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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. @taznremmy Oh no, Pat, so sorry this happened. I hope you aren't in much pain and can enjoy the rest of your trip. @brillohead Debi, as long as people are willing to pay those prices, the cruiselines will continue to charge those high rates. I can't imagine paying over $70 per day/pp for a drink package, yet it seems to be a very popular option. @Sea DogGreg, how are you doing today? Jack ordered your knee brace on Amazon. It's scheduled for delivery on Wednesday and hope it's as beneficial for him as it was for you.
  2. Debi, whenever I see "Battle Creek" I think of Rice Krispies! I love the original song "never gonna give you up" Dani, my heart is with you. Stuffed cabbage is one of my and Jack's favorite dishes. I make "un"stuffed cabbage. Less work since I know I couldn't make the rolls work for me. I tried once. Oy!
  3. Most memorable finale of a comedy tv show was Newhart when Suzanne Pleshette and Bob Newhart wake up in their bedroom from the 1st Bob Newhart Show. Bob says he had a dream that he was a Vermont Inn Keeper. So clever.
  4. Veterans deserve our thanks and gratitude for serving our country. Hope you enjoy your meal. It's a balmy mid 50s right now going up to 60s. People here who never experienced real cold winters are wearing puffy winter jackets today. I'm just wearing a long sleeve top.
  5. Thanks for the info, Debbie. We tend to eat light lunches, especially on a cruise. I used to like the Tutti salad in the MDR. I assume they aren't back?
  6. I noticed the pre Black Friday sale has the soda package at $8.99/day. Jack doesn't drink soda and since I usually have 3-4 per day on a cruise, it sounds like a good deal. I hope they offer caffeine free diet soda at the machines. I doubt they have it at the bars. Do both of us have to buy the soda package and how long does this sale last? Dining package dropped in price, but we're 2 people who feel the MDR food is sufficient.
  7. Lenny. so sorry this happened to you but I would imagine the fear would be for escalators, not height. I felt great after I had my gall bladder out and I had it the surgical, invasive way. My friend had it done the laparoscopic way and she was back at work the next day. Minimal pain for both procedures. @Sea Dog Greg, I am so sorry you're feeling so miserable and unfortunately, not just from knee pain. I hope you get some relief very soon.
  8. Thanks. It's a wired mouse so no battery (I think). No biggie, "mice" are not expensive but the one I have should work for more than 10 months.
  9. Can't wait to get a new computer mouse. My current one isn't recognized anymore and I get a pop up that apparently it malfunctioned. It's less than a year old. When I go into settings, it lists my mouse as working. Luckily my computer is touch screen but I am way too used to a mouse and prefer it over the built in touch pad or using my fingers to navigate all over the screen. Another glorious day here in the Dallas area. Forecast: Low 80s, bright sunshine. Perfect! Dani, no matter what's going on in my life you and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! Jack talks to his sister and friends in Israel almost daily and although their worry level is thru the roof, their strength amazes me.
  10. I saw that show once when I was still in school and never forgot it. Was it in A&S? That was my favorite store. When I still lived in Manhattan I used to take the subway to Hoit/schermehorn station in Brooklyn to go to that A&S. Yes to no sales tax on clothing! I had lunch at Tom Sawyer diner last year, Ridgewood Rd., right outside the old Paramus Park Mall. So different now. Both the mall and the diner. They didn't call it the poop cruise for nothing.
  11. Of course, crowds are at a maximum during Christmas shopping season. I haven't been back for quite a few years but when I was there, the crowds never bothered me. I grew up in Manhattan so I guess I was used to it. The most crowds I ever encountered in Manhattan was in Chinatown. If I needed to faint, I would do so standing up! @Arzeena I'm sorry the experience isn't magical for you anymore. In a way, I'm glad I haven't been back in years so that my memories are all still wonderful. @Sea DogGreg, when they "spring you" I bet you'll be happier at home with Linda by your side. Sleeping in your own bed makes all the difference.
  12. Christmas in NYC: Every year we would take our daughter down to NYC from the 'burbs', to Rockefeller Center to see the tree, ice skaters-my daughter's favorite, amazing window displays, especially Lord and Taylor animated displays, FAO Schwartz and then warm up with some delicious NYC chicken soup and deli. All magical places, even the deli! She was always excited to see a Chanukiya (Chanukah menorah) here and there. The crowds carrying holiday shopping bags made it all the more festive. As a NYer, crowds are a given. It was the only time I tolerated the cold.
  13. @Sunshine3601 Debbie get well wishes from me too! Cousin Eddy! The **iter's full. I know exactly where it is although I've never eaten there. Breadwinner's is in that area. Great place for lunch, unusual sandwiches.
  14. As you know, Dallas has great restaurants. Many in Plano in the new area, Legacy West, and The Star are where the Cowboys train. I think the better Old World restaurants are in Dallas proper. Is the new seafood restaurant in Addison?
  15. Loved his wit! Of course you should post in here. This thread is about everyone. See? I just read Dani's approval.👍 Here's hoping your pain diminishes.
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