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Posts posted by Jan_In_Maine

  1. Four of us will be in Bar Harbor in early October - ages from 50-75. I'm very active, but my mom, not so much :) We are thinking of doing a private tour (at your service tours) instead of a natl park or ollies trolley tour. Feel like it will be worth it to travel/stop at our own pace. Any thoughts?


    I don't know anything about this tour personally, but from reading about it on their website, It sounds lovely. Sounds as if they will pick one up at the pier ... If you end up with this tour, I'd love to know what you thought of it. Jan

  2. Bar Harbor Brewing Company has (or at least this week) had beer tastings and is walkable. Atlantic has both beer and wine tastings, but is not walkable. (I've heard, from my kids, that their BBQ is great also).


    Rupununi's is in the process of being remodeled and as of Friday had opened, but they now have a new name (which I can't remember).


    Geddy's has a new menu ... Had lunch/dinner there twice last week, turns out that 5 of the servers are from Bangor and we've known them for years ... a great bunch of people!!!


    You should be able to try all sorts of local beer's wine's etc. (Winterport Winery has some very interesting local wines). Jan

  3. Hello! I was hoping to have good news today. But I am up 3lbs. I guess meds caught up with me. I m back to the battle up and down.



    Sent from my iPad


    I'm sure that next week will be better - I find it helps to post either way ... its when I stop posting :rolleyes: that it is much worse ... glad you posted!!:) Good luck for next week. Jan

  4. Welcome Fog123 - Every Thursday Belle will post a new thread (and a great poem too!!) ... sometimes she is busy or the computer doesn't work and then usually someone else will post a thread.


    We are all just trying to be healthy --- I find that just knowing I have a cruise in the works will help with motivation .... and having the weigh-in thread really helps too.


    This afternoon I went with my daughter and son-in-law (to be - they are getting married the end of the month ... or next month) ... The wedding had been scheduled to September, but they decided that perhaps they would wait for the big party as she is having a baby in October ... she's 31 and told it would probably never happen ... but today the parents to be and the mom's got to go watch a sonogram(?-sp) and we are having a new grandson!!! Everyone is very excited ... its my daughters dream come true!! Jan

  5. I went to the doctor's on Tuesday and he said I was down 2# from 2 weeks ago .... weighed myself this morning and I believe I was up ....


    Belle - thanks for the poem!! Nice that you lost a pound

    skiiergirl - have a wonderful time on your cruise - congrats on your loss

    Rose - hope your Mother's Day was wonderful!! Next week should be good!!

    Diana - Not bad for being gone on a cruise - welcome back - hope you had a wonderful time!

  6. That is amazing that you didn't gain while on steroids ... I was very sick with pneumonia in the hospital (many years ago) and they gave me steroids (which made me diabetic and then they had to give me insulin) ... I ended up gaining so much weight from the steroids and it was so hard to get it back off again.


    I think it is very realistic not to have a diet on the cruise :D there are so many different foods to try. I usually gain weight from the salt ... but it doesn't take long to get most back off again. We are always very active on a cruise, so that helps. Jan

  7. Belle - I would love to have this continued ... it is what keeps me on track, I enjoy all the people who post ... we are all trying to get healthy ... I will try to talk during the week.


    I am down 1.0# this week ... what a struggle, it was so much easier to gain it than to lose!!!:rolleyes:


    Good luck to all .... Jan

  8. I'm actually happy with the savings we got with this BOGO sale .. even if the pricing did go up before the sail .. we ended up saving 400. This will be the 1st time in a JS on Royal.


    This cruise we have the NCC $100, BOGO $400, balcony credit $125, Casino credit $225 (guess I did well last time), then we have skymiles credit $400, and rccl visa credit $400. I almost feel as if I'm sailing for free!!!:D


    NCL had a "kids" sail free on cruise we take this summer, and the pricing went down --- unfortunately we would have had to re-book to get it and with only 2 rooms similar to what we have, and they were already booked, we wouldn't have been able to get our room back. I would have saved almost $1500. I was very disappointed. Jan

  9. Good Morning Ladies , Can I join in ? We are booked on a princess cruise out of Houston TX jan. 2014 , I am starting back on Nutrisystems :D lost 80 pounds a couple of years ago & have kept it off :D but it's time to Loss those last pesky 20 pounds. can always use the extra support and even a kick in the pants if needed


    Amazing that you lost 80# (and managed to keep it off) I really find maintaining is very difficult. It always seems to be the most difficult to lose the last 10-20#. Which is why I am back on my diet!


    You and everyone/anyone are welcome to join in the "fun" there is a new thread each Thursday, usually Belle will start the thread, but if for some reason she can't post someone else will start it.


    It's a good group of people ... there is no judging of others as we are all trying to get healthy and its so nice to have others to talk to that are in the same boat (no pun intended) ...


    Jo - Have a wonderful time on your trip ... looking forward to hearing about it when you return. Nice that you are starting off with a loss!


    Rose - what is different about this diet? 4 pounds is great. I have spent years dieting myself out of being diabetic ... but not anymore ... guess I should have spent more time eating healthier!


    Have a great week all ... Jan

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