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Posts posted by mimbecky

  1. 14 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

    I get what you’re saying. Not a resident but a frequent visitor to Arizona in winter months.  But at the same time, these warmer areas have so many more opportunities to gather outside during warmer daytime hours, and on warmer nights.  You have many more restaurants with nice big patios with big, heaters as well.   I’m sorry, but I just don’t get it.   Compared to what we have to deal with here in Illinois where our high today was 32 degrees, with snow flurries, I don’t understand why outside gatherings can’t be managed.  Is that really what is happening?  That people are still gathering inside?  Wow.  Blows my mind.


    Please know, I am not attacking you personally.  Just flabbergasted that finding ways to gather outside and avoid inside get togethers in the warmer states is such an issue, even accounting for cooler evenings.

    No worries- I get you. Our family only gathers outside. Here in Southern California restaurants are closed now, even outside. Some argue this actually pushes people to gather indoors at home. My experience is that most people mask when out and about. A lot of spread apparently is in the workforce. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Wine-O said:

    What does this mean?  If you've had your first dose, the 2nd dose now may not be available because its being given to others as their first dose?  I understand some vaccines need two doses within a few weeks of each other.   If you can't get the 2nd one in the allotted time, do you need to start over?  🍷 

    I understand getting shots into as many people as possible to at least get minimal protection to more people.  I must say however, I remember how utterly difficult it was to get my second shingrix vaccine-it was almost a full time job hunting it down.  


  3. 1 hour ago, ipeeinthepool said:


    I agree.  I wish someone would explain the reasons for the much higher surge in California.  Do a lot of people ignore the mask and social distancing guidelines?  Is it transmission at home from other family members? 


    What people don't understand is that the daytime temps are a lot different than the evening temps.  For example, on NYE day we had my brother's family over (outside and tables separated 6 feet). We started at 2:30/dinner 3pm when temps were in the mid 60s knowing that shortly after sundown it would be in the low 50s.  Even though we had small  heaters under the tables, everyone was cold and headed out about 5 with jackets and scarves.  My son in law's family still meets indoors without masks.  I will venture out to say it seems to be more of a cultural thing for them. 

    I am inland San Diego...today's hi 71 but low is 39. Next Thursday hi 79 but low is 43, so yes people head indoors here too. 😒


  4. 4 hours ago, TeeRick said:

    Here is the most recent update from the US CDC on allergic reactions to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.




    My daughter had a bad reaction to vancomycin during surgery about 15 yrs ago.  It wasn't Red Mans syndrome - she got hives, bronchial spasms and had a drop in blood pressure.  Now I am wondering if it was an ingredient in the vancomycin which may also be the one causing issues in the mRNA vaccines.  I have suggested she wait until another platform is out.  Surgery was done at a Naval Hospital so I really can't get much other information.


  5. 13 hours ago, d9704011 said:

    Where did that graphic come from?  Seems like it needs a bit of explanation on who belongs to each group; especially young adults and other essential workers (why are they not garden-variety essential workers?).

    Sorry, it was a print screen I sent to my friend the other day.  Now can't find the link.  This is specifically California however we are following the CDC guidelines pretty much so just google that.  I have seen several variants but they are pretty much the same as far as where a 64 year old would be.  The US is very different from both UK and Canada regarding this. There is a tool you can use to see where you are in line for your age/county/etc....

    Opinion | When Can I Get a Coronavirus Vaccine in America? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

  6. 9 hours ago, Firepath said:

    Can anyone make sense of the US recommendation to vaccinate all healthy 16-64 yr. olds at the same time? Certainly a 64 yr. old's risk is far more than a 16 yr. old's? UK is vaccinating by decades; in other words, over 85's, then over 75's, then over 65's and over 55's and so on down the line, with under 25's being last. That seems to make a lot more sense. As it is now, my grandchild and I are in the same group!  

    My understanding is a healthy 20 year old is considerably well before a healthy 64 year old. image.thumb.jpeg.26a8a9cec602b6e6d1df2bd1385836c6.jpeg

    I feel your pain, My place in line is at the needle mark. Husband and I are 63




  7. I am hopeful.  We have August cruise plans for Alaska.  It includes only one Canadian port and it is in the evening.  Maybe we port and stay on board. I could lift and shift once again if they allow it but I don't want FCC because rumor has it the 125 percent doesn't cover the future pricing.  

  8. I have a question about transmission after vaccination.  If the current vaccines are about 95 percent effective, doesn't that mean that there is only a 5 percent chance of getting COVID once fully vaccinated?  If so, what is all the brouhaha about possible transmission post vaccination?  You can't transmit covid if you don't get it...., right?

    And, from what I understand, there is hope that the vaccine might lower the transmission risk anyway.



  9. 1 hour ago, Crazy planning mom said:

    When do you think the data from the phase 3 trial will be ready for US regulators?

    It doesn’t look like there is any data published yet for anyone

    “We think we have figured out the winning formula and how to get efficacy that, after two doses, is up there with everybody else,” the chief executive said, while saying only that data would be published at “some point.”

  10. 1 hour ago, TeeRick said:

    I would think that a 93 year old in a retirement home would be amongst the initial groups to get the vaccine.  He would in the US.  First doses went to front line health care workers.  Now the retirement/assisted care/nursing homes are being visited here by pharmacists from CVS and Walgreens who are vaccinating all residents who sign a consent (or have a family member sign one).  This will still take weeks as the vaccine is still in very limited supply.  What are the rules and priorities in Vancouver B.C.?  


    Yes, he would be first in the US and it looks like the same in the UK.  But then again, in the UK it appears the only vaccine priority based on occupation is for "front line health and social care workers". All other phases are based on age (the younger the later the phase-imagine that!), and underlying risks.

    Vaccine rollout timeline: When can you get the vaccine? Full order | Express.co.uk


    Good news is that it appears your father will be soon in British Columbia.

    British Columbia

    B.C. plans on immunizing 400,000 people against COVID-19 by March 2021, with priority given to residents and staff of long-term care homes and health-care workers.

    As more doses of the vaccine become available, priority will be given to seniors over 80 and people with underlying health conditions.

    By April, front-line workers including teachers, grocery store workers, firefighters and people working in food processing plants will be prioritized.

    As doses increase, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says vaccines will be distributed, moving down the population age range in increments.

    Here's the COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan, province by province | CBC News


    ***I really don't understand why United States roll out jumps from those 65 plus to 16-30 before those 50-64. Not the case in UK or Canada....

    I guess because they spread.  BUT, if you vaccinate those 50-64 after essential workers, it wouldn't matter so much that the young were spreading. IMO...but I'm not making the decisions- I will wait somewhat patiently.


  11. 20 hours ago, phoenix_dream said:

    those of us 65-75 have to wait until healthy 20 year old grocery stockers are vaccinated


    Hey at least you are in a phase! Missing the mark by 2 years, we are at the very back of the pack, not really even in a phase unless you count "everyone else".  I personally think they should work age tiers into the distribution (I think they are in the UK) but my vote doesn't count.  It is what it is, it isn't going to change.  I am just happy that we have vaccines and 1. hope soon we have turned a corner and 2. that I will have proof of vaccination before I cruise in August.

    Still fortunate to live in this country of plenty.  Have a wonderful holiday season people.


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  12. 1 hour ago, Crazy planning mom said:

    Doesn't that leave 130 million Americans without access to the vaccine unless J & J and Astra Zeneca are successful. 

    Sounds like J&J hopes to have data end of January.  If they have efficacy, EUA in February.  That is 100M single doses and should cover pretty much everyone else.  Issue is that Pfizer final delivery (by) June, not sure about when additional Modena is promised.  Still an effort to go shelf to arm....even Fauci said that could take months after delivery regardless of how many exist.  I am also hoping to travel in Summer....fingers crossed.

    Not counting on AZ, Novaxx or Sanofi coming anytime soon.

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