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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Maybe the folk ironing when I enter, stand close but as I said, it's snug but 'passable'.
  2. In which case, hat pins might be de rigueur as it can be windy if breaking into a run whilst promenading around the deck, or so I've been told! 😀
  3. The last time we were asked if we'd like to tour the QV Grill's galley was about six years ago. Assuming the layout hasn't changed, it's not small [think double decked with an escalator to travel between levels] but it is indeed, very impressive. NE John, all Grills food, unless a member of the wait staff is despatched on an immediate basis to scour the decks for a certain cheese or grab some unordered sushi from the Lido 😀] is prepared and cooked in that galley. Or so we are often reliably informed.
  4. No squeezing past folk needed to enter the laundrettes on QE/QV. Yes it's a snug area but they're not that tight.
  5. The advised minimum for Smart Attire MDR dining is a pair of, say, chinos and a dress shirt and that is most acceptable and he would not be out of place at all. Gala evenings in the MDR are dark suit or Tux..The Lido is an evening option where one can dine if any of this isn't on the cards. Don't worry about any themes. They can be ignored. Obviously I don't know any resulting issues with your fall and assuming you aren't in an accessible cabin and not knowing at which port you're boarding and making an assumption you can walk a little, if going solo could be an option and if the availability is there, have you thought of hiring a collapsible power chair for ease of getting around?
  6. We find Queens Grill on Elizabeth and Victoria very accommodating for wheelchair users, both in respects of the staff and the cabins.
  7. but we are not into costumes and themed nights really A Gala night, themed or not is a Formal evening.You will be in the majority if you ignore the themes although some themes are easier to join in with than others. The Black and White Gala evening is pretty easy to follow and quite a few ladies add a string of pearls and a feather fascinator etc as their 'nod' to the '20's evening if they don't want to go 'flapper'ish'. A mask for the Masquerade Gala evening is fairly easy to facilitate, but the vast majority of passengers [including us as we ignore any themes] dress for a Gala dinner in a Formal way so please don't let the lack of a white dress floor you. Dress for the Formal evening and enjoy whatever colour of dress [assuming you're going to wear a dress and not beautiful separates] you pick to wear that night. 🙂
  8. I'm pretty sure some of our internet rolled over. Things have changed now though so it will be a whole new ball game anyway.
  9. OG dining choice on one of our QA bookings Dining type You will be welcome to dine between 6.00pm and 9.00pm.
  10. I'm sure pre Covid, our internet allowances rolled over to the next segment, possibly because we'd booked segments as one booking. Things might have changed of course post Covid.
  11. Another aspect is a school uniform [and all the secondary schools around here, public and private have one, with ties] creates equality and those with the ability to 'dress designer' do not 'outshine' those without that ability. Same could be said for getting rid of all themes.
  12. Sorry, I'd put Gala night untucked gold shirt with matching beads, on a par with Gala night untucked Hawaiian shirt. I too noticed rouge/rogue but decided silence the better part of valour as I'd already been advised to look up aspects of English history and didn't want a lecture on grammar policing too. The irony is, the poster reckons Formal wear is falling apart, and yet they are party to this with their fancy dress approach. Others' wear has no effect on my enjoyment whatsoever and I would ignore the outrageous [Gala untucked gold shirt etc] even if I do inwardly laugh but to describe Fancy Dress as Gala OK, doesn't sit well with me.
  13. My husband wore white linen pants with a metalic gold shirt untucked and gold beads. For a Gala night?
  14. There will be folk who don't have access to this App and consideration must be given to them so I would have thought paperwork or whatever will still be accepted.
  15. Very smart but no, not really to anything Formal/Gala'ish Most definitely yes to any non Formal/non Gala evening.
  16. I think the problem is people are afraid to be different. They must hide amongst the crowd. Go for it if you have an outfit you want to wear. Not a formal night who cares! We intend to dress up in Mardi Gras costumes on 2/13, Fat Tuesday. No, the majority of Cunard passengers are not afraid to be different but they understand the underlying USP of Cunard and are happy to go along with it. As for causing excitement in your fancy dress costume, incredulity can be mistaken for excitement.
  17. Maybe you are 'somebody who “won’t ‘see’ however many explanations are given”!, who knows but I'm glad to hear missson1967 you've had a great experience booking direct. Long may it continue for you. Let me know how you fare the next time you book a b2b in the same cabin direct with Cunard, when there are only two such cabins on the ship or book any of two cabins when both cabins are sold within a minute or two of the bookings going live and you want a specific one. Hopefully, your Cunard agent will be able to secure the cabins you want too.🙂
  18. All the [British] hotels we stay in, have fully functioning air con and heating,
  19. We were on the same cruise and through our agent, booked the flights to Singapore through Cunard and dictated the date of travel, the airline, which flight of the day to take, the class of travel and of course, chose our seats when the flight details were released, just as we always did when flying out to meet the ship. No problems at all. Total flexibility. No idea if it was cheaper or more expensive than booking directly with the airline but it gave us peace of mind should the itinerary be changed.
  20. Having cruised B.I. May/June/July and August, having children onboard during the summer holidays would bring the average age down, but there were still more older passengers than usual. The on dit pre Covid being apparently, if illness strikes, it's easier to leave the ship and thus insurance isn't quite the issue it could be say, in the Med. We have experienced sleet [May] hail, fog, sweltering heat, brilliant sunshine, lightening and torrential rain. No wonder the British past time inconsequential chat is often weather related.🙂 edit Nationalitles Americans and other nationalities, of course but not necessarily 'more' Americans as many of our QV cruises have had a good number of visitors from across 'the pond'.
  21. Can't say we noticed more US passengers but then we didn't look out for them. What I would say is noticeable, is the average age of the passengers is higher than some other itineraries.
  22. We have many Cunard British Isles' cruises to out name and I would say the one you're looking at doesn't have a very interesting itinerary.
  23. Unfortunately, the only way REALLY good agents can be recommended [and ours does not feature on the CC list] is through personal recommendations from folk you trust know what they're talking about. If cost is the bottom line, then shopping around yourselves is a good idea, If service is an issue and unusual/very personal booking requests such as mentioned by tacticalbanjo and space oddity, and ourselves who have specific cabins in mind when there are only a couple available, then that is where an agent, a really great agent, is worth their weight in gold. There are many great agents but only experience will sort out the really great ones. Good luck and if we're ever on the same itinerary, I'll give you the name of ours. 🙂
  24. Well I will let you know. I don't pull my punches and I was most sceptical initially to the point of no way Jose but QE is down under QV will be wowing the Med and we're not flying yet and I'm not a fan of QM2 so we're left with little choice. I promise to be both objective, and subjective at the same time. Promise.👍
  25. I completely agree with you but those who don't want to cover all bases, won't 'see' however many explanations are given. That's fine, their prerogative just as it's ours to try and explain. However, there comes a point when an issue isn't worth explaining any more.
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