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Everything posted by memoak

  1. On the Royal last month the entire port side of Dolphin was covid cabins. Not sure about starboard. Yes we were in quarantine otherwise known as covid hell
  2. In Texas there will be a limited drink menu until you clear Teas waters
  3. On the Royal we had short blood tests and then prescribed. They just have to check your liver and kidney function
  4. Not too relaxing when you and hundreds other passengers come down with covid and are subject to Canadian quarantine protocols
  5. Also the will be inches away in the dining room. Spending all your time in your cabin is not a cruise
  6. Elevators are the worst. Tons of unmasked people crammed in. When we asked them to please mask up the usual retort was “my vacation not yours” or “get over it covid is gone”. Then if course hundreds of us got infected and thrown into covid he’ll on Dolphin deck
  7. There are a limited amount of tables on club class. If I had to wait I would be very unhappy
  8. Believe me they are still having outbreaks. I was one of hundreds infected on the Royal Princess 8/27 cruise
  9. There will never be a case when you can be assured that masks will not be required partway into a cruise. Any large outbreak such as we experienced on the 27th cruise will call for additional protocols Otherwise they may very well run out of isolation cabins. Dolphin deck was pretty much jammmed with people with fevers
  10. There may be some treadmills and stationary bikes limited in hours if they are directly above passenger cabins
  11. In Canada it is 10 days from infection. So who are stuck in Vancouver till Friday. Once home we will start the effort to get reimbursed for hotel and food delivery costs
  12. My issue is that they punished a protocol and then did not enforce it. The promised help never came from Medical or Guest services because according to them there were too many of us “sick people” on board. That is probably why it took forever to get us off the ship
  13. Heck the timing is minor. Especially when you are dealing with a one way at a time tunnel. I would be more concerned with all the covid that has been coming on in Whittier. We are still in Canadian quarantine from the last Royal trip from Whittier
  14. On our last 3 cruises. Smoking allowed every night
  15. From the new FAQ’s on Princess website today it looks like no more required masking on Vancouver/Whittier routes. I pity anyone sailing this coming Saturday from Whittier. Last week we were 2 of hundreds testing positive and sent to Covid hell
  16. We are still booked for a Panama cruise in March. Going to play wait and see for a bit.
  17. I am in quarantine in Vancouver not what I would call safe. Me and hundreds of others The line for the covid cases to disembark bound several time around prom deck Then we stood in a line for an hour to get on a bus to a hotel where we are stuck till the end of the week. When protocols were being observed on the Majestic back in April there were very few cases and we felt very safe. Everyone on that cruise wore masks in elevators. Lon the Royal when we asked people to mask up on an elevator I was told to “Get over it” or “ Its my vacation not yours”
  18. I saw him on board several times during the cruise and he never had a mask on
  19. Don’t trust the app half the stuff they show is not available. My 3 favorite bourbons were gone 5 days into the 14 day cruise but were still up on the app. Go to the Crown and ask to see an actual menu
  20. He actually was letting people know that ha was not going to west a mask and told people that no one would enforce the rules. His attitude changed after hundreds of us got sick. And if I am not mistaken he has already had covid
  21. Is this the actual menu from the ship ? On our cruise the lamb chops were missing and the head of Crown told me due to supply chain issues they did not expect to get it back till January
  22. But even if your symptoms are mild you would be shedding virus and infecting others who may be more vulnerable
  23. It usually takes a few days to show positive results. That is why covid on the Toyal skyrocketed on the 3rd and 4th day leaving Whittier. If everyone had worn masks this would no have happened. We were on the Majestic in April and 80% wore masks. Guess what no outbreak
  24. On our round trip from Vancouver cases skyrocketing as soon as we left Whittier. We our group tested positive on days 3 and 4. Hundreds were with us. It looked like most of Dolphin deck was full. Took over 2 hours to get us off the ship
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