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Everything posted by pete14

  1. Nice breakfast this morning enjoyed whilst sitting outside in the North Wales sunshine.
  2. May be a bit of a drive for you but have you tried the outlet in Talke? Lots of clothes shops, including M&S outlet and they don’t open until 10:00 a.m.
  3. OP is cruising on Arcadia where there are no deck 8 promenade rooms to worry about.
  4. I hope they enjoyed the game as much as I did. No standing allowed though because seats are provided these days 😊
  5. On my way to watch Stoke City shortly. I just hope Blackburn Rovers kick off many more times than Stoke do. 😊
  6. I am not sure that blaming baristas is fair. When I order an americano and am asked whether I want milk, I often remark that americano is a black milk less coffee. They usually sigh slightly and assure me that they know that but I would be surprised by how many people who, when given their black americano, take one look at it and ask for the milk as though it should be completely obvious to everyone that it should contain milk.
  7. Do you have to commit to buying a case of their chosen wines every three months unless you tell them you don’t want it?
  8. I think they were too busy to even think of singing, for which I am grateful. Home tomorrow, Wales on Wednesday (probably).
  9. To anybody posting kind birthday wishes which I have not acknowledged, many thanks. Just had a very nice Warners brasserie evening meal. Sauvignon Blanc instead of Champagne with a starter of Garlic mushrooms in tarragon sauce with sourdough toast and a poached egg, chicken, pea purée, creamy potatoes and purple carrots and a pudding of Bramley Apple and caramel galette with ice cream. Finished off with a nice brandy.
  10. We booked early enough to eat in the table service Brasserie which has a more varied menu ( for the same price)
  11. I will pass on the salad and leave it to others more needy than me. Spent the morning catching birds (not for lunch)
  12. Thanks Avril. It has started well with a nice breakfast of eggs Benedict and a couple of rashers of bacon, washed down with lashings of hot black coffee.
  13. We are in an historic room overlooking the putting grass and croquet pitch with trees and fields all around. Very pleasant
  14. Spending my birthday today at Warners fantastic Thoresby Hall Hotel in Nottinghamshire. Below is the Great Hall.
  15. When we did a similar cruise to North Cape, we sailed a little further on to see the North Cape from the sea and then continued a short distance to see the cliffs that are at the point furthest North in mainland Europe before turning round to head back down the coast. On our first cruise (on Artemis), we crossed into the Arctic Circle off Norway, and sailed close to the globe structure in the sea to mark the imaginary line of the Arctic Circle and, as it was lunchtime, had a P&O ‘barbecue’, on the open deck. Great memories
  16. I agree that Gibraltar is scruffy but I have never had a problem with branded alcohol bought at rock bottom prices on the high street in Gibraltar. Morrison’s prices are noticeably higher for exactly the same product.
  17. If the railways were to be returned to being operated as one company as Harry seems to prefer, it doesn’t mean they will return to the state they were in before they were split into multiple operators. Most people outside the Greater London / South East area don’t use them anyway although I do accept that some have to or prefer to.
  18. I am just glad that train companies do not operate in the cruise ship market. Imagine the chaos 😊
  19. Nothing stopping you proving it correct by going for a regular swim in the Irish Sea whenever you are in Wales.
  20. There wasn’t a shortage before you arrived?🥴🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
  21. You could say that discussion removes clarity if it makes you doubt your original decision. Not that I would ever do that.😊
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