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Tennessee Titan

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Everything posted by Tennessee Titan

  1. Just tried to sign up. tells me i dont have stock. i do. no way to fix it.
  2. One you won't see on a cruise. Took this in '75. Gatun Lock drained for maintenance
  3. No difference between the pier and nhow for taxi. They are next door to each other. IMHO hotels. If you want "atmosphere" and are willing to pay for it, by all means stay at the New York or SS Rotterdam. If you want a good room at a reasonable price next to the pier with convenient transportation nearby, stay at Nhow (new, modern) or Roommate Bruno (eclectic).
  4. Information should be current and up to date (ex: OBC credited)
  5. We tendered in Kodiak on the Westerdam last month. No issues whatsoever....
  6. I agree with you, but today's dollar outweighs history most of the time.....
  7. We tendered in Sitka last month on the Westerdam. Just a normal tendering No problems, except we were in a lifeboat (not a tender) and it was a little more crowded and there was no door to close....I guess I just don't understands all the fuss over tendering..
  8. Not worth it. Taxi/Lyft/UBER much cheaper/faster...(IMHO)
  9. Yes, but you still wait in whatever line exists when you get there....
  10. Great! Agree 100%. BTW: We were on this cruse. Sounds like a good point to let this trhis thread die a natural death....
  11. This exactly what really happened. The captain tole me this himself...
  12. Hasn't been available for almost a year now, not even at home any more....
  13. Remember: SUBJECTIVE! Last 2 cruises on the Rptterdam, I got a better steak in the MDR than in the Pinnacle.....
  14. Specifically amount of OBC credited. Apparently omly available through Booking Agent....
  15. Not on the Delta Platinum that I can see...
  16. If you have a lot of OBC, wait and let the OBC pay it....
  17. Much simpler than that . First (few) nights, they have to check fixed/as you wish, and any reservations....
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