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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. The room service [very] lightly toasted toast [always white on holiday as a treat], when spread with brown sauce and having had a slice of brittle bacon in between two [very lightly] toasted bread, makes a great bacon toast sandwich for breakfast. I have asked for 'proper' toast when in the restaurant, and got it but then the two slice toast sandwich has to become a one slice open toast sandwich. Win win either way. 😁
  2. We spend a lot of day time in our cabin so comfort is pretty vital, as it is for everyone, obviously but more so if more time is spent there during the day which is why I can say aft noise and vibrations just didn't affect us at all and only when head hit the pillows did anything make its presence felt but not enough, apart from the 48hr lumpy sea, to disturb us.
  3. Vibrations were felt aft higher up but our sleep wasn't really disturbed. Didn't notice any problem during the day.
  4. Just for reference, as it's probably QM2 in question for a TA., the 3s and 4s on QE/QV will be very cramped with three adults.
  5. If you want space but wish to dine together in PG/QG, simple solutions on the Vistas are expensive but feasible. I would book a Q1 for the main bedroom and the separate bedroom/snug, or a Q2, again for the main bedroom and for the sofa bed in the sitting room or book any PG/QG cabin with you as the third person in that cabin, but also book a cheapy inside in which to sleep. No idea about QM2 but you can book three people into the cabin for dining purposes and book a basic inside for sleeping in.
  6. A table mate celebrated a birthday and was presented with a cake in an equally, and preferred, low key manner Well it was low key until the rest of his tablemates sang Happy Birthday 'con brio'! 😀
  7. If you wore your tux, then you would be in the majority. However, a dark suit is more than acceptable.
  8. I keep saying to each his own. I really mean that. Wear what attire meets the dress code of the evening. You also have the option of expanding the theme. A gala night is about an evening of great food, dance and merriment mostly in the ball room. Nobody will care. Tonight's posting gives further insight to why we dress up. English/Scottish is our heredity. I will find any time to express through dress the feelings of my experience and heredity. These terms you do not recognize are a part of the English history. Please take the time to google them, to look at the fun pictures they embody of the times. We will wear on one of the black and white gala nights our Victoria attire in honor of Queen Victoria's time, to honor the Cunard Ship that bears her name. I don't need to google anything. I am more than acquainted with the history of my nation, just as I am very familiar with the mode of dress assigned to various centuries past, possibly even more familiar then yourself. I am aware the various nations of the world are invited to wear their national clothes on Gala nights but national attire is very different from wearing Victorian clothes on a formal occasion on Victoria. 'Dressing up' in Victoriana is, to all intents and purposes, fancy dress. You have said, you are expanding a theme. Looking back, we had a Victorian evening on one of the Worldies. Wearing Victoriana [still fancy dress] on that occasion would be an example of expanding a theme but in my book, wearing Victoriana fancy dress on a black and white Gala evening isn't expanding any theme, it's 'misreading the room'. If you wish to make a statement and stand out in a crowd, I can't think of any better attire, on a black and white evening than to turn up a la Dickens. You will most definitely be a talking point. We will blend into the background in our black and white attire. You apparently keep saying 'each to his own'. If this became the general mantra for Cunard passengers, then it would be time up for the Cunard USP of Gala evenings.
  9. I know of the Jones Act. A loop makes sense to start and finish at the same place and I don't recall any cruise such as the scenario I mentioned but I asked an immigration officer what a closed loop was and that was his explanation. Now he might have misheard me, but I didn't mishear him. Either way, the explanation was obviously incorrect.
  10. Interesting. Begin and return to same port. That conflicts with a DHS chat we had re closed loops.
  11. A US closed loop is any cruise starting and ending in any port in the US with no foreign ports where passengers can disembark for a visit if they want to so SF to Miami with no Caribbean/Mexico/non US stops etc is a closed loop.
  12. I showed my class how to get distilled water from tap water. It involved me boiling the water in a pan, a bowl in the boiling water, a glass pan lid bigger than the pan and ice cubes to put in the inverted pan lid. Took some time and didn't get much as the steam condensed into the bowl in the pan but it was definitely distilled.
  13. I agree but let's put this to rest. Jeans are usually denim, be they 1000%cotton or man made fibre/cotton mix and are of a definite style and mostly of a blue colour. Said jeans after six pm are not welcome in many areas of the ship. However, not all denim trousers are jeans and definitely not all are of a blue hue so it's the style of the garment, the colour and how the garment is worn which dictates its place in Cunard dress code categories. Edit Unfortunately, not all are up to deciding what is/isn't appropriate wear hence a blanket ban on jeans...unless the dress code stand outside the restaurant specifically says non ripped jeans can be worn.
  14. Ah, the cabin we had in July. Folk came to our cabin for a bit of a do too, and our cabin on deck seven and... Nice to know we'd be considered lacking in airs! 😅
  15. Ha, a VIP point of debate.😀 I'm afraid I can't in all honesty say 'come to our suite' be it hotel or ship without it sounding, to me, a bit sniffy so hotel accommodation with a couple of rooms still remains a room for us and ship accommodation with a couple of rooms remains a cabin. Each to their own. If anyone wants to call their accommodation a suite, then go ahead. It's a free world out there thank goodness. 🙂
  16. Norway is one of our fall back sea trips. Wonderful. I'm sure you will enjoy your foray on our favourite big boat. 😃
  17. I enjoy reading QG comments too but may I say, expectations should be high but crucially also relevant across all Cunard and if not met, as DaisyUK experienced with some meals, then I can understand disappointment. Queen Victoria has an amazing staff and I am SO please to hear they will be one of the reasons a newbie to the ship will probably be back, even if there might/will be a subtle change in staff as QA poaches staff from all existing three ships.
  18. Glad you liked the cabin. I was a bit concerned I'd oversold it! Meals not up to scratch? You shouldn't have to but, send them back as I did twice last May but then we eat off so often I'm usually very happy, apart from when I have to get a magnifying glass out to find my fillet minion! 😃
  19. Back to back tastings last NY Eve with Tesco Finest Sparkling wine [Hush Heath Estate's product] and Lanson, Tesco was voted by our fellow diners as the winner. It's brilliant anyway but at its price point, fantastic. However I say this as a non wine connoisseur.
  20. We holiday in a cabin on a Cunard cruise.
  21. but Med based Spring, Summer and early Autumn and so fly cruising. Very disappointed here.
  22. Winifred 22 is right. There's no separate dress code between any of the restaurants, The Lido buffet excepted. If you wanted to dine together, it's The Lido buffet, Britannia [prior arrangement and usually OK], The Verandah [a pay for extra] or any Lido pop ups [to pay for speciality dining at the end of The Lido].
  23. Wonderful. Regarding the first tranche, we managed all the ports, bar Seattle and Miami [we picked Victoria up in S.F. and 'did' FLL instead of Miami], on the last couple of segments of a QV Worldie and had the most fabulous time. I can thoroughly recommend it to those folk lucky enough to book.
  24. and don't I know it. Took me ages to stop demagnetising my cruise card against my iPad. I'm sure on one cruise the Concierge got her daily work out running up and down stairs to the Front Desk for me when she insisted on getting replacement cards for me. 😀
  25. Quite rightly bearing in mind not all of us take a phone away with us and not everyone has a phone capable of opening doors or paying for stuff anyway, I can't see open sesame by phone, just yet.
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