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Harry Peterson

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Everything posted by Harry Peterson

  1. Exactly my thoughts. This was the problem on Azura and Ventura - almost all of the films available were only available on the tiny little room televisions. In earlier years there was more use of the cinema, with current releases. I’m assuming the larger ships offer current releases in the cinema?
  2. I’d be interested in this too, on the assumption that Britannia offers a reasonable choice of films. Have to say that on 14 day Azura and Ventura cruises our expectations were quickly dashed - there was very little screened at all. The television is not a sufficient substitute.
  3. It’s the crew we should really feel sorry for. They’re adult, more likely as a result to be more affected by the virus, and I somehow doubt the treatment, financial and otherwise, they’ll get from P&O. Chicken Pox parties for adults are definitely not a thing.
  4. Southwold……..wonderful! Doesn’t get much better than that, and that includes cruises and overseas holidays. A week away, I know, but have a really good, royally good, holiday. [as he searches unsuccessfully for envy emoji]
  5. So true. I’ve had it twice since 2019! Fortunately, though, if you spot the symptoms quickly and get antivirals from the GP within a very short timescale the worst of the symptoms can often be avoided.
  6. This might help: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/shingles/ “You cannot get shingles from someone with shingles or chickenpox. But you can get chickenpox from someone with shingles if you have not had chickenpox before. When people get chickenpox, the virus remains in the body. It can be reactivated later and cause shingles if someone's immune system is lowered. This can be because of stress, certain conditions, or treatments like chemotherapy.”
  7. Me too. I suspect the view we have of ourselves might be rather different from that of someone from outside the UK.
  8. My much missed and sadly departed role model Sir Les Patterson would never have worn a football shirt. Absolute compliance with the P&O dress code was one of his main goals in life, and his presence graced any table.
  9. Pah! Nothing, Zap! I’ve been promoted to Dross with Stagecoach, and on a good day I get a seat on top of the luggage.
  10. At last, John - we have something in common! I lost a long Wordle run yesterday on joker too, and I’m still getting over it!
  11. Different lawyers. It’s a classic grey area of the law, particularly as even the medics can’t agree and the research findings are constantly shifting. Even surface transmission is back on the agenda now, and that looked to have been kicked into touch.
  12. Still doing Wordle here, but only Wordle. We (well, my wife) choose a starting word, and both use that same word as a sort of competition. Her technique is completely different from mine in that she uses words based on what she sees around her, or reads. Mine don’t take account of any external factors. Her average is about a third of a point better than mine though!
  13. He’ll be in good company! There’s also a struck-off surgeon living there who managed, through negligence, to kill one of his patients. My wife and I both suffered at his hands back in the day, but only in a relatively minor way. My wife had carpal tunnel surgery which led to a GP asking her a few years later whether she’d won the competition. ”Which competition?” ”The Frankenstein’s monster competition.”
  14. They knew what they were doing, Brian - apparently they’ve had complaints from Hutton Mount though. Not one alert across the entire estate. Did I say estate? Mouth, wash, soap and water time!
  15. “Government spokesperson Simon Williams told us, “We are delighted with how the test went, all the right people got the alert, and the others, well, they didn’t – as we planned. “You have to remember, in the midst of a major emergency, resources can be very scarce, so a decision must be made on who we want around to consume those precious resources as we look to rebuild our society “And fortunately, your phones are an excellent way of determining who is worth saving. If you spend more than fifteen minutes a day on TikTok, you’re out. If your browsing history includes low-information conspiracy nonsense on BitChute, you’re out. If you’ve ever paid money to stream a Jim Davidson show, you’re out. “If you didn’t get the alert, don’t take it personally, it’s just that an algorithm has determined that you have little to no value to society and we’d be better off without you.”
  16. Megabear, I’d be absolutely amazed if after relaying that very specific information to P&O with a request for appropriate assistance they didn’t make suitable arrangements for you. It’s in everyone’s best interests.
  17. The Telegraph is reporting that up to 10 million people didn’t get the alert. The government is saying it was a very small proportion of users on some mobile networks. Define small?
  18. I wouldn’t bother about that - most people are delighted to find a couple of children as ready as yours to communicate with adults. We seem to be bringing up a generation of children who see adults as a threat, sadly. Our kids used to roam this village and talk to everyone - now they’re all at home and rarely leave.
  19. Three here, no alert. Likewise wife, daughter and son-in-law living elsewhere. I think you’re right.
  20. Which port follows Civitavecchia? If it’s relatively easily accessible in the unlikely event of rail problems I’d probably take a chance on the train. If it involves flights I probably wouldn’t. Cost/benefit analysis in action! 🙂
  21. In our case it was 1730, as I recall, but it will vary. You just have to balance the costs against the risks, and we decided that as flights would be involved it just wasn’t worth it. If it had meant just a train journey within Italy we’d have taken the chance. Very unlikely that you’d have problems if there are plenty of trains, particularly if you allow for cancellations, but a blocked track would be problematic. Goodness, it is cheap, isn’t it? £5 each way! https://shop.italiarail.com/results?departureStationId=830008010&arrivalStationId=830008409&departureDate=2023-05-17&adults=1&children=0&currency=USD&roundTrip=one_way&aff=S61U
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