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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. Actually, I was thinking about our George who couldn't be trusted, King George III. So along with your George you really never ever ever trust a guy named George! 😁
  2. None of the ships have big enough dinning rooms to accommodate every wife who want's a one top away from us. 😉
  3. Some designer jeans come with fancy labeling or fancy stitching. Just talked with Kirkland (hey Zenith has is perks!) and my designer jeans will now come with pepper spray for use on the over-dressed. 😊 And he's working on a pepper spray neutralizer, built right into the fabric, for the next time I cruise with you. 😉
  4. Good idea,!! Pepper spray for the folks in a Tux and formal dress in the theatre at night. 😊
  5. I'd love to see the explanation on the expense report for a person, who is supposed to be working remotely at home, for a cruise WiFi charge. 😁
  6. Elite plus members get the free parking spots. Zenith members don't go into the stores. That would mean we would have to associate with Classic members. 🤢 And have you seen those dumps! 😱 😁
  7. Only $60? You must be referring to those 'Classic' Costco members. I'm 'Zenith' at Costco, We look down on those mere 'Classic' members. 😉 As for Walmart. Never trust trust a guy named George. Americans should know what I mean (remember 1776?) 😁
  8. I wear a very good up and coming American designer's jeans. The name is Kirkland. I don't know if that's his/her first or last name but like Adele, or Bono, when you are that good you only need one name! 😉
  9. Back in 1964 times they were a changin. In 2022 on CC, times they are stuck in the past. 😉
  10. Just bring along a Speaker's corner box, along with a very load speaker, and get up and lecture the crowd on something you love but you know that will go over like a lead balloon with the crowd. A temperance lecture might be one subject. 😇 I think I'd go with a lecture and demonstration, on why Curling is the best game on the Planet. Nothing better with watching newbies wipe out try to deliver a curling stone for the first time. 🥌
  11. I'd prefer if they get the #MannequinChallenge going on sea days. Everyone just remains as still as a mannequin and everyone just shuts up. 🙏 😉
  12. I had not seen that before. Thanks. On the original Captain Kirk was EVERY male "Guest Star" all by himself. See here; https://www.startrek.com/article/one-trek-mind-15-kirks-many-lady-loves
  13. LOL If the original Star Trek was on there wouldn't be an issue. And it would be my 777 th time for each episode. Beam me up Scotty! The original Enterprise, now that was the Real Love Boat! 😁
  14. I think I'll be flipping over to TLC to watch Dr. Pimple Popper after Survivor and before Amazing Race. It's ooey and gooey like RLB but at least something gets accomplished on Pimple Popper. 👩‍⚕️ Of course, Last Man Standing followed by Broke Girls is on too. Decisions, Decisions. 🤔
  15. And for the really bad room stewards in addition to giving him the deed to my house, including them in my will, and starting a college fund for his kids, I offer him the stock tips I get from the internet. 😁
  16. The IRS expects U.S. residents to pay tax on any worldwide income. And they define gambling earnings as income. Hey, they have to do something to pay off some of their national debt which has grown to a record $31.12 trillion this month. 💰💰💰💰
  17. I hope folks realize that line you quoted is what we call a set up line for the following (semi) joke. The chicken never really crossed the road. And the first baseman wasn't really named "Who" 😁
  18. A show that has to do about nothing? No way, it will never work.😉
  19. OK fellow CCer's, now that we have established that the Real Love Boat is TV garbage, what type of TV show, set on a Cruise ship, would you make. Would it be a reality TV show like the Amazing (Slow) Race, or a Survivor like show where teams compete while while trying to survive 40 days in some Royal Loft Suites? Or would it be a murder mystery show with a Diamond Plus Angela Lansbury character solving murders each week while sipping her free drinks? I'm leaning towards a show where a Ted Lasso type character becomes the unlikely Captain is some third rate cruise line's ship named The Wingding and the cruise line could be 'Festival Cruise Line'. Captain Ted and his quirky crew could have weird and wonderful adventures while trying to sail around the globe while not actually being able to find their first port of call. Think Ted Lasso meets Gilligan's Island. I'm thinking Scarlett Johansson as Ginger and Emily Blunt as Mary Ann. Discovery Channel is interested in the Ted Lasso meet Gilligan's Island idea but they are insisting that we need to add a shark as a recurring character. Hmmm? 🤔
  20. Thank you for pointing out my spelling boo boo but why did you wait a whole month before pointing that out. If you had posted earlier you would have saved me the BIG tip I gave my CC copy editor in September. Signed, the boss who will be giving his CC copy editor No tip for October. 😊
  21. I saw some of that show too, for the same reason. The Real Love Boat is the Titanic of TV shows. It may have managed to limp out of its first port last week but I foresee many icebergs coming up soon on their first voyage this season. Better be on the lookout Captain! 😁
  22. Am I correct in assuming the reason why people won with minimum bids was because few other cruisers didn't bother to bid? Or are there other selection criteria being used for selection? Thanks
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