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Everything posted by alfaeric

  1. There is little difference between this and booking a cruise to Bermuda because you saw the sun and pink beaches only to have it randomly canceled due to the weather. The schedule was to have her on the ship, and an unexpected thing happened. A low odds unexpected thing. I see no fault in how they chose the cruise.
  2. Why do you extrapolate your experience and situation to everyone else? People can afford it, or they would not be doing it. Maybe some people are living beyond what they can do, but not the entire ship, across the entire fleet, every single week. Has anyone checked if resorts are doing as well, or have they all figured out that cruising is a better deal?
  3. Supply and demand. Econ101. In Jan, supply was there, and demand was nominal. Now, so close to sailing, supply is almost gone, and people are willing to pay more. In the past, the lack of demand would often lower prices after final payment, but demand is so high now that it’s unlikely to happen. Let alone the Royal up process.
  4. At least you are not forced to cruise, right? This come back to book as early as possible to not compete with people who will spend anything to get away at the last moment.
  5. Bringing this up again to update the numbers on this symphony sailing. 35 Pinnacles. Getting ck reservations is easy, SL is empty. 35 out of 6500 isn’t a problem. This is 4 out of 4 cruises where the number of pinnacles is not even close to being overwhelming. So other than TAs, I’m hanging a tough time seeing that P, D+, and Ds are overwhelming.
  6. Relative to the Liberty, the Aqua Theater is an addition, so if enjoy the shows, you will want to find the time to see at least one of those above the stage and ice shows you may be accustomed to seeing.
  7. Sorry to hear that, Jordan is a super nice person, so hope your daughter can meet her in the future.
  8. Will confirm that the Symphony has 2 shows per venue. And the production show Dare to Dream is pretty something.
  9. It’s there, but I wonder if the planners are paying attention. There is supposed to be a self led meeting at 10 in dazzles, but there is also a meet the cast event at 10:15.
  10. Terrible weather last night…. The upper decks were even closed. Oh, well.
  11. You posted “if you are allowed in the SL…”. Doesn’t mention anything about the state room category. And the whole thing was about if the drinks count against your C&A count. Hard to see how it’s not taking about both since it’s about C&A and state room at the same time.
  12. Wish that was true, but as a Pin, our SL and CK drinks count toward the 6. Even in a JS.
  13. For all of us way out in the ocean tonight, remember to look outside tonight to see the Geminids meteor shower. Not sure where we will end up on the Symphony, but we will certainly look. Supposed to be really good with green meteors.
  14. If anything needs to change it’s the perfume and cologne that is worn. It’s so strong, it’s hard to taste food and wine. If you think you smell so bad to lather in smell, take a shower.
  15. Their heads would have already blown up, given what everyone else was wearing.
  16. As long as they are covered, you will be let in. Just got off a ship where I wore shorts twice and nobody noticed.
  17. Second trip on the Liberty, 4 night this time. 15 pinnacles. Make your conclusion. I don’t see a lounge problem fleet wide.
  18. Someone theorized that there were a ton of Pins on short cruises. Very much not this sailing. We will see if anything changes Monday as we stay.
  19. So just got on the Liberty for a 3 night cruise. 13 pinnacle members. Not a typo, thirteen. And we were told this is pretty normal for this itinerary.
  20. How would they have stepped in to prevent a person from climbing? Do they monitor every balcony and can rush in the moment someone starts climbing? Enforcement normally means dumping them off at the next port and banning them from future cruising.
  21. As I see it, IF the kid made it w/o getting hurt, him and his parents would likely be banned from cruising. Thats what has happened for others who were balcony climbing. Sucks for the family that he fell.
  22. Is there a rule that passengers are not allowed to be friends with the crew? Wasn’t aware of that.
  23. It’s always funny to KNOW that people notice and are so bothered by the Pin name tag. Add that to the lanyard, it’s like a game of people who care so much about what I wear. I have had people roll their eyes at me as if they already know 100% because of what I have on. Glad it works so well. lol. instead of how amazing the sunset is, you notice what others have on. It’s your money, I guess.
  24. If they are overspending as much as you think, they will end up struggling to put food on the table. I'm not sure why you are so convinced that so many people are going into *that* much debt for a week vacation. Some, sure. A ship full? Every week? For all cruise lines? No. And they are the same ones who are buying RV's at a really high rate, too? No. I'm still convinced that for a majority of cruisers, even when they are using a CC to pay for it, they have the disposable income over a year to deal with it. Feel free to be a pessimist about people and the economy. But people are spending money in multiple sectors of the economy, and cruise ships are sailing full at really high prices- so high that people are constantly complaining about it. And cruise ships fares are driven more by demand than basic inflation. Demand of a luxury item. Still, if people want to blame anyone for the high fares, it's the people spending that much money on cruises. The cruise lines are just taking advantage of this time period.
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