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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. I am answering about how people rationalize when they do something prohibited. To the law prohibition and ship prohibition though there no difference between one bag and 100 bags of weed.
  2. They said it on Cruise Critic. Not on this thread. It is easy to search Cruise Critic. As a long time member I know how. They have probably posted enough about their upcoming cruise to be easily found.
  3. I was answering the question of why some people think they are above the law. If you want to compare going above the speed limit with committing a felony you just want to argue. There is any case in the news about a couple caught with 100 bags of Marijuana. They claimed it should have been okay because it was just for personal use. Lots of people come up with rationalizations for criminal acts.
  4. OP is cruising from Fort Lauderdale at the end of February. For sure posting on Cruise Critic your sailing date and cabin type is probably not a good idea if you plan to do something illegal. Some cruise critic members I have met on roll calls and got to know turned out to be in law enforcement.
  5. I did an independent tour of Cartegena. It was pretty good. You will be safe on a ship excursion or on a private independent tour. The only downer is that the street peddlers are obnoxious. About the most annoying I have encountered. The tour guide did her best to keep them away. So I would not do it on my own.
  6. No doubt that some get turned in by crew members not sniffer dogs. Or the sniffer dogs are brought on because they are tipped off by crew.
  7. Some countries search the ship while in port. Bahamas and Bermuda for sure. I have actually seen it in Bermuda.
  8. A certain percentage of the population thinks they are above the law. The criminal element exists among all demographics. Rich, poor and all age groups.
  9. It is a federal crime. It is prohibited in the ports and some ports do send drug sniffing dogs onboard. Bahamas and Bermuda for sure. There have been news stories of passengers getting kicked off. No doubt most don’t get caught but if you are one of the ones caught I think there will be consequences. You might be banned from Royal Caribbean.
  10. I have used my AT&T roaming at Labadee. There is a cell tower in the area.
  11. I just checked on TripAdviser and it has closed. Too bad. I always had a beer there.
  12. Yep, if spellcheck is turned on in Safari then Safari will spellcheck. By the way MacOS is currently on version 14.3 Perhaps your MacBook does not support older versions? Security updates are still issued though for some older versions. There was a security update 5 days ago to for MacOS 12 to 12.7.3 for those who are using an older version. Very good that you updated. Possibly that icould be when it got turned back on but spell check is not turned on by default in Safari so that is not what is supposed to happen.
  13. It was a test. I don’t see why anyone’s self respect would be lost. The overwhelming majority didn’t like it. So you would have had the admin implement it anyway? That would have been sad.
  14. TA’s often hold group space which they have to release by a certain date or be stuck with the cabins.
  15. Great. 👍 I suspected it was not going to disappear in the middle of the night!
  16. I think weeks end on Saturday not Friday. And it still says test.
  17. Netflix may not allow you to log in with a VPN. Some VPNs have a workaround.
  18. Why would a hacker want your Netflix log on credentials? In any case while the network is unsecured your login to Netflix is encrypted. Much ado about nothing.
  19. Since the upvoting test seems to be voting on whose opinion matters the most then it makes sense in context that your opinion would matter less. 😀 My comment is in the spirit of the test. 🤣
  20. I had an open mind at the start but now I am against the change. To sort by date which many won’t notice you would have to do it every time you open the thread. When a thread is selected it does not go to the last unread. That is a dealbreaker for me. The way I read ongoing topics is to pick up where I left off. I guess you don’t mind a muddle but I do. So I have joined the vehemently against camp. The posters who regularly answer questions are also against the change. Posters who have post counts of thousands. Many say they won’t answer any more if this format remains. You have 95 posts so sorry I have mentally downvoted your reply.
  21. I doubt it was simply change for changes sake. Upvoting is a popular feature on a lot of forum. Trying new ideas is not a bad thing. They can change the forums any way they want. They could have just done it done it as a done deal without running a test. I think the criticism the first couple of dayswas constructive but now the criticism is becoming repetitive.
  22. It’s a huge popular forum site on all kinds of topics. When you do google searches answers pop from that site or the one that begins with Q. The Need Help forum is for technical questions about the forums. Most of the posts are from new people who post there because they don’t read the description. Back in the old days before we started posting on a forum site we read the rules and lurked a bit to get the lay of the land, find out where to post questions. Here it seems new people don’t bother they just make a mess.
  23. There are forums with both upvoting and with a downvote feature too. It really depends on what the admins want and the community may have some say in what features are used. My guess is that the developers of the software used here have added new features one of which is upvoting. I have no idea of all the features possible. Downvote could be a possible feature. I don’t know. The Cruise Critic admin has decided to test the upvote feature.
  24. I think that the idea is that if you don’t vote up you are voting down. Upvoting works on R as @ilikeanswers explained because the thread structure nests. It is not suited to the straight thread structure on Cruise Critic.
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