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Everything posted by mtnesterz

  1. Someone may know, but Google imaging the stern of the Caribbean Princess, there doesn't appear anything that would be impeding your view. Seems like what Princess labels Obstructed View is, in some cases, a very minor thing, such as a solid non-glass railing, a flagpole... B750 does not even appear in the obstructed view section of Cruisedeckplans.com
  2. If you want to sightsee in Alaska, then the Sapphire is the best choice IMHO. I think the Coral will be in Alaska this year, maybe not. The Grand would be OK too, but the Royal is so big it takes a different route. So you must have a reason for wanting to be high up and choosing the Royal, which isn't clear why. A cabin up a deck to Lido, then aft is the Horizon buffet and aft Terrace. Some sightseeing there with easy access to snacks and hot drinks. You ask for thoughts and that's what I'd do.
  3. Don't know if it is current, but at one time, if you had loyalty status on Carnival, for example, you used to get one star Mariner on HAL. The only line, non-Carnival family, that matches is MSC level for level. But I have never sailed MSC and at their highest level, their perks didn't jump up and grab me.
  4. Welcome to CC. In addition to climate, you might also have many other questions about Alaska. A good place to look is the Ports of Call, Alaska section. You will find this on the main forum page, because the weather will be the same on any other ship as it is on a Princess ship. For climate, per each city, you can Google that. Being so far apart, Anchorage will be much different than Ketchikan, though I can almost assure you of rain in Ketchikan, where they measure rainfall in feet, not inches. Agree with above mentioned layers otherwise.
  5. I see you are new to starting a thread. Two things. It helps if you ask you question in the title, since most posts are asking a question, it will help getting answers. Second, you might post in the Ports of Call section under Asia. As it happens there is already a thread which might help, if not, it would be good place to focus you specific question. I will ask your thread be merged. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2895425-visa-requirement-for-s-korea/
  6. You might enjoy looking at this comparison of passenger space ratio on ships. https://cruisefever.net/most-crowded-cruise-ships-by-passenger-space-ratio/
  7. Two versions here along with some history of the drink. Neither is promised to be close to what the ship served. https://www.adn.com/arts/2018/06/21/alaskana-recipe-the-historic-alaska-cocktail/
  8. As is often the case when we see this type of question, the answer is hidden in your phrasing. As I read your post, you say you don't like to dress up, but at odds with that, it's important to you is how you fit in; how you are perceived by what you wear. To some it truly doesn't matter, but to you it does and that is OK. If it will help you feel more in the spirit of things dressing up, then do that. Also, you might rethink your routine. Returning from an excursion, showering and changing reframes your thinking, shifts gears if you prefer. It prepares you for the evening; a nice drink, a memorable dinner and a show. You're on vacation, don't rush things. Enjoy full measure.
  9. You may have been on the Royal, but that doesn't tell us which ship you will be on next time. If another class ship, then Google image the ship name and bathroom electrical. A photo shows a US 110v U-ground available on the Royal. Why a water pick wouldn't work, I don't know. If a Grand Class, as I recall, there was a two prong 110v or a type C at the sink. You couldn't plug both in at the same time. Coral Class? I have no idea. Whatever, just Google it.
  10. Drop (everything) and Go (on short notice.) Great for retirees. Though they don't have trouble selling Alaska. We got a great deal on Santiago to LA on a Drop and Go. Ship still wasn't crowded. Log on to Princess- My Account- Captain's Circle Tab- Standby. Select locations and time window you want. Also under My Profile tab- Account Contact Information, Receive News and Offers. We get ours by email.
  11. Do join the roll call. Meet and Greet is already planned.
  12. We have done this cruise several times. Weather is no big deal anytime we've gone. It's about the immersion experience on this itinerery. Elua is the team we enjoy. Volcano action has been on the south side of Hawaii. The ships usually go to the north, however I did read of one ship thatsailed around the south to see an eruption, but I can't say from experience.
  13. In a word, no. But take into account you're flying out of Canada in November to London, both places are chilly that time of year. Then fly home to Montreal in late November. I like to wear a jacket on the plane. There can also be quite a breeze on deck. I'm pretty sure for comfort's sake he will bring a sport coat for the plane, connections and excursions anyway. Whether he wears it dining is up to him and no problem. If by dinner jacket you mean a white jacket and tie, those are rarely seen these days, even on TAs where they tend to be more dressy. A sport coat gives options and is not a burden if worn on the plane, but handy for travel.
  14. For those interested, this cruise is now viewable for Elite on the Princess website. Tomorrow will be viewable for others.
  15. Agree with MissP22. For you, with a long commute to a departure port, it comes down to a balancing act. How much of your luggage do you want to devote alcohol and sodas/mixers vs. just buying a package onboard? Sodas and mixers must be in cans or plastic, no glass. Bottle size on the wine is supposed to be 750ml, though I did see a guy with a 5L boxed wine. Don't know how that worked out.
  16. What jumps out at me is you will be returning to port and presumably flying home, Dec 23rd. If flying around the Holidays doesn't bother you, then the longer cruise would be the choice. As far as ship, the Emerald, is better for sightseeing, Skywalkers, a full Prommenade deck... Staff and food are consistent in our experience ship to ship on the line.
  17. Google image an aft view of the ship. Emerald Deck is one deck above where Caribbean Princess is written. Nice wake view! As a general rule of thumb though, avoid a cabin next to a white space, a workers corridor, housekeeping storage... in use at all hours. To @BamaVol, we've been above clubs and the theater and noise has not been a problem. I'm uncomfortable below one of the pools.
  18. We are also sailing RT to Hawaii. A different day/ship. Website shows about $100pp reduction for our cabin type. When I call our CVP, he says the price has not dropped. A discrepancy between online and actual fare. I was logged in BTW. If Sweetrosie called and successfully got refared, now I'm wondering which price is true? Thoughts anyone?
  19. Thank you for the update. Please do let us know how things turn out. Wishing the best! Also true it is good to know what to do when things go awry.
  20. Regarding excursions. Many contracted tour operators stopped functioning during Covid, including those providing disabled services. That's not on Princess, you will find this true for any cruise line that contracts with shoreside operators at the present time. Princess does offer cabins accomodating the disabled. Standard door width on the Enchanted is 22". My dad's walker was 25". Narrow walkers for travel are, or were at that time, made. Hope you continue to enjoy cruising, but whichever line you choose, do plan ahead.
  21. The Caribbean's older sisters, Golden and Star, transferred to P&OAU, It's been speculated the Caribbean will also transfer there soon for perhaps another 10 or 15 years of service. Point is, a cruise ship can last 30 to 40 years. Many prefer these Grand Class ships over the newer Royal Class. Will take other's word there is a program for kids, but Princess does not really market to them. There's something in that. Pizza is very good!
  22. We had 3 cancellations during Covid, so certainly understand your concerns in all things relating to a new booking. Having watched the sales for years now, it doesn't seem to matter much. We booked one cruise during a so-called Best Sale Ever and it actually had less OBC offered than the previous sale, but the price was changed to compensate. In the larger sense, if you see a favorite cabin you like, as we did, (discovered a cancellation) also in our case, we discovered a great immersion program would be onboard, its time to book. If that amounted to a few dollars, then YOLO. We've done one cruise since restart and you may notice some belt tightening onboard, and some shoreside excursion operators are no longer operating. If you look beyond the small things, its still great to get out there. Enjoy!
  23. Probably more than you want to know, but here you go. If you wish to buy one during the cruise, don't buy in the tourist shops. Take a shuttle to a Walmart at one of the ports and buy there. The cheapest won't stay on tune or be intonated correctly. Exotic woods like Koa and fancy inlays can run the price to hundreds. Sapele is the traditional wood, thus sound, for a ukulele and unadorned was just over one hundred, before Covid. Look for separate covered tuning gears instead of an open row of exposed gears to assess for higher quality. Consider used. Someone is always cleaning out a closet.
  24. Don't have the menu from that itinerary, but will say that I'm consistently pleased with the variety and considering the number of meals they have to prepare daily. Much better than RCCL food, perhaps not quite as good as Celebrity. This of course is a matter of taste. Also, to my taste, the food is consistently oversalted, this after 16 cruises with them. You can ask for low sodium. If someone in your party has special dietary needs, they can accomodate. A post about that awhile back: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2792137-dietary-restrictions/
  25. Thank you, dog, for bringing this to our attention and saving us some money. After reading your post, I checked and our cruise dropped $100/pp, same cabin type. I will call next week about a refare.
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