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Posts posted by mimbecky

  1. On 11/25/2020 at 12:25 PM, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

    Quantas has already announced that once the vaccine is available, they will require proof of vaccination prior to boarding. Odds are they won’t be alone in that.


    I hope they mean "widely available".  Some of us won't be able to get one until the last phase. 

    Hubby and I were registered for the J&J trial but pulled out.  Not for worry of the vaccine but unless/until they are effective and put on the market they can only provide "proof of trial participant" papers. It is a 2 year voluntary study so you can always leave to pursue a marketed vaccine but they will not un-blind you so you won't know if you had the vaccine or a placebo.  This would cause some concern for me - not sure what another vaccine would do if we had the real one already.

  2. 1 hour ago, GeorgesGal said:

    mimbecky, unfortunately a 7 night cruise equates to 8 days, sad to tell you this.


    Darn!  Hopefully they will just forgo the evening stop in Vancouver and come straight back to Seattle. With a little finagling they should be able to something!  This is a lift and shift from this year.

    Thanks for catching that.  Good thing I didn't buy my airline tickets yet.  Will wait until well into 2021 I guess as right now Celebrity agent is claiming not to know anything (no surprise).

  3. I have a cruise scheduled next August to Alaska.  Fortunately it is exactly 7 nights.  Just curious if anyone knows (no speculation) the reason the CDC has picked 7 days?  Don't think it would circumvent any COVID issues really.  By then they may be requiring vaccination certification anyway.


  4. On 11/8/2020 at 5:41 AM, TeeRick said:

    Thank you Liz.  The question is whether this viral shedding in feces can be studied and validated as a reliable clinical outcome. 


    Now what if this method is possible to validate and use on entire cruise ships and test their waste stream perhaps a few times a day?  If it is negative than the ship will be safe for cruise passengers and crew on board.  If positive they know COVID on board and further testing required.  Interesting!

    I received an email yesterday and remembered these postings.  Thought you might be interested ...


    "UC San Diego alerted students, faculty and staff that the university’s wastewater monitoring system detected coronavirus in multiple sites and urged those potentially exposed to get tested."

    UCSD Monitoring Detects Coronavirus in 5 Areas, Urges Students to Get Tested - Times of San Diego


  5. 18 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

    I am thinking that if EUA's get approved for any or all of these vaccines, they will be distributed in the US and the individual states will start vaccinating according to their pre-determined priorities as quick as they can.  If you mean general public - as in those of us not in group 1 or group A or whatever they call it, then that really is the question.  What will the EUA say about this? When can I qualify?  Can I sign up if there are excess doses available beyond these initial groups after two shots?  I guess we will know soon enough.  So no need to speculate.  Just leads to confusion.

    No not speculating about priority distribution, just wondering at what point an EUA would no longer be considered "emergency", and if more work would need to be done to get out of the status or if being that status would effect or slow down distribution at all.

  6. WOW just now got contacted for the Jassen vaccine trail.  My husband and I have appointments. My only concern is what happens if a viable vaccine comes out in the meantime.  They were pretty vague about if I would be unblinded for that etc. or be able to drop.  Gets complicated.

    I even asked about proof of vaccine if wanting to travel.  They said they would issue a "proof of study participant".  I wonder how that would go over.....

    I don't want to fill up the board with my personal concerns so...

    My email is mimlauff at aol dot com

    I would truly appreciate some input from people like TeeRick, markeb, before we make a final decision.  My husband and I would both be in last priority for eventual vaccine.  Trial is 50/50.




  7. Yes thanks for further explanation although I had to read both several times and will probably read them again tomorrow.  I think you are saying that our bodies might be mounting an attack on the vector which then could cause interference in allowing the important part of the vaccine to do its work.  By only giving a half dose at first, the second dose may be less hindered in doing its job. 

    I might be way off but that is what I gleaned. Otherwise, I give up on understanding and will just be glad there are scientists who know what it is going on.

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  8. 10 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

    Oxford/AZ vaccine efficacy results just released.  This is the monkey adenovector vaccine.  One dosing protocol resulted in 90% efficacy.  That as a 1/2 dose followed by a full dose at 30 days.


    Of interest- two full doses a month apart gave only 62% efficacy.  So what leads to these differences?  And why different from the two mRNA vaccines?  Lot's of possibilities starting with immune moderating effects of the adenovector itself.  There are human adenovector versions of this vaccine in phase 3 so we shall see soon if this was a species-related result (monkey vs human).  That has happened before with the vaccines for rotavirus.   We shall see.  It is nice that their are multiple approaches.  



    I heard this when I woke up.  Funny I was going to specifically ask YOU why this could be so.  It seems counter intuitive that a first 1/2 dose would be more effective than 2 full doses. Do you know when that human adenovector data is due?  Or Johnson and Johnson (isn't that a human adenovirus?) data?

    Fascinating stuff - 

  9. 13 hours ago, LuAnn said:

    Perhaps I missed this along the way of reading posts but do you all think that the Covid immunization will be required to sail with Celebrity and/or any cruise lines? 


    19 hours ago, K.T.B. said:

    Not sure if this has been posted or not, but here's the prioritization list for people getting vaccinated

     Could get interesting.  Hubby and I are in the very LAST phase.  I still have 2 cruises scheduled.  If they require immunization yet phase 4 has yet to transpire,  I wonder how Celebrity will handle THAT situation. Doubt they will issue 100 percent refund.  Then I have a TA deposit, insurance etc.

  10. 2 minutes ago, TeeRick said:
    3 minutes ago, markeb said:

    Just guessing here, but even with rolling data submission, there are probably thousands of pages of data to review before the actual meeting. That takes time. I’m amazed they’re meeting that early...

    Yes as you can see I agree with you!


    Thanks guys....didn't realize that they were already reviewing.  I assumed this would all take place at the meeting.  Good to know.

  11. On 11/20/2020 at 6:27 PM, Arizona Wildcat said:

    Mass vaccinations of the general public are not likely until February or March

    Uh, don't count on that.  I read only 150 doses (total Pfizer/Moderna) for entire USA by end of March- that is only 75 million people. I figure I will be extremely lucky to see it by May.

    We canceled our May cruise (Norway), but I am still actually hopeful for our August (7 nights Alaska). 


  12. 36 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

    The Vaccine Advisory Committee Meeting for the Pfizer Vaccine is scheduled for Dec 10. 


    Not to be snarky, but we are in a pandemic.  Any reason why they aren't choosing to meet earlier?  This will be 3 weeks from when Pfizer applied. I guess it may not change much but 3 weeks closer is 3 weeks closer. 😏


  13. 3 hours ago, UnorigionalName said:

    It's just completely unknown at this point, and I see little reason for the doom and gloom worst case scenario.

    There would be no doom and gloom if everyone who wanted the vaccine was able to get it right away.  With some of us having to wait for 6 months, surely you can understand the concern.  

    If the vaccinated population is naïve and therefore lax because they think (or are being told) they are not able to transmit the virus, it could continue to be very problematic.

    Hopefully, they can't transmit, but it would be beneficial for the general population to be aware of this possible scenario.

  14. 2 hours ago, TeeRick said:

    Also the latest update and timelines for introducing COVID vaccines in the population from Moncef Slaoui.


    Being at the bottom of the list (aka June ish) I am hoping for more good news soon from AstraZeneca and Johnson/Johnson so maybe this can get bumped up.  I am canceling our May cruise today....but holding out hope for out August one.


  15. 11 hours ago, TeeRick said:

    I think he is counting on approvals for both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in the next few weeks in estimating these numbers.


    "We plan to have enough vaccine doses available for use in the U.S. population to immunize about 20 million individuals in the month of December and another 25 [million] to 30 million per month on an ongoing basis," Dr. Moncef Slaoui, scientific head of Operation Warp Speed, told reporters during a briefing at the White House on Friday.


    300 million people....10 months>>>???  Ugggg.

  16. 8 minutes ago, mek said:

    I don't understand your logic.  Why would those vaccinated still be contagious?


    It isn't my logic. I am not a doctor or in the science field.  I have however heard this across several platforms and am actually looking for some dumbed down info here from those who would understand this phenomenon. It appears some agreement here though?  TeeRick? Others in the field?

  17. 7 hours ago, TeeRick said:

    No good way around this except perhaps one- Get as many people vaccinated as possible and hope to impact transmission.  That's all you can really do. 

    I would be more than happy to get a vaccine.  In my state however, I am way at the bottom of the list.


    That is why I am concerned about those getting vaccinated and still being contagious. If those vaccinated feel safe and become lax it becomes even more of an impact for those who are not.


  18. 38 minutes ago, cangelmd said:

    Reading that brings up a question for me.

    If we need to know the vaccine prevents transmission, how many people need

    This was the basis of my question on Nov 2nd (obviously not well articulated).  I understood that the vaccines being studied are not addressing if they stop transmission. Thus my concern with more people being asymptomatic and yet still transmitting to others not fortunate enough to qualify yet for vaccination.

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