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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. The washers and dryers on Annie are totally different from her sisters' facilities. Digital and Diva'ish ['break down' every day but luckily are re programmed within an hour or two] with loads of programmes. My suggestion was a simple 'this is what the symbols mean' laminated sheet. Then folk wouldn't do a full wash for over an hour when a quick 20 min wash is sufficient or use the low heat dryer programme and wonder why their clothes aren't dry. When used proficiently, they are a great improvement on QV/QEs facilities.
  2. You can have Annie 🤞
  3. Excellent news. I look forward to 'inspecting'! 😄
  4. If you still want to keep the Cunard fly/cruise option but don't like the included flights, choose your own scheduling but have it bundled in with your cruise on the same booking. That's what we do if flying to meet the ship. More expensive obviously than having a flight booking and the separate cruise booking but it keeps the fly/cruise element.
  5. I think Cunard is lucky because like 'Fred', they have a lot of very loyal customers and we are two of them. I can take or leave Annie [my husband would rather leave] but as we don't like QM2 [very much] and want to remain with the devil we know etc, at the moment, Annie it is and I would think there are many like us so between the reluctant/needs must repeaters, the happy repeaters and QA newbies, I think she'll do very well. Suffice to say, we're [needs must] repeaters later in the year so I will see if enough snags have been snagged to make us less of the needs must and more just repeaters for the next couple of years. I will be very interested in CC members thoughts in the coming months. Are you contemplating Annie M.T?
  6. It will take a while for any change , if there is one, in demographics. There were less of the ' bright young things' and more of the elderly and 'oof my back' brigade on the second cruise. Considering the majority of the guests in that demographic want to sail S'ton-S'ton, it will be interesting to see what happens in a few years for Annie if she stays on the home port itineraries. The only thing which might change for 'oofers' is the ship, with its 'quirks' doesn't seem as welcoming for the mobility challenged. Bring back a Vista, preferably Victoria and send Annie off to the Med.
  7. He is truly amazing!
  8. and mobile!!!!🙂 I have to smile at the thought of relative youngsters being the [perceived?] target group on QA. As my fellow CC member said, we felt as if we were the youngsters, and no offence to exlondoner but neither of us are spring chickens! 😄
  9. Queen Anne will 'work'. Once the snags are snagged she will function perfectly well as a cruise ship She might not be the choice of Cunard regulars [and she's definitely third choice for us] but those new to the market and those who like the 'new' Cunard will sail with her. The sad thing for us is she might be summer home ported in Southampton for the seeable future and we are left with Mary or Anne, neither of which floats our boat but Anne will have to do,
  10. and don't know what the fuss is about as there's an obvious answer to any question which offends...draw a thick, black line through the question. Job done.
  11. All water is most definitely not the same. My mother had a similar issue although she put up with any consequences when on holiday/away from home. To slightly misuse a well known phrase, suck it and see but as to actually harmful to those with a less fragile digestion, onboard tap water is safe.
  12. We don't bother with mass frequent flyer parties either but they are popular and if folk like them, then they should stay. There again, I'm not bothered if we never meet the Captain just as I'm sure deep down, the Captain isn't bothered meeting us either. As long as he/she is competent driving the boat or making sure their staff are too, that'll do. So saying, a couple of cabin parties has meant we have met a couple of deputy captains. All jolly pleasant chaps.
  13. It's worth doing a spot of Maths. On our first cruise back in '22, we bought a whole voyage plan to share which meant one Diamond $135 'allowance' was wasted. Once bitten, twice aware and now we 'do the Maths' and use both credits on a per 24 hrs Essential 'plan'. Just for a bit of fun, watching the hours and using the internet when in phone signal range meant zero account for the two weeks.
  14. I have flown in and out of Southampton and if LHR is to be avoided and S'ton is an alternative then go for it. The airport is 'petit' but perfectly functional. In other words, it's an airport and it works. 🙂 My advice though would be to take a cab there and back. Saves any hassle.
  15. and us, although we do use the bars and pay for additional bottles of alcohol when having folk 'in' rather than bringing bottles onboard. Rather shabby of us too I guess! 😀 I did buy a teddy in the shop though, will that count as revenue for Cunard? 😁
  16. Beautifully explained bluemarble. We bought the Essential wi fi on a per day [$24 for 24hrs] basis between the two of us, utilising both Diamond credits and with judicious planning eg didn't renew when in port/didn't need it overnight etc, ended up with a zero Internet bill for the a 14 day cruise. Gold credits are not as generous but sharing the load [if two of you] and using own phone signal when in port elmsliebev, will help.
  17. I'm a great fan of the night time Pavilion screen. Great fun.
  18. You could book a 2 week cruise in a Q1 and spend £7,500pp Really? Don't you mean a week?
  19. OOPS Huge error SHOULDN'T be considered simply because location plays a part in the shorties as much as loyalty!
  20. I'll order the popcorn. 😀 Although I'm not holding my breath so might have to eat it before it becomes stale.😁
  21. I had heard the scheme was up for revision. Loyalty to me means regular booking of Cunard cruises, be it in a Q1or an inside although I think trips longer than shorties should be considered simply because location plays a part in the shorties as much as loyalty. Good luck in fathoming any revision out Cunard! 😄
  22. We've never worn ours but interestingly, pin wearing was quite prolific on the Canary cruise on QA, formal and non formal evenings.
  23. Can't comment on the adapted cabins as we don't book them so have no real knowledge of all requirements, but once 'hold the lift' became our mantra, we had no real difficulty especially when the lift sprint became part of our exercise regime! 😃 A couple of pinch points might be sorted with the understanding of fellow passengers and the theatre signage more obvious but again, that relies on passenger co operation. As I have said, Cunard are marvellous around their ships with mobility challenged passengers and the staff on QA are no exception. Lovely people. With the best will in the world to have everything perfect, early cruises on a new ship could also be termed snagging cruises. If snags which can be sorted, are sorted then all's well. I will be able to judge later on in the year.
  24. Going forward, it will be very interesting to see QA's demographics. For Cunard regulars like us who want to cruise from Southampton, don't want to fly and don't want to book QM2, what's left in late Spring and Summer 25/26? Queen Anne. It has already been said the number of mobility challenged, mostly seniors was very high on our 10th May cruise and the average age similar to the Round Britain cruises on QV/QE we've taken...high. Will 'they' book QA for the next few years or jump ship to another cruise line? I really don't know because ignoring the lack of full adaptations in the fully [word used advisedly here 🙂] adapted cabin, Cunard as a company are, in our opinion brilliant with older passengers and those with mobility challenges. As I said, interesting.
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