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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Yep. August on QE, we were booked on the first August Seacation which was cancelled the week before she started up again and May on QV, again, the one prior to her start up. Racked up loads of Cunard FCC though over the last few years. Better with Cunard than a savings account! Moral Don't book the cruises we have booked! 😀
  2. Yes absolutely! 🙂 We have had so many cruises cancelled, seven or eight I think, I've lost count, I won't believe it until it happens. Roll on September. 🙂
  3. How true and if mistakes have been made, I would far rather nip down and sort it out at the Front Desk [ the Front Desk being as anonymous as I can get when having a bit of a moan over my account] in good time and when it's quiet than faff around on disembarkation and queue with all the others, or worse, try and sort it out once home. To be honest, I'm slightly amused how the way spending a few minutes, a couple of times a week checking one's onboard account became such an interesting topic to make fun of or to appear condescending about but I suppose if it's never happened personally, and it amuses, then fine, Unnecessary but fine. However, if M.T and I are being monitored in the way we spend our time onboard, as demonstrated on this thread, then it begs the question should I post my view of the ship after our first cruise in three years! It will be from a different stand point form anyone else on this Cunard board. Will that be mocked too as it will not have followed 'the norm'?
  4. Log into 'My Account'. If you don't have an account, create one and your WC membership number will be under 'My details'.
  5. Mistakes have only happened a couple of times over the decade we've been cruising with Cunard to be fair but they have happened. I think everyone should check all expenditure statements, land and sea and each to their own but that's the way I was brought up. It's only a £ or two but I'm the one who gets CC slip for a newspaper. And I check it against my statement!🙂 One cruise, a shortish one by our standards, we ended up with thousands of $$OBC and even though relatives and BFFs were recipients of Cunard's largesse that Christmas, we still had some $$ left and rather than let the company have them, I had them assigned to the staff grat. pot. As you say, my choice as to where 'my' money went.
  6. It took me ten minutes or less to go down the the Front Desk to get a printout, twice a week. That's twenty minutes out of a week. Huge amount of time, I quite realise when I could have been enjoying myself but help is at hand. Apparently, one can check for nefarious additions to one's account on 'My Cunard'. So for me, that will probably involve more time taken in trying to get my head around something technical but hey, never mind, I'm saving the planet! 😄 Seriously now though, I completely agree a $100 here and there isn't a lot at all when the price of the cruise is taken into consideration but it's annoying and I, like Major T, do not appreciate being debited for an expense I didn't make so I check.
  7. As you might just have gathered, I am a huge fan of QG on QV. I will write an objective view of her, post Covid. Can't do a QG comparison with QM2 because even though the few days each time I sailed solo with friends, were really great, I'm not a fan of the ship's layout and so haven't any cabin experiences above Britannia. I promise to be truly objective, with a bit of personal thoughts thrown in for good measure. If that helps you at all, I'll be very pleased. 🙂
  8. I have made visits to the Front Desk on Victoria and I suppose if I was looking for effusive smiles with their efficiency. I'd be disappointed, but if I was looking for quick efficiency, I'd be very happy. I'll go with the latter. 🙂
  9. So do we. Even though we're Cunard loyalists, I'm not blind to the fact mistakes are made and our own past experiences have shown that. Not only do we keep the receipts, I get an account printout every couple of days and check them off against that. Belt and braces. It's easier to sort out a mistake when onboard than afterwards and we have had one or two quite expensive mistakes on our account. Unless you have complete faith in 'the system', or you have money to burn, neither of which we have, checking the receipts, as we do with credit and debit statements when at home, is the sensible thing to do.
  10. A bit mundane, but along with the coins sellotaped to the inside of a see through 'pouch' I have in my carry on stuff for any 'to pay for' trolleys, I also have a couple of paper clips. Jolly useful for receipts. I wasn't a Brownie [and for a short while, a Guide] for nothing!! 😀
  11. It would be lovely if there was a kind of private message facility. There are some members here I definitely feel I have an affinity with and I would love 'to talk' but in a more private setting I don't see any way around it.
  12. For lazy items such as myself, please will you provide a link when it's published. Thanks
  13. I see the positives in life and go with the lemons make lemonade take on life but there are sure to be elements of any cruise at the moment which might not meet expectations. I am a QV fan, and QE to a lesser extent and will be going on our first cruise post Covid not with high expectations exactly. but will be prepared to enjoy ourselves and try not to let any lemons spoil the overall picture. I haven't read any reviews although I'll read exlondoner's as I trust her instincts, as my take might have been different to others'. Go prepared to enjoy. Make sure any real grumbles are addressed if possible. onboard and do let us know your impressions of my favourite ship.
  14. It's many years since we visited the Valley but my recollection is the ground is uneven and slopes at times but if you have a walking stick to aid balance, it should be very doable. As one who has also had to use a stick in the past, my advice would be take a light brace to alleviate any strain. Any interiors accessible to the public, had hand rails for slopes or steps. The coaches parked at the entrance to the Valley but we're talking hundreds of yards and not miles. Definitely a box to tick so I'd try and make it if you can
  15. I guess part of it, is what we're used to and I agree, we shouldn't have to visit the Front Desk to sort out mistakes but it happens occasionally and as has been said, a signed piece of paper helps. Hopefully, those who want a receipt, can still get one and then that's the best of both worlds isn't it! 🙂
  16. Most definitely, and having had others' drinks somehow finding their way onto our account, we WANT to sign. At the very least we could prove in the past, the signature wasn't ours. Might be slightly more difficult if [when?] it happens again but, we will be asking for a receipt for every purchase.
  17. Your sense of humour hasn't been Covid dampened. RSI indeed!🙂
  18. Thanks elmsliebev Fingers crossed you'll continue to improve and enjoy the view as you do so
  19. Oh my goodness exlondoner we could have so much fun with this. But don't worry Hattie, I won't 'run ' with it. 😂
  20. So sorry to hear but good to know you're being well looked after. Please could you tell us which cabins are in the quarantine zone on QE?
  21. and as one who has a vulnerable other half but with the determination to 'live' and not continue as a hermit as he did for well over eighteen months, thank you. We too will mask up, for ourselves and for others.
  22. Worth giving a try 3rdGenCunarder and if it works, great. We've had tour office issues, one of which wasn't sorted to my satisfaction as the tour I was booked on in '19 and then somehow removed, [payment was still on the account] from was limited to a very few so I couldn't go and as we'll likely not be back to the port for years, if ever, was really annoying. The cabin issue was incompetence as you say. As there were ongoing issues, did you take any up with a senior officer from the Front Desk towards the end of the cruise? I would have done.
  23. Super post LittleFish1976 and I agree. As a couple who spend more time than many in the cabin, a dining table is a far better option, both for ambiance and digestion rather than slumped over a coffee table or eating separately at the desks. On the Vistas, that means a 1 or a 2. I have had S.E/Asian dishes prepared for me and when it was found the chef came from where we lived for a while, he came for a chat and prepared me some great street food on a couple of nights.
  24. My only comment here would be when I make an observation about onboard experiences, the experiences are mine, no one else's, That way I can be sure they are accurate. I'm glad your holiday wasn't awful.
  25. Card on iPad and also, like Hattie, next to bag clasp, meant multiple trips to the concierge or Front Desk. Card in sleeve, no trips. Is it just the sleeve or is it the RFID component? Can't help with any technicalities as I have no idea of these things but I gave it a go and it seems to work.
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