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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. It has happened to me on more than one occasion. Root canal and a crown or extraction which is a fraction of the cost. I had the best dentist in the world in Rockland County, NY. until he retired. He sent out a heartfelt letter to all of his patients explaining how retiring "early" was a difficult decision and how wonderful it was getting to know us, having the privilege of taking care of our dental needs, considering us family. He was old school, didn't even have a hygienist. He did it all and did it well. His wife was the front desk lady checking patients in. It took him quite a while to sell his practice to someone he felt would continue in his footsteps. I used him a few times until I moved to TX but it just wasn't the same.
  2. Goodness!! That had to include restoration work like an implant! The new dentist I will be seeing Tuesday is in Plano, is an oral surgeon and does "regular" extractions as well as problematic ones. I'll let you know how it goes and will get you his info if you want it.
  3. @Sunshine3601 @Jimbo I think @Arzeenaand anyone else sailing, continue to enjoy your cruises. Great pictures especially the Northern Lights, something I doubt I will ever see in person. @dani negreanu Dani, I'm sure you're having (or had if you're back home) a wonderful time in Amsterdam with your beautiful family. I know it will be (was) so hard saying goodbye. I have a painful tooth saga. My regular dentist referred me to an Endodontist for root canal on 2 teeth. Long story short, both really have to be extracted. Regular dentist doesn't pull teeth and gave me a few referrals. The one I chose, looked 21 and when asked, informed me she was practicing dentistry for 1 year. I told her I would think about it and asked if she could prescribe a pain killer for now. Imagine my surprise when she told me she wasn't certified to prescribe meds. Huh? How is it possible for her to pull teeth and not prescribe antibiotics or pain meds? I heard enough, didn't ask questions, just thanked her, walked out and found a dentist on referral who has been practicing more than a year and is certified to prescribes meds. It should have been a wake up call when I checked the young dentist bio on the group website and she wasn't listed. I asked the front desk and was told she worked out of a different location and was filling in while one of their dentists was out on maternity leave. Sorry for such a long story for two such little teeth!🦷🦷
  4. I was wondering what could possibly come close or surpass your amazing Greek travel report. Here it is! Awesome, beautiful, magical.
  5. Oh Greg, sorry this happened to you. The same thing happened to me with an ad for down pillows from what I thought was an online going out of business sale for Bed, Bath and Beyond. After placing my order, I too was suspicious at the 3rd party email. I did the research and found out it was a scam. Credit card company couldn't put a hold on the transaction that only showed as pending. When it was paid a day later, it was put on hold and new cards were issued. Then we had to notify companies that auto deduct monthly payment from the "old" credit card. Lesson learned.
  6. You might not be looking for belated birthday wishes but you have one from me, and others I see. Hope it was a good one.
  7. @bobmacliberty Gorgeous wedding pictures! I especially love the look between you and your daughter during your father/daughter dance. Priceless!
  8. I was working in Rockland County when I heard the news at first thinking it was the plane's mechanical error. My nephew worked a few short blocks away from the WTC, saw the first plane hit and saw things no person should ever see from their office window. So sorry to read this. Condolences to Susan and family.
  9. @Sunshine3601Debbie and @Luckynana Maryann, thank you for your Rosh Hashana New Year greetings. @Ozark_Kid John, what beautiful smiling faces and Happy Birthday to sweet Kenzie! I'm sitting in my living room basking in the amazing, wonderful aroma of sopapilla cheesecake baking in the oven. So easy using store bought Pillsbury crescent roll sheets.
  10. @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen, as always, your pictures are stunning! Hope Merv the Nerv is in hiding. @ReneeFLL Renee, I hope you keep improving.
  11. @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen, as always, your pictures are stunning! @Tree_skier You have a great dilemma. I never took a 4 day cruise but given the options, I would stick with HAL. RCI would be my first choice but it seems it isn't an option. Too bad you aren't near Galveston, lots of 4 and 5 night Voyager class cruises.
  12. Oh no, @ReneeFLL Renee, let me add my get well wishes. Hope you feel better soon so that you can enjoy the rest of your cruise! @lenquixote66 Lenny, the best birthday wishes to Toby.
  13. @Sea Dog Greg, sorry that the injection hasn't been very beneficial to your knee. I'm sure you'll have a lovely cruise next month in spite of it. @DaniDanielle Marietta, Valentina is a very pretty young lady! I hope all of her birthday wishes come true. @sgmn Sue what beautiful cakes. Congratulations on your family's celebrations. I too hope all is well with @singinalot Crystal and Nate's home in Florida. @brillohead Debi, so sorry for your loss. I hope all are having a peaceful Labor Day.
  14. @Sunshine3601Debbie, I am so very sorry to read about your and Eric's loss. Thank you for sharing Mike's story with us. So hard losing a friend, no matter the circumstances. It sounds like you and Eric shared many happy times with Mike. Hold those memories close to your heart. I thought I clicked your post, not Arzeena's. I think CC has a mind of its own.
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