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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Ace, your Covid vaccination travel 'pass' should be valid for six months once you print or download it. The date will be under the 2D barcode.
  2. If I remember correctly, Weston is not new to Cunard and so will have experience of past dress codes, but I agree with the beautiful jacket. It will look splendid for the red and gold evening. I have a silk red and gold jacket which I sometimes forget about and this has reminded me to pack it.
  3. As one could also say 'there are trainers, and then there are trainers'! I have what I would term 'athletic' [that's an oxymoron in my case as I gave up athletics after Grammar school] shoes for the gym and walking but I wouldn't wear them in a restaurant. I also have what I can only describe as 'dress' trainers which are white leather and are part of this year's must have for dressed up casual wear so I can see why the question was asked. To that I would say, yes, 'dress' trainers would be fine but then, like the t shirt question [I'm with the collared shirt fraternity], interpretation is all and my interpretation of a 'dress' trainer is a shoe which is casual but not gym or 10,000metres ready. Minefield Still wouldn't wear them though as I have other lovely shoes to wear to dinner.
  4. If by athletic shoes, you mean trainers, I guess lunch or breakfast would be OK but I wouldn't wear them for dinner and I think you'd have to be more specific when asking about 'pickiness'. I wouldn't wear crocs [I don't actually possess a pair] , casual sliders or flip flops for dinner for example. I have worn white jeggings with a lovely floaty long line Kaftan for dinner in the past when in the tropics and will be doing so again. The top took away the casualness of the jeggings but as an outfit, they both worked perfectly. Only you will know if the fancy top and jeggings will work but mine did.
  5. I'm sure Port Royal's post was t in c. We used to spend six or seven weeks a year in the US on holiday and without exception I was always asked at least once if I knew [insert Princess of the moment here] xxx and many times 'I just lurve your accent'. The Americans we met as friends were well travelled, well educated and most definitely, 'well' spoken so I completely understand your post.
  6. Thank you. As one whose husband is considered 'vulnerable' and thus on the NHS list for antivirals should they become necessary, I am relieved to hear Cunard medical centre stock them but most of all, if the ships continued to follow your practices, we would feel even more comfortable than we do now. We live with this on a daily basis and will not spend the rest of the ongoing problem living as we did in '20 and much of '21 but there is a subtle difference between being ill at home and ill on a cruise ship and when we do catch this wretched virus, by choice we'd rather not get it on a cruise ship. So thank you for your consideration. We shall be following the same protocols with the added no excursions with others and probably, not much interaction with fellow passengers but what we will not do, is let this virus defeat us and we WILL get back to cruising on Cunard but with a healthy regard, for our health! 🙂
  7. Not noticed that facility but then, not really looked over all the years. Hopefully, the system as a whole will 'get there'.
  8. As long as the Bridge know where they are, I'll be a happy camper...or cruiser!😀
  9. Menbers of the mask wearers fraternity here too. Lissie and exlondoner, fair sailing and travelling,
  10. We were happy with the Diamond allowance so we're with you as internet charges will now be assigned to part of our obc which would previously been spent on other things. However, having bought CCL shares this afternoon at a most favourable rate [as long as Carnival survive the doom and gloom] the hit won't be quite so 'severe'! 😃
  11. Were they on racks [on the wooden 'poles'] or just on tables. Poles would be harder to 'borrow'.
  12. Hope so. We were on HAL Statendam in the early 90's, a few cruises after her Maiden and the library was almost non existent. Why? Books had been borrowed on an honour system. Permanently borrowed, sadly!
  13. I'm the opposite, especially in times of 'strife'. That's not to say negatives are a figment of imagination, but look for the positives and the negatives will seem [slightly] less negative. Look for the negatives [and there will be quite a few I imagine, at the moment regarding 'travel'] and boy, will they loom large!
  14. 'Foreigners' are not a huge concern of mine although they are to others. There was one occasion when a couple made ready use of the sunbeds which were in short supply on deck 12 due to a very sunny cruise, until they got dobbed in by a sunbedless Grill'er who was obviously in amateur Inspector Clouseau mode. The staff are pretty good at facial recognition and once 'verified', I wouldn't have thought a daily check would be necessary.
  15. Or indeed, a desperate wimp! I'm not a brilliant sleeper and occasionally I can be found in the Lido around 5.30/6am, sustained by coffee [cabin made] and a book if the weather is too cool to sit out on the balcony I'd like to say 'best part of the day' but that's only because there are hardly any fellow passengers there.
  16. In days gone by I would have found find it to believe...but then sadly, having witnessed dreadful behaviour at breakfast over the shade of a couple of slices of toast, I can believe it. Disgusting. I look forward to the promised review.
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