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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. And don't forget, the original Tim Horton's is # 5 on the Seven Wonders of the World, right behind the Colosseum in Rome. 😁
  2. There are 6 million people in Toronto. I can't imagine what it would be like if 3 million + cruisers showed up for the day. 🤯
  3. And one of those must be Hamilton, Ontario. The sites you see in Hamilton harbour will take your breath away. 😉
  4. WHAT??? Did Elon Musk buy Royal Caribbean too? 😉 https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/twitter-users-can-soon-get-blue-check-for-us-8-monthly-fee-1.6140702
  5. I'm not sure how it is with teenage girls because we only had boys. But when we travelled with them in their teenage years there were plenty of times that didn't want to find them when they wondered off. The peace and quiet was a really nice change of pace. 😉
  6. You might of found it convenient but did she? 😁
  7. "I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant" Yours Truly, Alan 😉
  8. Like the Echo parakeet (Psittacula eques) of Mauritius, face to face talkers might be close to extinction but like the Echo parakeet we will not be silenced! 😁
  9. About the same as winning the Powerball lottery. 🤔 Meeting the same cruisers on two separate cruises or winning $1.9 Billion? 🤔 😁 Have a fun cruise!
  10. The usual cure for a nightmare is three beers. Get drinking and cure thyself! 🍻🍺 😉
  11. Just bring the actual sealed bottle of Woodford Reserve with you and offer to be their newest liquor supplier and sell it to them, because it looks like their current supplier isn't doing a very good job. Heck, you could sell them two bottles at half price each on the condition one of the bottles stays in your cabin. 😁 Some folks say that if life hands you a lemon, make some lemonade. I say, if hands you some corn, rye, malted barley or wheat, make some Whiskey! 🥃
  12. But you have to admit walkie talkies are less annoying to people around you versus this ...
  13. So does talking face to face. Only if your'e into that sort of old style thing, of course. 😁
  14. Mrs. Dawg rolls my clothes. She's tried to teach me her way to roll clothes but for some reason I have never been able to master it. 😉 😇
  15. Take as many shoes as you want (and your hubby can fit into his suitcase). That's Mrs. Dawg's strategy. 😉
  16. And I would just point out most first basemen are not named 'Who". 😁 Chill Hank, it was just a joke paying homage to @cruisemom42's very funny post.
  17. I love your post. For me; ship pool decks = chair hogs and crowds beaches = sandy I hate ship pool decks; there're so...peoplely 😉
  18. This is how many of the local tour operators and businesses in ports view cruise passengers. Just waiting to be plucked! 😁
  19. $100USD. or $100 Canadian? Because if it's $100USD today that's about $567.50 Canadian. 😁 (Just kidding folks, our dollar is not that much in the tank ... yet! 😉) Have a great, stress-free cruise!
  20. Or an incredibly stupid 'Good Samaritan' thinking they don't feed the wait staff on cruise ships. (I'm assuming @ldubs was on a cruise.) In either case the guy was thinking incredibly stupid thoughts. 😵 On the bright side, it would have given the waiter a great story to tell afterwards!
  21. Canada's life expectancy continued to increase until 2020 when the Pandemic caused it to decrease a half a year from 82.3 years in 2019 to 81.7 years. Interesting fact, as the U.S.'s life expectancy continued to fall in 2021 Canada's and other 'peer countries' life expectancy rebounded slightly. And we have f---book, tik--- and the twit bird too, unfortunately. So these technologies may not be the sole cause of your country's declining life expectancy. Edit. But those darn Roomba's might cause a decline in my life expectancy. Mrs. Dawg has two of them. One for vacuuming and one mops the floors. And both just attacked me while I was making coffee! I swear, they know when I'm in the kitchen early in the morning and make a bee line straight to me! 🙂 Elon must be behind this somehow!
  22. I don't think there is anything subtle about adding "An 18% gratuity is added to Specialty Dining packages at the time of purchase." It is definitely a change but not very subtle. And it's only a price increase if you didn't tip 18% already.
  23. This is a quote I found about one person's reaction to a new high tech invention. "It is my heart-warmed and world-embracing Christmas hope and aspiration that all of us, the high, the low, the rich, the poor, the admired, the despised, the loved, the hated, the civilized, the savage (every man and brother of us all throughout the whole earth), may eventually be gathered together in a heaven of everlasting rest and peace and bliss, except the inventor of the ____________." That was Mark Twain in 1890 and he was talking about the telephone. Nothing new here. Back when Twain made that comment life expectancy in the U.S. was about 44 years. Today it's about 79 years. How do it grow so much? Technology. Technology that improved medicines, better surgical technologies, Technologies that improved public health, sanitation etc. And what do we do with that extra 35 years? We complain about new Technologies of course.
  24. The Mods will kick you off CC for that kind of talk.😉
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