot.
  7. Great marketing piece from my humble perspective!!
  8. Terry, I also want to thank you for your insight and comments. You are a Mensch and I hope you know what that means. I hope we meet on a future cruise!!
  9. If you give SS your money, they don't care how you spell it!
  10. Last year on two Dawn cruises, I found the restaurants were cool enough that I was OK with wearing a jacket. If the temperature gets too warm, I will just remove my jacket and put it on the back of my chair- heaven forbid!!
  11. What is giving us angst about future cruises is the huge increase in the cost of upgrading to Bus. Air. I just am having a hard time justifying $14,000 for two to upgrade to Bus Air on many cruises. Inflation will eventually effect most consumers.
  12. I just also got an email that my flight times changed a little. No big deal. We we all get to see the new ship.
  13. Please leave some caviar and champagne on the ship. I get hungry and thirsty!
  14. Which cruise in Nov.? We are also going on the Nova 11-24, NYC to Barbados
  15. I just made our dinner ressies for the Nova sailing leaving 8-21-23. I made 2 ressies for La Dame, which we love, and this time there was no mention of the $60 pp charge. I am not complaining but it is probably just an IT glitch. I had no problem getting all the ressies that we wanted. Looking forward to the Nova or I can hardly wait!!!
  16. Anybody can "jump ship" anytime they want. If you don't like a cruise line, try another one.
  17. We always get at least one bottle from the Connoisseur's list and drink it with our main course. We will drink the complimentary wines before the main course. For us, the Connoisseur's list wine will easily last us for two meals. SS will store it eat and it will appear at your request.
  18. Don't forget that some folks on this forum have an upstairs and a downstairs butler! Two for one.
  19. In the last two years, we have had 3 refunds for lower advertised price and the amount was taken off our cruise price. This happened before payment in full was done. The terms and conditions does give SS the latitude to give the refund in a future cruise credit, on board ship credits and a lowering of the current cruise. The golden rule in cruises is "They who own the ships make the rules". I hope this helps.
  20. Last time on the Dawn, Dom was $1.50 a bottle. Cheaper than a wine store in AZ.
  21. We were D to D in Nov. disembarking in Lisbon. We stayed 4 days extra in Lisbon. We did lose the hotel to Lisbon airport transfer. We did not book the hotel through SS. I think if we had, we would have still gotten the airport transfer.
  22. We were in Rhonda last Nov. It is a beautiful city and thank you for posting these pictures.
  23. We get on the Nova 8-21-23, hopefully. I have not heard anything recently.
  24. We just didn't enjoy Kaiseki as much as the other restaurants so we don't book it anymore. I do like the sushi at lunch. To us, Kaiseki was not awful, just not great.
  25. Our typical cruise is 10 to 16 days and we always go to La Dame twice a cruise. It is always a special night for us. Try it, you'll like it!!
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