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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. We’re kind of in the same place Greg. No plans to abandon Royal BUT, their itineraries are getting a bit stale and their prices are crazy. Now that we’re Diamond the four vouchers are nice but not if other lines are including drinks, tips and WiFi for a similar price such as the deal Mark has. I also like the idea of trying some new ships and ports.
  2. No I had to scratch the chocolate martinis. Not sure if it’s folks gearing up for the holidays or continuing supply issues but I couldn’t find chocolate liqueur at 3 different stores I tried. I have an almost full bottle of Baileys so I’m making Bailey’s martinis instead. I appreciate you sharing your recipe and if I can ever get my hands on some chocolate liqueur I’ll give it a try.
  3. No deals for us in today’s fake sale LOL. I’m hoping maybe there will be a real sale on actual Black Friday, but not holding my breath. I’ve been recipe testing today. We’re going out to dinner Saturday night with newish friends then having them back to our house for dessert. I made an Olive Oil Pumpkin Cake which I had several weeks ago at a girlfriends house. Sounds strange but it was delicious. The other recipe I tried is a Baileys Chocolate Cream Pie. So bottom line is Andy and I have a couple of desserts to test tonight after dinner. The leftovers will go to my neighbor who doesn’t bake but loves sweets. I sure don’t want them here along with the leftover Halloween candy!
  4. We have our two granddaughters spending the weekend with us along with our grand dog, Kona. Middle DD Jessica and SIL Sam are going away for the weekend to celebrate their 7th anniversary. The ‘celebrating’ maybe be slightly one-sided since we recently learned they are expecting baby #3, our 6th grandchild. Love her “flying nun” ears.
  5. Glad to see your almost smiling face and thumbs up. Hope you have an easier recovery this time around. Also, my prayers to Linda 😉😇😂!!
  6. Adding my wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow. May this be the beginning of the end of your knee issues 🙏🤞!!
  7. I’ve been M.I.A. since we returned from our Adventure cruise on Saturday. No particular reason, just busy unpacking, doing laundry and finishing the seasonal clothing switchover which also prompted me to do some closet reorganizing. I know I’ve missed a lot of birthdays, anniversaries, health news, etc, so Happy, Happy and I hope anyone not feeling well is better soon and/or gets good news. @dani negreanu continued thoughts & prayers for you and your family as well as @BonTexasNY Bonnie and Jacks. @lenquixote66 hope your daughter is better and you’re doing okay. We had only 11 trick or treaters last night, also mostly younger kids. I can’t believe it’s November 1st already! Time to start thinking about Christmas shopping 😬.
  8. We’ve arrived in Boston, 40 minutes ahead of schedule. Here’s our girl, waiting for a whole new group.
  9. IMO, this is part of the magic of cruising. Regardless of backgrounds, political/religious beliefs, etc, it’s just folks who love traveling and cruising in particular and love sharing the adventure with others. If you’re lucky, like we are, you fall in with a group that just clicks. The Bella thread and Dani’s thread started something really special here and I for one am thrilled to be a small part of it. I do believe many of us will continue to cruise together for years to come.
  10. I just looked at my invoice. We paid $ 165 per person for Beach Club which includes the meal. And they were VERY generous with the food. There are appetizer platters of shrimp cocktail, ceviche and tzatziki, hummus and baba ganouch served with veggies & pita bread. In addition to the extra lobster tails our waiter brought out, he also served us an extra plate of just the cocktail shrimp.
  11. You nailed it Jennifer! I haven’t posted much this week because we were busy having too much fun! Our Jost Van Dyke stop and charter was one if the best cruise days I’ve ever had. A big thank you to Greg @Sea Dog for doing the research and coordinating it all. It was wonderful to finally meet Larry @Husky1987 and Andi. I can only hope Andy and I are fortunate enough to sail again with this wonderful group of people!
  12. I love the version of Jolene with Dolly singing it with Miley Cyrus. Miley’s voice adds a blues-y quality that is great with the song.
  13. Really hot here in St Croix today. We had to seek shelter from the sun 😉.
  14. I’m not sure why it matters how the tables were set up? The eight of us were seated together and had a great time.
  15. Sorry Arzeena, no pictures. We were happy with our stay. The hotel is beautiful inside, has a great pool area, a rooftop restaurant and outdoor bar. The room was very nice, bed was comfy and the bathroom was large and all very clean. We were in the main building, 8th floor overlooking 17th St and the port. The only negative to this location was traffic noise while sitting out on the balcony but it didn’t carry into the room.
  16. This is the view from our room. Not pretty and quite noisy out on the balcony, but it should improve tomorrow morning 🛳️ .
  17. We’re trying out the water taxi today too, maybe we’ll see you somewhere along the way. Enjoy your day & take it easy on that knee.
  18. We had an uneventful flight which is always the goal. Arrived around 2:45 pm, Ubered to the Hilton Marina and room was ready. The only negative? The zipper pulls on one of our suitcases we’re completely torn off so the zipper is no good. Thank goodness I had luggage straps on it! So we walked a half mile up the road to a TJ Max and bought a new suitcase. Had dinner at Gilbert’s 17th Street Grill (amazing burgers - thank you @A&L_Ont) in the same plaza. Currently enjoying a Cosmo back at the Hilton.
  19. @A&L_Ont look where we had dinner tonight. Thanks to you for this long ago recommendation. It was fantastic as always.
  20. @dani negreanu thank you for updating us. As much as I hate what’s happening, I’m glad you have volunteer activities to keep yourself busy. You and the others are doing amazing work bringing comfort and basic necessities to those in need.
  21. This thread has been going for so long I can’t remember if I coined that phrase or is someone else did. I do recall referring to all of us here as “Dani’s flock”.
  22. We just returned from Europe and Med cruise on 10/9. Hope you have a great trip and safe travels!
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