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Posts posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. @StLouisCruisersI thought I saw someone on CC mention this yesterday, but when I "Ducked" it they said a group of baboons is called a troop.  The rumor was they were called a congress but that is not true.  A troop isn't as funny as a congress though!!

    That was me, reporting on a bumper sticker I saw. Did a search and found out a congress is a group of salamanders, crows or ravens. It did sound good though.

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    • Haha 3
  2. @JazzyVI just received an email from Denny's that you can order a complete turkey dinner. It comes with directions for reheating, ready to go. Our local grocery store also has 2 or 3 options for a holiday dinner that is already cooked.

    @dfishVery nice job on the quilt. Now I feel guilty that I haven't finished DD's quilt. Borders are on 2 sides so getting close-after fixing the 2 squares that I had in the wrong place. Luckily, I had sent her a photo and she noticed the good.

    • Like 16
  3. I hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. My quiet Saturday morning watching the quilting shows didn't quite happen as planned. Instead, I took DH to Acute Care to have his knees x-rayed. He was cleaning his computer room yesterday afternoon and managed to get his feet tangled with the vacuum cord. Down he went on his knees. This morning he could barely walk or bend one of his knees. Can't believe we were in and out in just under 2 hours-no broken bones or cracks. The doctor was impressed with the condition of his knees-no arthritis at all. Wish mine were that good! Now it's ice and Tylenol and hope it clears up soon. And I'll trade my chocolate too for caramel.

    • Like 14
  4. 1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    Yes, we were crazy getting married in December!! But after dating during college and then living in separate states, especially our outrageous telephone bill, we decided that we just couldn’t live apart. If I had been older and wiser I know we should have waited but young love prevailed. Oh my on having a wedding between Christmas and New Year’s Day!!

    Sounds familiar. I was still in school and DH started a teaching job one state away. I had forgotten all about the horrid phone bills. And I still tease him about marrying me because he didn't like cooking after burning his spinach one night. We were going to wait until summer but having a cook took precedence. It's only been 54 years so I guess it worked!🥰

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  5. @Sharon in AZCongrats on the anniversary-I'm happy to see someone else was crazy(?) to get married in December. Our anniversary is Dec. 27-even crazier!

    As for ham, HoneyBaked Ham Co. usually has ham bones you can buy and they store them in their freezer. The bone still has a lot of ham attached and makes wonderful broth for beans or split peas. 

    Gloomy today after a couple of nice sunny days but no rain yet and close to 50 degrees. DD in Colorado reported on their 4 inches of snow but roads were scraped so no snow day for the boys. Strange weather everywhere. 

    Take care and enjoy the season.

    • Like 22
  6. It is interesting how you do feel you know everyone, even when all you've done is read the Daily. Can't believe DGD is 22 today-and a perfect day for her-she works at a pet rescue farm dealing with horses, a cow, a pig and a couple of other animals. She even rescued a bat a couple of days ago. That was worrisome but she assured me she was careful. It turns out bats can't take off from the ground. She got it on the end of a broom, held it up high and the bat took off. Phew! Take care everyone and have a good week. 

    • Like 17
  7. When in Ft. Lauderdale, we usually walk or taxi to the shopping area with Publix, drug stores and other stores. I think noon was about the earliest we could return to the ship. Just be sure you have your in-transit card with you. So fun to walk past all the passengers waiting to board.

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