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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. I do. See below. I was on a kick of printing photos since the start of the pandemic. Figured I’d have lots of time to put them into albums; nearly 3 years later and all I have is boxes of prints! I hope your grandson is better soon. My two granddaughters are just recovering from an ear infection-and resulting search for a pharmacy with Amoxicillin in stock (another shortage). The other one had flu-like symptoms, fever, etc for 3 days with negative C19 & flu tests. She finally turned the corner in day 4. What a wonderful gesture. There is kindness in the world.
  2. I did not know that, thanks for mentioning it. Beautiful coastline pictures you posted. Very nice photo Dani. Happy Hanukkah to all of you who celebrate!
  3. We’re home from our whirlwind weekend in NYC with our friends. We drove to New Haven CT yesterday morning and took the train into Grand Central station. It was a miserable, cold, rainy & windy day, so we took an Uber to our hotel & dropped off bags, then another Uber down near the 9/11 memorial. Grabbed some delicious pizza then headed to the 9/11 Museum. It was so moving and just amazingly well done. I do have to say I was a bit disappointed in our walk through what I think was referred to as the Historical section. It’s a fully enclosed area near the end of the tour where they let in groups of people. Unfortunately they let SO many people in that it was nearly impossible to get near or see any exhibits. It was shoulder to shoulder and very claustrophobic. I suspect this was done because it was nearing the end of the day and they wanted to allow as many people as possible to have access. So if you plan on visiting, I recommend you get tickets for early in the day. We had dinner reservations at Gallagher’s Steakhouse near the theater district and it was fantastic. Andy and I had the Porterhouse for two. Hands down, the best steak we’ve ever eaten. After dinner we walked over to Rockefeller Center to see the tree. Today was cold & sunny so we skipped Ubers and walked everywhere. We had tickets to the Intrepid Museum. I can’t recommend this enough if you visit the city. It was interesting, informative and thoroughly entertaining. Make sure you include the Concorde experience. Afterwards we walked through Times Square. It was crazy crowded. We grabbed lunch, then headed back to hotel to get our bags and back to Grand Central to catch the train north. Fun trip, but I didn’t take nearly as many pictures as I wanted to!
  4. Grocery prices are ridiculous. It seems like everything I pick up is 4.99! I feel for my daughter feeding 3 growing boys who eat constantly.
  5. We’re cruising with friends on NCL Jan 29th out of Miami. I believe NCL doesn’t start check-in until 21 days prior. I’d be okay with a later time to avoid crowds but our friends who are first time cruisers want to board as early as possible.
  6. My kids are always surprised by the things their Dad and I do on vacation, it’s like they didn’t know we’re fun! If they only knew some of the things we did in our younger days 😱!!
  7. I used to make them this way as it’s how my Italian grandmother taught me. Like you, I always left them undisturbed for about a half hour before stirring. She also told me to use a high fat content ground beef for moist, juicy meatballs. About 5 years ago, I started baking them beforehand which results in a lot less grease in the sauce that needs to be removed. Pre-baking means a lot of the grease ends up on the baking sheet instead of in the sauce. I bake them at 325 and only for about 25-30 minutes so the exterior is still soft, the way we prefer them. Then they get dropped right into the sauce to continue cooking for several hours. This is a great family photo Greg. Your son looks a lot like you.
  8. Such handsome boys Dani. We often babysit our three grandsons in PA when DD & SIL go away, sometimes for just a couple of days but we’ve done a maximum of 6 nights. There’s almost always an episode of tears when Mom & Dad video chat. Cheers to new beginnings and new adventures in your new home. All the memories from the house you’re leaving are going with you. @grapau27 best of luck tomorrow with your procedure. Today is a day of relaxing for me after cooking and preparing all day yesterday for my party last night. We had a great time, lots of delicious food (everyone brought something) and many laughs. Do I need to mention a lot of wine was consumed 😄?! I hate to use a four letter word, but we’re supposed to get 1 to 3 inches of s-n-o-w tonight.
  9. I’m very sorry for the loss of your Mom. May she rest in peace and may you find solace in knowing you gave her such great care.
  10. Busy week here, like most of you I’m sure. We have a Christmas Party tomorrow night at a friends house, then I’m having a party here Saturday night for a bunch of my friends. We’ve done it every year for about 20 years, but the last one was 2019 due to you know what. So I’ve been busy finishing up decorating, lugging all the holiday dishes & glasses up from the lower level. Certainly got my exercise! @Sunshine3601 I’m so glad to hear you and Eric are having a nice relaxing cruise, seems like great weather too. @Sea Dog You’re going to make a great Santa! I look forward to seeing the pictures.
  11. @HBE4 I’m so sorry to learn your dear wife has passed, may she Rest in Peace. What a blessing that you and your daughter have each other. Thank you for sharing those photos of your loving family.
  12. We’re considering flying for the Bella cruise. The original plan was to drive since we’ll be in Orlando the week prior to the cruise and want to have a car, plus needing to get to Miami. I just loathe the drive home from Miami. Flight to Orlando isn’t bad, but then we’d need to rent a car. Flights home from Miami or Ft Lauderdale after the cruise are outrageous.
  13. Sheesh, who lives in the other houses?! Taylor’s looks like one of the smaller ones, although I imagine the better view.
  14. I agree with you Dani, it is a fine line. And a simple inquiry is just that - an inquiry. It doesn’t mean going door to door searching, or doing some type of online deep-dive to learn more. I certainly have no interest in that type of thing. But I will continue to ask about the well being of the regulars here because to me that’s just the courteous thing to do. If they choose not to answer or respond, then so be it. I wouldn’t keep asking & tagging them over & over or trying other means to find out what’s going on. Just MHO.
  15. I agree. My oldest was two weeks overdue and I was scheduled for induction on the 15th day but went into labor the night before. My middle DD was induced at 11 days past her due date. Youngest arrived on her own 7 days late. I will say the induced labor went very very quick. Not ideal for a first birth because there’s no gradual increase in intensity, it’s just BAM-hard labor. @Lionesss your daughter looks great!
  16. I look at it this way. If I didn’t post for a while without any prior explanation, then came back to find nothing mentioned I would probably think “gee, no one even noticed I was gone?” I think it can’t hurt to just ask.
  17. @Jimbo enjoy your week in NC! In addition to HBE, @bobmacliberty hasn’t posted in a while. I thought I might see something from him after his Bills beat up on the Patriots last light. I hope everything’s okay with both of them and they’re just busy with holiday stuff.
  18. I’m so glad to hear you’re both going and hope you have a nice, relaxing week. Happy (belated) Anniversary to you & Jack!
  19. Just getting caught up here. Started a little Christmas shopping this week. Yesterday I pulled out all the plastic bins with indoor Christmas decorations and decided some things could use a refresh so tomorrow I’ll hit all the craft stores and HomeGoods. Andy started putting up outdoor lights but it’s slow going this year be a he’s only “allowed” on the ladder when I’m home to hold it for him. It is bitterly cold here today, 40 degrees but very windy making it feel so much colder. I’m jealous of you who are cruising this week.
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