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Everything posted by Oxo

  1. I agree with you. However, what is reasonable or cheap these days? Price a hamburger meal, burger, fries & coke, $12 or more. Subway 12" $12 or more. Cruising is still a bargain! JMHO HAPPY CRUISING!
  2. Those of you who believe only Princess is changing, must not cruise other cruise lines. They all are doing the same thing! Charging for an extra entree, lobster, raisings tips, etc. All cruise lines are sailing at capacity. So you have choices to cruise on any one. Happy Cruising!
  3. So, if you have never cruised. After reading all of these posts, would you cruise Princess or NCL? It's your choice! HAPPY CRUISING!
  4. Thanks for added info on changing from Free to Charges. I never been on a ship that had a drive through. They only had Sit Down Restaurants.
  5. Again, opinions are free! Everyone has their own. It only counts for you and those who accept your opinion. We think the RCI Central Park cabins are fabulous! We don't need to sit on our balcony to see the sea as we can see it all over the ship. To sit on the balcony at night and look at the sea maybe for some. Not for us. We like to see the lights, people, foliage, entertainment and more from our Central Park cabin. We cruise RCI at least 2 times a year and always select a CP balcony. Nickle and diming applies to all cruise lines. What has happened to Princess recently? Princess Plus & Princess Premium. Different names used by each cruise line. The cruise lines will come up with all kinds of ways to make it better for us as long as they make more money for them. What was free in some venues is now only free if you buy one of the Princess PP plans. Of pay as you go. It will only get worse as we have seen over the years. Chief Tables, 360, Ship tours, cut backs on perks. It's your choice. Pay for what you want. Cruise on the line you want. They are there to make a profit. We help in one way or another to help them make that profit. Happy Cruising!
  6. I am not disagreeing with your post. I only post my history to allow others to have credence in my opinion . I try to be objective and non-bias. We were on the NCL PARIMA last year 2 times, 19 days. We would not go back on it again. Others said it was their best cruise & ship. Opinions are opinions. Everyone has one. However, who is too say yours or mine is more valid? We both normally agree on the subjects we respond to. Happy Cruising!
  7. The responses above were to be expected since this is the Princess CC. Post the same question on NCL and you will get a complete reverse. No 2 people have the same opinion! Food is subjective. We are Elite on Princess 55 cruises on Princess We are Saphire on NCL 19 cruises We have over 150 cruises total Try any cruise line and then determine if it is for you. It is your money, your likes and dislikes. We cruise 9 to 10 times per year and each year go on Celebrity, MSC, NCL, Princess & RCI. EACH ONE has pluses & minuses. Only you can decide Happy Cruising!
  8. Been using paper tag ever since cruise lines started using them. We cruise 9 to 10 times a year on 5 different cruise lines each year. So far no problems. If they put them on at the pier, which we have them do, you still have your airline tickets on your bag to identify your name. If you don't fly, you still should have your name tag on your bags so cruise line knows whos bag. Just trying to reduce the fear of checking in bags at the port. Pros n cons! Happy Cruising!
  9. If you fold your tags as per instructions you don't need anything. Porter will staple tags to luggage. That had worked for years and never had a problem.
  10. Thank you! Now I don't know what to wear. It seems we all have different opinions. That helps to keep this in focus. More opinions to follow.
  11. What do you consider Formal wear?
  12. You live in CA. So I understand your cost for dining out. Lucky you can afford it. Happy Cruising!
  13. Thank you MISSP22 for providing the 360 link. I personally think it was very informative and detailed. Based upon the information in that video, I posted my opinion on another tread. This is my opinion. This is my opinion and your opinion may differ. After looking at the 360 video I personally believe I would not pay $149pp for this dining experience. Yes, it is unique, an experience and IMAX presentation. You experience the places the food comes from. Your in an excellent environment. It is AI. HOWEVER, specifically addressing the food dishes that were shown would not be worth the money to me. I have visited many Specialty Restaurants and Chief Tables on many cruise lines. If that is what is served, I would consider that a poor selection of food and not worth the cost. Again, I'm very happy that this video was provided to allow me and others to see what 360 is. It maybe for you and not for others. At least I now have a more definitive idea of what 360 may be. Happy Cruising!
  14. Enjoy your 360! Please give us a review of the overall experience and specifically the food. If you can and its not to much trouble, please take a pic of the food. Thank you very much!@ Happy Cruising!!
  15. Since we are on both sides of the fence in regards to price, what is provided for the $149?
  16. Been on Celebrity Apex and NCL Prima this past year. Breakfast was excellent and many choices on both! Happy Cruising!
  17. I can see why they would open it to all! Make more money off those who will pay. If you have a beverage package and can go to one of the Specialty Restaurants for $39/person. Too much for me. JMHO!
  18. https://www.flashpackingamerica.com/cruise-travel/princess-cruise-breakfast-food/
  19. Food is very subjective! Out of these Cruise Lines, E = Entertainment F = Food P = Price Celebrity E 2, F 1, P 5 Elite + MSC E 4, F 5, P 1 Diamond NCL E 5, F 3, P 4 Saphire Princess E 3, F 2, P 3 Elite 55 cruise RCI E 1, F 4, P 2 Diamond + We traveled in 2022 & 2023 on all of those lines 2024 we have booked RCI & Celebrity as of now. There is not much difference between them all. Personal choice. We consider ports, price, ship, perks, in that order. Hope I answered your question. Happy Cruising!
  20. In response to the above posts about other cruise lines. I only post that information to let others who may not cruise the other lines of what is happening in the industry. I am not loyal to anyone line. I cruise based on ports! Like they say in Jamaica POOO POOO HAPPENS. What is posted this minute may change the next. Happy Cruising!
  21. I know since we do cruise the others each year, too. Celebrity, MSC, NCL, RCI. At least RCI put out a survey and asked if we would accept it. The results were negative to charging for pizza. Thus, RCI did NOT start charging for pizza.
  22. They use to do the: vow renew free as a group. Ship tours free for Elites. Now it is all about $.
  23. Some people accept any and all increases. Then P&M about nickle and diming! There are still other cruise lines that we can go to. Happy Cruising!
  24. I did not miss the point! My point is how can Princess justify a price for a wedding, pictures, meal, Bridge tour and charge so much? You are talking about x number of hours for an event and comparing that to 6 days of Cruising. This is an example of people getting in over their head then filing for chapter 11. You expressed your opinion and justification. I expressed my opinion and justification You spend your money as you like. Happy Cruising!
  25. Not flaming you. If you consider this a valid price, what do you consider the price of a cruise on RCI Symphony OTS 6 day Central Park Balcony for 2 people at $1,367? I agree that only includes a balcony cabin for 2, dining for 2, shows\entertainment, ports, and since we are Diamond Plus 5 drinks each day for both of us. What am I missing? TIA HAPPY CRUISING!
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