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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Another question, Right now we have seats in the middle of the train, worried about our (larger) luggage, might we be better at the front of the business class train so we can keep an eye on our luggage rather then the middle of the train? Looks like the bathrooms are kind of in between trains(front of the cars, is that correct? Just where is the storage for luggage besides over heads? The doors to get out of the train, do we have to walk by the bathrooms to get out of the cars? When getting off the train at Newark Penn Station, we have to be ready with our luggage at the doors right? not at our seats because the train only stops for a minute or 2 right? The stop before our stop looks to be the Metro Park or EWR or is that the same stop, little confused as I don't see any stops called EWR Airport? We have only ever ridden the trains, from the Riverline in Burlington, NJ to Trenton, NJ and then to Penn Station to NYC for the day on the Northeast Regional. So I have a lot of questions, sorry.
  2. Hope you brought everything inside that wasn't bolted down, because who knows where it is now? 80 Mph wind gusts is pretty strong. Is your electric on poles or in the ground in your neighborhood?
  3. We have had zero snow here in Virginia this year. Put my snowblade on my tractor just for practice on installing it I guess. 😞
  4. Yeah, we can't have John on that ship and not be the star of the show. I don't think you guys next week will need a cruise director, or any comedy shows next week. I think you all are going to leave the ship with a busted gut from laughing at each so much. Be glad when it is over though so the next one can get planned. Maybe we can make that one. Might be 2 years out though since John is going to be away for the Year 2024, like a lost year. Maybe plan the next one in March 2025 on Icon, My Wife and I will be onboard for my Birthday on the 4th. My Wife and I might have went on this (Bella) cruise if we hadn't just got back from Disney recently and have that Greenland cruise booked in September which is 2 weeks long.
  5. Sometimes I wish they didn't do the talking before the vote, that just helps people know how others are feeling about each other. That is exactly why Brandon knew he had to use his immunity card last night. I wish they would just walk in and all sit down and then go vote. Maybe it would be better if they all voted first and then talk to the group and spill their guts on how they hate each other and then reveal the vote totals.
  6. I know why you aren't posting it, because you have to be on your good behavior for the next 10 days, otherwise you will have to be silent on your Bella Cruise and you can't have that can we? 🤣🤣😉
  7. Brandon should have been out...............big guy like that and can't even finish the challenge. That was really weak !! Next time that group goes to Tribal, Brandon will be out, his whole team hates him.
  8. The thought of a Curry Restaurant? When my Wife makes chicken curry in the Crock Pot it stinks the whole house up for a day.............can you imagine walking by a curry restaurant on the ship? It would stink the whole ship up....... Rather stick a RibEye Steak in front of me, Then I would be smiling. 🙂
  9. My Wife likes it but not my cup of tea, best to leave it just like it is as an option in the WJ. Wouldn't be an A+ if I was to review it.
  10. Can't win, I'm learning best to say nothing then give your opinion.
  11. Can a couple still bring 2 bottles of wine and 2- twelve pack(cases) of soda?
  12. Sell it on ebay, and take away some of the sting out of this downgrade.
  13. Weird Dudes, weird Music. I could barely get through the 4 minute video..........More power to you listening to that for 2 hours. I think I rather find a flow rider somewhere............
  14. When we go to Europe Next year, My Wife has some relatives in Cusano Mutri (is only 17 miles from Campobasso) She wants to go there, I think it's north of Naples and East of Rome. Told here I'm not sure the Cruiseline will let us end the cruise in Naples and then just go to Rome on our own and stay a few days in Rome to explore. Still have to check on all of that.
  15. I'm told best to just buy 1 internet package for 2 devices, it will save you money. The Key really isn't worth it for a free lunch on boarding day at Chops, just not worth it when have to pay $46.00 a day( 2 persons buying the Key) for it.
  16. I believe some of these people are a little closer to their Swiss Army Knife then you, it can't leave their person. When it's not on them they feel like they have lost their control over the current situation. Like they are being locked in a corner and there is no escaping. 😟 Some of them even carry a brown lunch bag with them incase they start to hyperventilate if the knife becomes out of sight.
  17. There is a exit on the ground floor of Penn Station right under that walkway to get over to Double Tree, that looks like we could go that way also. https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7348326,-74.1645193,3a,75y,13.44h,106.54t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spxr_b_XX-2b_3u0oBnjybw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Our train gets in at 3pm, so should still be light out.
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