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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Have never done with a party of people, have used it plenty of times for just my Wife and I.
  2. Do it, what's the worse that can happen? They don't let you use it and then charge you the regular price and then you still use your discount coupon. This way you do get the day and time you want and don't have to worry about going there on embarkment day when there is a long line there making reservations Just show up there with a reservation for 1, they have no tables for 1. Show up there with 2 people and enjoy.
  3. When you go on cruise sites, search Antarctica. There are lots of ships/cruiselines that travel in that region. Just Royal Caribbean is not one of them.
  4. I see the Captain is still sailing the ship around the islands? Is it still light out ? can you still see stuff? Are there plans to cruise around the islands again tomorrow or are you all heading North to the Falkland Island tonight?
  5. On an excursion,here is the boats was about 10 of us on it. Inside cabin but when taking pictures we were outside. Pictures were taken with a Samsung Galaxy S10. 20230920_142906.mp4
  6. Some of those Icebergs are alot like some of the ones we saw in Greenland last year On Jewel. The water and ice has such beautiful colors. Will you see be there when the sun sets? If so you should get some cool looking pictures like we got.
  7. I think you are right, the back bumper thing on the trailer may be dragging but at that point, petal to the metal and take your chances, you done screwed up already anyway. Can't just sit there and hold all that traffic.
  8. Interesting since he has 4 sets of wheels on the cab. Wondering how none can be touching the ground hard enough to give him some traction to get out of there and then onto the Southbound lanes. Is his front bumper stuck on the guard rail or something? Looks like he should be able to make the turn, but taking out that road sign by his trailer, that probably says that crossover road is just for emergency use only.
  9. This is a report from someone that is onboard now: Passenger log ocean-date 4530762024 Seranade of the Seas. Barreling through Drakes Passage at 17 knots heading due south towards Elephant Island Antartica. Winds 42 Kts SW. While We are definitely feeling The affects of the wayward, unforgiving seas. Most of us were well prepared and expecting the ruckus movement. Some, however are simply not cut out to be on the open seas. This is apparently on display by the lessor amount of passengers being visible about. Presumably choosing to be confined in their state rooms undoubtedly riding out the movement of the vessel in the comfort of their beds. Luckily motion sickness is not something I’ve ever been afflicted with. Truth of it all I quite enjoy the movement. We have all been on whale watch since yesterday following the announcement by Captain Sig of the spotting of a Grey whale off the starbird side. Unfortunately few of us were able to observe said whale . It’s is expected there will be many more to spot over the next several days. Here a few different vantage points. In my opinion The ship is handling it all very well. Definitely some creeks and splashes but she appears to be strongly built for such a voyage, navigating the swells with ease and vigorously cutting through the winds. Stay tuned more to come…same Bat time, same Bat channel! Royal Caribbean Ultimate World Cruise Americas Segment Serenade of the Sea Ultimate World Cruise Bloggers & Sharerste Also some are saying water/waves splashing up on heliport, some wave spray even hitting the bridge now.
  10. All you have to do is look at the weather forecasts for that part of the world. Not hard figuring it out if you have been on other sailings when the seas were rough. All the . Captain's/ships pretty much do the same thing.
  11. Guess any shows or activity in the theatre will be canceled today and tonight. Cabins toward the bow will be hearing the banging all day and night when the ship bow comes down hard on the next wave.
  12. Looks like he was trying to turn from the North bound lane to the Southbound lanes rather then just taking an exit and turning around that way, What a dummy!! Looks like he is going to take that sign to the left of him out to with his trailer swings around, who knows how many more accidents he caused when making people in those southbound lanes slow up really fast ?
  13. I think you have to drink more to walk in a straight line. 🤣 Next the Captain might send everyone to their cabins for safety reasons.Probabky going to get worse once you get below the bottom tip of South America.
  14. Tomorrow mornings weather looks rough for them, heading right into 35mph winds with 45 mph gusts Waves 17 ft. 38 degrees Double up on the Meclizine.
  15. Cool, you will have a good view as to what is going on, Please take plenty of pictures. 🙂
  16. Captain going to find out soon who the real sailors onboard are? I would guess tomorrow morning around the ship will be a ghost town.😉
  17. They are not waiting until the weather lets up though, they are heading straight for the Antarctica. The Captain changed the itinerary, flip flopped it. If he does go back to the Falkland Island later, that just means they have to go through Drakes Passage again which may not be good idea. They were scheduled to go to the Falklands Islands first before Antarctica which would have been good, they could have waited it out there until they get 3 or 4 days of good weather to head to Antarctica. The weather Serenade is in now is only going to get worse ! Double up on desserts today and tonight, No harm no loss. They are defintely not going to get the Drake Lake, it's going to be the Drake Shake for sure. @A&L_Ont Don't think you will need a Flow Rider for this sailing. Good Luck to All
  18. Should be good to go for ALL games , since there is only 1 game on at a time, so you should see them all.
  19. Can't you with A2S book early, keep watching and if price goes down. Call them and have them rebook it at the lower price?
  20. Wannabe's 🤣 I really think the Captain is just buying time because he knows he has to wait it out anyway for better weather to get around The Horn,quite possibly delaying so much to where he might have to miss some of the ports on the western side of South America.
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