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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Harsh maybe but given the number of times strikes, the weather and 'incidents' delay or cause cancellations these days, I wouldn't want any possible angst at the end of a holiday. For peace of mind, I'd go private transfer or take the Cunard connection.
  2. I wouldn't trust the trains to London at the moment if other methods of transport were on offer! Personally, we'd book a taxi/limo but that's for two of us. If I didn't want to pay private transfer costs, I'd grin and bear the Cunard transfer.
  3. Just shows how different we all are as I think a long sleeved black polo shirt [do they even exist?] would look awful so lets all agree to disagree, be mindful of advisories and accept the fact interpretation is all and even though some might not like others' interpretations, it doesn't mean they're wrong as far as the loose Cunard guidelines are concerned.
  4. Jackets are optional/ many regular Cunard passengers wear them/when it's hot some remove them for fear of over heating/some passengers remove them for ease of eating. but when 'we' get down to talking BMI, height, waist and anything else remotely personal, 'we' are utterly losing the plot! Each to their own!!
  5. Good Lord, don't go there!!!!😲
  6. To my mind, they add an element of elegance, a completion if you like, if elegance can be ascribed to a chap! 🙂 I will be very interested to see how the dress code is interpreted on QA and if the more contemporary decor has any influence on the more traditional Cunard dress code.
  7. Safety hats to prevent the excess spit from angel trumpets landing on heads!
  8. Depends on the ship and the cabin. QV 1s have a separate snug which is a second single bedroom so no need for a second cabin although if we sailed with anyone other than family, we'd def. book an inside for night time. QE and QV's 2s have separate master bedrooms so the sofa bed in the sitting rooms would be separate, same with QE1s. Other than that, I know of passengers who booked a Q6 or a 5, and an inside as he snores! 😁
  9. My husband's chair never wears a jacket and etiquette [not manners] demand chairs don't usually wear jackets, but be very careful on the 'working up a sweat' issue as I would far rather prefer to see a jacket on a chair than sweat running down an affected face and having been seated with affected fellow passengers in that scenario pre revised dress codes, if the wait staff actively encouraged chaps to remove jackets before a health and safety issue occurred, then common sense prevailed. Can't win occasionally. Jackets are to be encouraged but if the air-con can't cope, don't take them off? Thank heavens for those who have common sense.
  10. More Key West style so don’t think it qualifies for National status!😊
  11. Surprisingly, I have seen Bermudas and Black Tie! The Bermudas WERE black [as were the knee length socks] and the jacket was whitish ivory, so yes, it does happen though not, I suspect, ever on Cunard! 😀
  12. We have a few QG nights under our belt and it's a hit for us, and if a miss occurred, I would be making sure the miss became a hit. 🙂
  13. Absolutely fine. That's for you and yours. Others may not have that expertise or practise. Clip on fits the bill perfectly or in our case, a pre tied and please don't judge as I haven't the patience and my husband can't any more. That well used phrase -each to their own ... and let no one judge. 🙂
  14. Huh we had that too!😀 At the end of the day, those who try their darnedest to follow 'suggested' dress attire, are OK for me.
  15. Clip on/pre tied/self tie It's a bow tie and although the purists [really??] might be able to distinguish, like you, I have no intention of finding out! It's a ruddy bow tie! Good grief, it reminds me of school where we were inspected on the state of our school tie knots! 😲
  16. If it means chaps who don't normally go for a DJ go all out and wear one - with a clip on bow tie, then good for them. Don't let's get precious over a bow tie. I;m just happy they're worn! 😀
  17. I suppose wearing a loyalty pin on Cunard shows level of CWC status but that's not showing off as such, more pride I would have thought although mine are strung up for the Christmas Tree so I'd fail that one! 😄
  18. You'll be absolutely fine. 👍 Have fun.
  19. Nice slacks are fine and apparently, it seems a polo shirt is acceptable for dinner of an evening onboard but I haven't seen a polo shirt in the [QG] restaurant over dinner [lunch, yes] or if I have, it was wearing a jacket, and so in my experience, I haven't seen one. However, if it's allowed, it's allowed. 🙂 For info., most chaps will go the long sleeved shirt route for dinner and at least half will wear a jacket too. A smaller minority will also wear a tie. For Gala evenings, you're sorted with the black suit but again, more will be in DJs than not. Enjoy, whatever you wear. 😃
  20. Let me reassure you [I think you're a Cunard first timer] any pomposity shown in print does not exist onboard and as one who has probably been thought of as having riff raffish tendencies by one or two with my thoughts on the tweaking of the traditional Cunard for the 2020's, I don't ignore those posts, I laugh at them. 😀
  21. Bathrooms, yes, similar apart from the ensuite 2 doesn't seem to have two sinks but then it does have two bathrooms [I say bath but one is a shower room]. It will be interesting to see if the great room decor will be similar to QV aft. I still say not. Having two cruises booked for this year, I will report back.🙂
  22. Having also stayed QG 'aft' a couple of times, and of course not having had any experience so far of QA, I would say the very comfortable elegance of the aft cabins have little in common as far as I can glean so far with QA QG suites. From renderings and the short video, the adjective I would use is for QA is 'contemporary' although I'm hoping 'comfortable' will also feature. Luxury of course, is in the eye of the beholder. We have been spoilt on QV so will have to approach QA with an open mind.
  23. The main comment from housekeeping about QVs aft refit, was all about keeping the black wood 'smear' free although there it is gloss black as opposed to QA which looks as if it might be a matt finish. I'm not impressed so far of the little I've seen of the cabins but it's early days and hopefully, once onboard and with the ship 'finished', as I get used to the interior finishes, I'll get used to the decor and the cabins.
  24. Fingers crossed there for all cabins. Can't say I was bowled over by storage space in the second QG cabin shown. Hopefully, once fitted out, we will get a better picture.
  25. I prefer to think of the different dining and accommodation options as personal choice rather than using any 'high-low' terminology. No one is low, no one is high as passengers but as far as add ons are concerned we already have drinks packages which are available to those of us in the UK. We avoid that one just as I would prefer other 'packages' to be available to buy to that of 'inclusive additions' [apart from the service charge which I would welcome as part of all fares]. We purposely will avoid any inclusive cruise lines if possible, if we ever desert Cunard. Why pay for amenities we have no intention of using.
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