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Posts posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. On the Nieuw Statendam, Tamarind is on Deck 10, Aft. The easiest way to get there is to use the AFT elevators. We didn't when we went ahead of time to check on the location and had to walk outside and climb a set of stairs and then hope someone notices you at the outside door-or keep walking around the aft to find a set of stairs to go down and then the aft elevator back up to 10. A real hidden gem???

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  2. Just got off the Nieuw Statendam Sunday. Dutch Cafe on Deck 3 was our favorite place for morning coffee. There is a charge for the coffees and bar drinks (if you don't have a package) but all the tasty goodies are included in your fare. Yummy pea soup and pastries. The Dive-In burger and hot dog location on Deck 9 by the Lido pool has great French fries as well as the main items. On Deck 10 above the Lido pool you can get good pizza and salads and panna cotta. One other trick that our table mates didn't know about-take an old hotel or similar card to use in the slot that turns the power on in the cabin. Your devices won't charge if you take the card out while you're out of the cabin. Just be sure to turn the lights out when you leave. And having a European adaptor will give you additional plug-ins if the device has a built-in transformer (just be sure it can handle 220v).

    Have a great time. The crew is wonderful and I hope Captain O'Driscoll is still running the ship.

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  3. On our South Pacific cruise, the weather was against us and we weren't able to tender in to Rarotonga. A year later we found a great price for a 10-day stay from the big C box store that included airfare, car rental and a beach bungalow. It was fantastic. The bus takes just under an hour to make a complete circle of the island so you should be able to get one every 30 minutes. I think we bought a multi-ride ticket when the rental car was returned.

    Sort of sad day tomorrow-they're kicking us off the Nieuw Statendam. It's been a great cruise with fantastic weather for Norway. 4 days in Amsterdam and then fly home June 1.

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  4. Just finishing 14 days on the Nieuw Statendam. After final payment prices did go down. I had my TA call and ask about an upsell from a balcony to a Vista although I knew the price was actually lower. I was able to get the Vista cabin for no additional money and kept all the perks I already had. (I did have a refundable deposit.) It never hurts to ask but just be sure to verify if there are any changes to the package.

    • Thanks 2
  5. @kazuWe just returned from the tour to the North Cape with Sebastain. He was a wonderful guide and was on our bus at 9 am.  I thanked him for hanging in with us after last year's cancellation and letting us all be on the bus as a group. Thanks one more time for all the initial organization for the tours. This one was outstanding. (In contrast to the terrible ship tour yesterday to the Polar Bear Club ☹️.)

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  6. @kazuI thought you brought the wrong dog back from the groomer. What a difference!  I don’t lose socks, just buttons. I manage to lose the bottom button on most all of my shirts. Lots of safety pins until I get ambitious enough to get sewing.

    Just about finished packing for the flight to Amsterdam Friday. Finally found my warm jacket which was a relief-Norway is bound to be a bit cooler.

    • Like 20
  7. 2 hours ago, highscar said:

    As a novice wine maker, DH first batch was in a new plastic garbage bucket with a garbage bag tied as a lid, cooking away. On the cedar chest in the bedroom to keep it away from the pets.  In the night the yeast did its thing and blew the bag of it and left us with purple stalagmites on the ceiling. Forgive the spelling. 

    You reminded me of our experience with making beer. DH was in the Air Force and we were in Fort Walton Beach, Florida for a year. Beer was made and put in a tall Rubbermaid trash container. We stored in the back of the closet. Middle of the night-Kaboom! What a mess😮.

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    • Haha 5
  8. 4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

    Good evening from Barcelona,

    I had a full day of walking ending with a tour in the Gothic region with 4 members of  our roll call. It was nice to meet them and  I hope to see them on the ship. I had my requisite hot chocolate and churros today so I am set.  I board tomorrow and I am excited to see the ship.


    Prayers and well wishes for all.

    See you in a little over a week when we board in Amsterdam. You can be our ship's guide. 😊 Looking forward to meeting. (How's your toe dealing with all the walking?)

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