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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Well I don’t know what to think. I knew about the off menus activity thanks to a friend who gave me loads of QG gen. Even apart from that knowledge, we have always been asked if there is anything else the kitchen could make for us etc. My QG experience has been limited to a couple of cruises on QE and the rest on QV. Does that make a difference? No idea.
  2. and as I have said many times on this very subject, you were very unlucky as we have always been encouraged to go off piste if not particularly enthralled by the menu.
  3. Excuse my ‘misuse’ of the term ‘deck11’. As the PG restaurant is on deck 11, I used that instead of the restaurant. There is a world of difference between the bustle of an out door deck, mug of tea, as you so rightly indicated, and the tranquility of an indoor cup of tea. I enjoy both.
  4. Not all passengers like 'the show'. We like the tranquility of afternoon tea on deck 11.
  5. Get your agent to link the bookings. One agent will give their client a code to give to the other agent and then the bookings can be linked. At least, that’s how we managed it on a few occasions Pre Covid.
  6. Thank you. It did feature in the past but an order by lunchtime is even better. I'm partial to duck. My husband isn't so it's my chance to get ducked out! That and lamb. Pink rack of lamb. Yum Yum.
  7. The a la carte menus rotate, so maybe the duck, ducked out of the sample menu shown and flew over to another menu. It's a sample and samples don't show the full extent of whatever is being sampled.
  8. News to me. Not being interested in a QM2 cruise, I didn't realise some QGs don't have a balcony. I wouldn't be at all happy, even in a depths of winter cruise as we like fresh air.
  9. and even in QG, if happy with your cabin position, it's best to opt out of an upgrade. We were in a 3 and ticked an upgrade and then had to negotiate 'down' to a 2, which was what we hoped for. Now we opt out as we book the 1 or 2, depending on itinerary [don't want aft in potentially lumpy seas], apart from one booking where we're waitlisted for either. Does wait listing [guess we'll have to pay for that if it happens] take precedence over an upgrade box ticked?
  10. The libraries play an enormous part in my cruising life. I'd already deferred possible divorce proceedings because of the suitcase of books I took with me on our Florida trips as I found a local exchange book booth and started an exchange shelf in our hotel. No library isn't a deal breaker obviously but I'd have to buy into Amazon Prime reading if the libraries shrank to a couple of exchange shelves. Cheaper in the long run than reloading my Kindle all the time once I'd exhausted Borrowbox.
  11. Why? We don't go to most officer events and certainly can't say we go for the drinks element. Does that mean all, or all but the most 'exclusive ones' should be cancelled because a few don't bother with them? No We don't go to the wine tasting and not because we don't drink wine but it's obviously popular so why should it be abandoned because a few don't go? If #27 is tongue in cheek [jolly well hope it is!!], it should be made obvious. If it isn't then Cunard might be up against it a bit when regulars can voice such thoughts. 🙁
  12. Couldn't decide whether to give it a like, or a laugh! 🙂
  13. My assumption too and totally understandable. I won't miss any drinks etc but I did like meeting up with familiar faces.
  14. We went to one on our first 'Diamond' cruise. It was a perk. We used it. Gave it the benefit of the doubt and tried again. Never bothered after that, I don't need advice as I'm comfortable with my Marlborough choices, apart from the occasional bottle of Ice-wine or a glass of 'd'yquem [if pushing the boat out] for 'afters' and my husband consults wine waiters for their take on the reds if trying something new.. Bin end reds have been interesting. Interesting to hear the take on WC benefits being cut. It sounds as if the Verandah lunch or pop up dinner is still available to the Diamonds, which we won't use unless dining with friends from other restaurants, and I guess I'll miss seeing some of the members of staff we got to know at the small get togethers in the Queens Room but apart from that, the only one I'll really miss is the 8 hrs internet because whatever Cunard say in their blurb about the changes in internet packages and you'll get the same value of benefit as before, their idea of 'the same value as before' isn't mine! We shall see.
  15. I thought the wine tasting was an activity for a wet afternoon or when there was nothing better on the daily plan.
  16. We too have walking difficulties so I look forward to your comments.
  17. Ha Ha is a much more civilised response than the possible GBH I might have had in mind! 😄 Good job it was hopefully a tongue in cheek comment.
  18. Not greedy at all. One duck for two, four ducks for seven makes a great main course. One duck for me, now that's a lot, but I'll try and soldier through the angst. 🙂
  19. Peking Duck has always been a favourite and luckily, 'the table' [Pre Covid we had tables for 6/8] has always been happy to join in. Might have to try your 'neighbouring' technique as we're dining à deux for the foreseeable future. 🙂
  20. I love lamb and duck. My husband doesn't. I have had both Rack of Lamb and the Orange Duck served just for me but I have no idea if that's the norm or if I'm just a lucky ducky If you don't ask, you won't get, so worth smiling nicely and asking.
  21. For me, there isn't We don't agree and that's fine.
  22. We won't all be dining in busy areas; we won't all be in busy bars and we won't all be crowding into the theatre or joining tour buses and so for the time being, if breathing through a mask with a decent filter can help mitigate, mitigate not stop, the spread of this virus at any one time when the mask is worn, then I'm all for it.
  23. As we wear masks in most places unless eating or drinking, I have no idea if the pneumonia jab has helped us or not and not having been onboard since we had our jabs, I have no idea if it will be effective against the seemingly quite virulent strains we've come across, particularly on World Cruise Segments. We have avoided 'the cough' possibly to a robust immune system in my case, but we have had friends inboard who have been quite poorly and voluntarily confined themselves to their cabin whilst taking the antibiotics, which is more than can be said for some coughers and sneezers. We will follow the Japanese for a while yet.
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