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Harry Peterson

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Everything posted by Harry Peterson

  1. That’s nice. What really bothers me these days is the number of children who rarely leave their houses and spend all their time on various electronic devices. We used to see loads around the village, but hardly any now. And the ones you do see seem terrified of adults. I do wonder about their social skills when they’re going to really need them. Our kids growing up here knew everyone and wandered around everywhere. It’s no less safe now, but perceptions have changed.
  2. That’s helpful and interesting, Jane. Our practice is one that sounds like yours, with a very well deserved ‘Outstanding’ CQC rating. I’m very confident that the patient’s health is the key priority. Statins are recommended, or not, on the basis of an NHS algorithmic calculation, and I was happy to follow their recommendations. Age is one of the key parameters of course, and the evidence points to benefits beyond cholesterol control. We’ve both been taking them for years with no apparent side effects whatever. The most common perceived side effects have been shown to be almost entirely psychosomatic. No difference from placebo.
  3. I find P&O’s largely uncompromising attitude to unhappy customers who feel they’ve overpaid a little surprising. Legally of course they’re absolutely within their rights to do nothing, but if that means an unhappy customer who chooses never to use P&O again or, more likely, chooses not to book early again, it’s hardly a positive outcome. Surely a decent goodwill gesture, OBC at the very least, would be a better option?
  4. Certainly it’s drinkable, but it tastes vile - which is probably why the coffee’s equally vile. Better after refrigeration, as you say, for some reason. Desalinated water, maybe, or just the way it’s stored.
  5. Couldn’t resist this little extract from a current property ad: “This newly built two-bedroom house in a gated mews in Walthamstow Village, northeast London………” What?
  6. Strange…….unless I’m imagining things, this all used to be so very simple and straightforward just two or three years ago. No ambiguities or complications at all.
  7. Interesting article, which will resonate with many of us. Basically, if you can find any possible medical change to use as a ‘reason’ - increase the premium because it’s pretty much a captive market. That last paragraph is, as you say, intriguing - and in due course perhaps useful, depending on whether it has any teeth. Or whether it’s got teeth like Ofcom’s! https://www.fca.org.uk/firms/consumer-duty
  8. You've tried these guys, I guess? https://www.parking4cruises.co.uk/ Highly recommended by a lot of people here.
  9. Thanks Kalos. I've heard about those wowzzplans though - they're cheap enough but the sting appears to be hidden away in Clause 3 (a) (iii): "Any dental work meeting the aforementioned conditions shall only be carried out in the wilds of Lincolnshire, between the hours of 2330 and 0130, by an inebriated maniac with a pressure washer, inside a black rubbish bin, and all negotiations thereon shall be carried out solely in a 100% genuine Farmer Wink Lincolnshire accent. Bowler hats and formal dress must be worn."
  10. In case you get the time when you get back, Jane, here's the iPlayer link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074p41
  11. You may get different answers on this, and I’d be inclined to get a definitive answer from P&O, but our experience has been that there have never been any charges for room service, or for the food. We very rarely used it, because we prefer the company of others, but on the odd occasion when we’d perhaps missed lunch and wanted a snack of some sort it was always free. There is a bit of a myth about having to order via the butler, but room service know which the suites are and don’t charge - though one of the butlers may bring the food. There may be some menu surcharges though, clearly marked. Things change though, and better to check first rather than run up an unexpected extra bill.
  12. Wonderful, Jane. Rich Londoners have got a lot to answer for in despoiling Norfolk and Suffolk. Back in the 60s when we lived in Suffolk, places like Aldeburgh and Southwold were just normal, unspoiled seaside towns, and all the better for it. Affordable to everyone. Felixstowe is tipped now! Don’t suppose you saw Michael Palin’s play ‘East of Ipswich’ on BBC4 the other night about holidays in Southwold in the 50s/60s? Delightful, as you’d expect. Enjoy the rest of your break. 🙂
  13. Excellent, Avril. I knew someone who always used to travel back to Rotherham for her dental work because she reckoned they were better and cheaper. Maybe there are fewer rip-off merchants in South Yorkshire. Maybe they know it wouldn’t be tolerated!
  14. That’s an excellent point, Graham. I wonder how many dentists are actually providing that service within the Scale 1 charge*. Having said that, I wonder how many former NHS dentists are still offering treatment under the NHS. * Band 1: £25.80 Covers an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish (if clinically needed), and planning for further treatment.
  15. That’s an interesting point. I think the last time either my wife or I saw a hygienist must have been 40 years ago - it’s never been suggested even. I do remember dentists doing a scale and polish, but that was a very long time ago too. Maybe it’s one of those things that’s not really necessary but is a nice little profit centre.
  16. Me too. But my wife needs a lot more sleep than I do, and we’d have to have separate breakfasts. I entirely take your point though - best part of the day.
  17. A fair point, Dave - hadn't thought of that!
  18. Absolutely - no contest. One's tolerably civilised (though still below the standard of most decent hotels) and the other's a free for all.
  19. What exactly IS that brown stuff served as coffee in the MDR and elsewhere?
  20. That's a very kind thought, Kalos, and very much appreciated. I showed your comment to my wife and she asked me to thank you very much - we'd been talking about you and your wife earlier in the day, funnily enough, and were both so pleased you'd managed to get back to Madeira as you'd always planned. Holidays away aren't in the planning for the foreseeable future, but with warmer weather horizons open. We've had three outdoor lunches at various venues within travelling distance in the last few weeks - two with family and one with old friends from Somerset days many years ago. One more coming up shortly in our garden with friends from our time in Ipswich, and another one just afterwards with our son and DIL + baby grandson in Derbyshire. That plus chatting with friends when we walk round the village every day makes up for the holidays - never, ever get remotely bored! There is a new drug currently with NICE for approval (or not) which would mean not having to take the drug I currently have to take which knocks out my immune system and renders vaccines ineffective. NICE will report towards the end of this year - fingers crossed! Sorry you both hit those health problems in Madeira, Kalos, but pleased they didn't altogether spoil was was obviously a wonderful holiday. Madeira is very much on our shortlist too if things work out. 🤞 Harry
  21. Kalos, it’s really fantastic to read that you’ve both managed to get away, and to such a lovely place. Really, really pleased it went well, that you finally made that stay in Funchal that you’d promised yourselves for so long. We’re all hanging on your every post now for the full story! 😊
  22. Never have a problem myself. Mind you, I always travel with a wheelbarrow………
  23. Inconvenient for customers that P&O seem to have removed the trays, but good for reducing food waste. And food costs of course, but I’m sure that’s not the primary motive.
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